Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Four

We walked into the store and I almost screamed. I saw a guy with golden brown hair morph into a brown wolf. It was insane. Then I turned around and saw a girl with white wings, and I thought this was a wolf store. “Whoa,” was all I could manage.

“Callie? Callie Abbot is that you,” a rough voice called.

“Bear? Oh, it's been forever,” she answered as a really tall guy came up and hugged her. I just stood there awkwardly. I kept glancing over my shoulder in case Chris and Blood talked Aaron into killing me.

“Who is your friend, here,” the really tall guy questioned. He looked like he was close to 7 feet tall, he had dark orange eyes, and dark brown hair. He was really muscular but it suited him.

“This is Riley, my boss's daughter. Riley this is Jacob Brewster,” Callie announced Jacob smiled and offered me a hand to shake.

“You can call me Bare, everyone else does.”

“Okay, Bare, it's nice to meet you.” I put my hand into his, and his hand seriously swallowed mine.

“So, what brings you to this lovely place.” He spread his long arms as he motioned to the store.

“I wanted to look around, and Riley needs to get her brother some clothes,” Callie answered.

“Why? Can't he get his own clothes.”

“No, he can't. He's in the hospital.” Callie was answering all of his questions so I started to look at the clothes.

I tried to take my mind of my big mouth almost getting me killed and to think of something Josh would wear. I didn't know exactly what Josh's style of clothing was, but the day he went to the hospital he wore a random pair of jeans and some tee shirt with a logo on it. I looked around and found some theme shirts. They all had wolves on them. Most had the wolf in some sort of moonlit forest scene. They looked so real, and stunning. I wanted one for myself, but they were guys and I was here for Josh. I finally decided on a shirt with a full moon shining over a lake while a wolf drank water, and a shirt with a random dragon logo. Then I walked towards the jeans. As I was glancing through them I heard a chuckle. I looked up over the rack to almost have a heart attack.

“You know you look more like a girl right,” the guy in front of me asked. He had curly dirty blond hair and purple eyes. His hair hung down below his ears and framed his face making those perfect eyes of his stand out. He looked to be about Aaron's height, and was very muscular.

“These aren't for me, I couldn't possibly fit into this,” I laughed as I held up a shirt that you could fit two of me in. It would probably be a little big for Josh, but that's how he likes his clothes.

“Yeah, but you looked so intent.”

“I usually go off into my own little world when I'm alone.”

“You're alone? That can't be. No offense but you smell human.”

“Okay, so I'm not exactly alone, and none taken because I am human.”

“So, who are you with?”

“My friend. She's over there talking to that one really tall guy.” I pointed to Bare as I went back to looking at jeans. I found one pair like Josh's old favorite pair with the knees ripped out, so I grabbed them.

“Bare? I've never heard anyone call him that really tall guy.”

“That's because you don't know many short humans.”

“Yeah, I guess not. So, you're with Bare?”

“No, I'm with Callie who ran into Bare.”

“Callie Abbot?”

“Yeah, why?” His face saddened, then he looked really angry.

“That's my sister.” He seemed so sad about that little detail.

“Well, your sister has been nothing but kind to me. Plus she seems like she loves her job now,” He cut me off just as I was about to say 'because she has to hang with me.'

“She better love that job. She ran away from her family for it.”

“I take offense to that,” he looked at me as if I was insane, ”I am her job.”

“She left us for a stupid human,” he said in disgust.

“Look, wolf boy, go away. I don't want trouble, but I've all ready gotten myself into a lot of messy situations in the last two days. I really don't feeling like having it out with you.” I instantly regretted saying that. A werewolf against a human. It's pretty obvious who would win. He started growling a little, but I was a little afraid to look up at him.

“Rain, back away slowly,” Callie shouted. How she knew I was in trouble we'll never know. The guy just growled harder. I grabbed a random pair of jeans, and walked away.

“Here Callie, could you pay for these for me. I just need to be away from that guy before I do or say something insane,” I pleaded as I handed her the clothes and the money. She nodded and glared at him as I walked away. I walked out into the bright hall and leaned against the wall with my eyes shut tight.

“Look Blood, she didn't leave after all,” an all to familiar voice spoke. I wanted to kill the voice right then.

“Do you smell something, strange,” Blood said in confusion. Why did he have to start that again?

“Like what?

“Food?” My eyes flew open to see Blood. His once hazel eyes matched his hair. I immediately glanced at my palm. Josh always told me that nasty habit of digging my fingers into my palm when I was emotional would get me into trouble. It never failed whenever I had an over whelming feeling of emotion my fingers on my right hand automatically dug into my left hand. I usually kept my nails short so I wouldn't cut my hand, I guess I had forgotten to trim my nails because I was bleeding.

“Yeah, but do you see what I see, Blood?” His voice was mocking but his face gave him away, his worried expression played across his face before he could control it.

“Blood,” was all the guy they called Blood could manage. A feeling of power overwhelmed me. I could feel it from the tips of my toes all the way to the bloody mess in my hand.

“You're thirsty,” I heard myself ask as I took a step towards him. I seemed more confident, I couldn't figure out what I was doing, but I couldn't stop either. It was like my body had a mind of it's own, and it felt great to just let it speak its mind. Blood nodded, not taking his eyes off my hand, and stepped forward too.

“Isn't that sweet you want my,” I trailed off as I put my pointer finger to my bloody hand.

“Blood!” His eyes lit up. He was shaking from all that self control that kept him from leaping on my palm. His muscles convulsed with the tightness. I smiled seductively as I stepped to him. His tongue slipped out of his mouth. To be honest, he looked a bit like a dog dying of thirst in the middle of July.

“What if I won't let you taste?” I looked at Chris who was in shock. I smiled innocently as Blood wrapped a long muscular arm around my waist.

“Then I won't let go.” He was being flirtatious. My mind was screaming, and I was dying to laugh out loud, but something stopped me.

“Maybe that's what I wanted.” I put my bloody finger an inch away from his mouth. I was in shock I couldn't believe what I was doing. He's a vampire and he has his arms around me firmly, and I'm bleeding.

“Really, and all this time I thought you were a good little human.” He smiled as he lowered his mouth. Every time he got close enough to lick the blood I pulled my finger back just a little. That is until he got close enough for me to kiss, then I licked the blood off my finger, and kissed him. At first he didn't move out of shock, then he got into the kiss and was over the blood on my palm.

After a few seconds, or minutes which ever it was, I pushed his lips away from mine. “See, you don't need blood,” I whispered in his ear.

“You're not human,” he whispered back. That knocked me out of the spell I was under.

“Oh my God, what the hell am I doing?”

“I don't know, but you're really good at it.”

“Blood, that's enough of whatever that was,” Chris cut in as Blood started kissing my neck. If he wouldn't have had his fangs bared it would have felt really good. I pushed his head away from my neck and looked him in the eyes. Those beautiful caramel hazel eyes.

“Promise me you won't bite?” He looked really confused until I held up my bloody palm. He removed one of his arms from my waist and took my hand into his own.

“I didn't bite your finger or your neck. Trust me darling, I'm not going to bite your palm.” He licked off the slow drying blood then kissed the middle of it. “Besides, too much of someone like you would kill someone like me.”

“Blood! Let's go now,” Chris ordered.

“Chris? Chris Barlow,” A smooth voice asked.

“Riley,” Callie asked as Blood dropped my hand and removed his other arm from my waist. He smiled wickedly, and I don't know if it was me, or him, or whatever just happened but he got ten times hotter in those 10 seconds when he walked away.

“Morgan,” Blood Cooed. My blood ran cold. I thought about what Aaron said, how sad his face was, and that stupid chain. I hated that name, and I couldn't help but to wonder if that was the same girl.

“Riley what are you doing with. What was he?” Callie tried to ask her questions, but she sniffed instead.

“He just kissed me,” I said innocently as I turned to look at her.

“We have to go now, not because of Blood, but because of that smell coming from your blood, and your eyes.” My blood, my eyes, what could be wrong with my blood's smell or my eyes? Then it hit me as Blood gave me a fang filled smile as Callie dragged me away.

“I'm not human,” I whispered. Callie sighed and dragged me the rest of the way to the car.

“Don't say that Riley. We don't know what it is.”

“No. Blood knew, he told me.” I was in the verge of tears how could I grow up thinking my entire life was a lie. If I'm not human what am I, what could I be? Worst of all, would I die?