Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Five

“Chris, Blood. How's it been boys,” Morgan asked cheerfully. You have to be careful with elementals especially Morgan the fire elemental.

“Morgan. It's been hectic with the new blood on the job,” Chris answered in a mocking tone as he stared Blood down.

“Don't mind him, he;s just jealous,” Blood laughed. He didn't have to fake happiness, he was still high on Riley's blood.

“Jealous? Why would Chris be jealous of you and some girl.” She was confused and she hated being confused.

“Because she's a,” Chris cute him off quickly.

“Because she's the boss's daughter.” Morgan looked pissed, and she wasn't a very good angry person at all.

“Does this have something to do with Aaron,” she shot Chris a glare full of daggers.

“Some what.” Chris was panicking.

“Morg, nice seeing ya, but we have to go,” Blood said as he grabbed his cell and pretended to read an urgent text.

“What's going on,” Chris questioned. He gave Blood a questioning look.
“Boss wants to see us. Looks like I might be in a little trouble,” Blood smiled. He knew Blood was lying, but it was believable enough that Morgan didn't ask questions.

“Tell Aaron hello for me, and I may stop by later,” she walked away with her flaming red hair bouncing.

“Aaron is going to kill me when he finds out I made out with Riley,” Blood laughed.

“Then he'll kill me for Morgan coming over,” Chris sighed. Blood smiled and patted him on the shoulder reassuringly.

“Yeah, but at least he'll kill you quickly. He's going to torture me.” Chris laughed at that as we walked towards the mall exit.

“Well lets give him the bad news.”

“What's wrong with me,” I screamed as Callie sped down the highway.

“Dean didn't tell you, but he will when he sees what's happened,” Callie growled. I pulled the visor down so I could see in the mirror again.

“What did Blood do to me?” I was on the verge of tears. My once forest green eyes were silvery green, my skin was much paler than normal, and my dark brown hair was so black that it had a blue tint. I'll admit, I was stunning in that mirror, I mean like super model beautiful. It was scary though because of that feeling of over whelming power was back, and it was so strong. “I'm going to die,” I cried. The tears came down like rain drops and I slowly felt myself going into hysterics.

“No, well, maybe. That depends on how much human blood is in you.”

“Callie, I am human. Well, I'm supposed to be. God, I'll kill that boy. If Blood did this to me, I swear I'll kill him.”

“Calm down. He didn't do anything, we're almost home. You need to talk to your dad, he'll explain everything.” I tried to listen to her, but there was another voice in my head too.

“Callie, I don't feel so good,” I whispered.

“We're here Ry,” she got cut off by this really loud humming noise. The world suddenly got to bright for me to hold my eyes open, then everything went black. “Riley, wake up. Please,” Called begged but I couldn't move. I couldn't answer her, my eyelids hurt too much to open. Then Callie's voice drifter away and I felt no more pain.

“Dean, Eddy, Aaron? Some one help me,” Callie screamed.

“Callie, what's going on,” Aaron asked worriedly.

“Riley, got really angry. Something happened, and I'm not sure what it was. Her eyes turned silvery, her skin got milky white, and then she passed out.” Callie was breathing heavily.

“I'll get her, you go find Dean. Tell him we'll be in her room, hurry.” Callie ran towards the condo as he went to Riley's car door.

At first, Arron didn't know what to think. Riley sat in the passenger seat so peacefully. Her chest rose and fell in a deep rhythmic patter of sleep, but something was wrong. She was too pale, almost translucent, her hair had darkened a lot, and she didn't seem right. He put his thumb gently on her eyelid and lifted it until her retina was visible. He expected those beautiful forest green eyes, but instead he was met with pure silver ones. “Arron, Dean isn't here. Do you know anything about this,” Callie questioned worriedly.

“Yeah, get in the house and call Luna quickly.” Arron wasn't sure, but he had a feeling Dean lied about being human. He knew Riley's mom wasn't human because Dean accidentally got drunk and told Eddy and him. Maybe Chris was right. Working for the weaker race is stupid, and over rated. Caring for humans is even more stupid, but he couldn't help it. Riley had this ability to make the bad things go away.

Aaron grabbed Riley as Callie dialed Luna's number. Luna wasn't exactly a doctor, she was more like a witch, but she would know how to help Riley. He didn't want to tell Callie, but Dean had left earlier for his weekly meeting with Jack. Jack, the angle of death, the grim reaper, or whatever people call him, is nothing but trouble. “Luna says she's on her way,” Callie reported as we entered the empty building. All creatures could leave this save haven as long as we don't harm humans. Most of us were teenagers that lived with Dean while high schools took breaks. There is a college for us in the other realm, but Aaron never wanted to go to college. High school was hard enough to live through.

“Great, Riley you're going to be okay,” he said aloud as Callie led us to a couch in the massive living room.

“Callie, can I borrow your phone,” Aaron asked politely. Callie knew something was going on, she knew he knew what it was, but she refused to believe it could be anything bad. She handed him her phone and watched him walk away.

“Callie,” I asked in a child like voice. Every where I looked it was pitch black, I couldn't even see my hand. I felt something warm covering me. It felt soft and fluffy. I thought it was a blanket of some sort, until it drooled on my shoulder. “Callie,” I screamed loud enough to wake the dead.

“Huh,” she asked sleepily in the dark.

“Callie,” I whimpered.

“What Rile.” She trailed off as she flicked the light switch. “ Aaron she's away,” she screamed down the hall.

“Oh my God,” There was a freaking white tiger curled up behind me with a huge paw over my shoulder.

“Really,” that velvety smooth voice spoke.

“Oh my good.” Aaron walked into the room wearing just his boxers.

“Callie,” I breathed as the tiger stirred, “help me.” Aaron laughed, he just stood there laughing. I was dumbfounded. How could his gorgeous self laugh at a time like this. A freaking tiger is laying on a couch with me. Hey, I think it's hugging me.

“Chris, she's awake,” Aaron said through a fit of laughter. The tiger snored loudly.

“Oh my God he's going to rip me apart isn't he?”

“No, Riley that's Chris. He's what we like to call a jaracas,” Aaron explained as Callie shook the paw on my shoulder.

“Sorry Ry. We couldn't find a blanket so we made Chris be furry. Luna said to let you rest and she'd be back tomorrow,” Callie finished.

“What's a jaracas,” I had some trouble with the pronunciation.

“It's a vampire that is also a shape shifter,” Chris answered sleepily. He moved his arm from my shoulder to my waist and pulled me closer. He buried his face into the crook of my shoulder.

“Okay, um, Mr. Jaracas, do you mind,” I breathed. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and it made me very uncomfortable.

“Hm.” He didn't move.

“oh my God he's going to eat me,” I whimpered.

“He won't. He's too tired, Riley, look at him. He probably thinks you're a teddy bear,” Aaron laughed but it seemed fake.

“Okay, Chrissy, sweetie where's Blood,” I whispered as I rubbed a hand through his silvery blond hair. It was soft and silky. He reminded me so much of Craig, I wanted to hug him when he was nice like this.

“In our room. He was kind of angry. Probably at Ivy,” Chris answered as he snuggled once again.

“Can you stop doing that please,” Aaron said in one of those command voices. I couldn't stop laughed long enough to worry because Chris was tickling me.

“I think I want my bed,” I finally said when Chris reluctantly got off the couch.

“You talk way to much,” Chris laughed as he walked away.

“Come on, she can stay in my room for the rest of the night,” Callie said, more to Arron than to me.

“And what if I want my bed? Seriously Arron put on clothes please.” They laughed at the latter. I couldn't help it, he seriously did it to torture me. I couldn't stop staring at his amazing-ness.

“I'll watch her Callie. It's not a problem, besides I need to make another call.” Callie nodded and walked down the hall. She seemed kind of hurt. After I feel better I will make it a point to have a sleep over with her.

“So, was it bad sleeping with my cousin,” Aaron joked.

“What, evil Mr. Jaracas is your cousin?”

“Yeah, well kind of. The vampire that sired my sire, well he also sired a shape shifter, who had a son.” I was in shock. I didn't know vampires could be cousins.

“Wait, you guys can like turn other creatures?”

“Yeah, we can go out in the sun after we eat, it doesn't hurt us, and some vampires can have children.”

“Whoa, that's kind of um, how do they have kids?”

“Riley don't you think your dad should tell you about the bats and the trees?”

“No! I mean, they're dead. Their cells are dead how does that work.” He sure knows how to embarrass a girl. He laughed at me.

“It takes a lot long if that's what you mean. They have to regenerate cells and everything. It's a gruesome process that requires a lot of blood.”


“How did we go from innocently sleeping with my cousin to having vampire kids?” My eyes widened. That sounded a lot worse than he meant for it to. Or at least I don't think he meant for it to sound that bad.

“I have no idea.”

I tried to get off the couch. I could sit up on my own, but standing was a different story. I pushed offed the couch only to land on my face. “Ugh, this is going to be difficult,” I said out loud. I could feel my legs shake as I tried to get up, it was so strange.

“Come on, we don't have time for this,” Aaron smiled as he lifted me off the floor with one hand.

“Please don't.” I trailed off as he picked me up bridal style.

“This is worse.” I breathed as I looked at the floor. That was at least a 6 foot drop down.

“Are you afraid of heights,” his velvety smooth voice said. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
“You are,” he laughed really hard. I thought he was going to drop me.

“Aaron please, stop. I'm more afraid of falling than of heights.” He stopped laughing.

“Really?” He let me slip a bit. I seriously jumped some how, and ended up clinging to his neck like a scared kitten. He laughed even harder.

“I want down, sit on the floor now Arron,” I growled at him.

“Here, really, I won't drop you I swear.” He placed his hand on my back more firmly, and got his other arm under my knees. I loosened my grip on his neck, and he lowered my feet to the floor. I was safely on the floor, and staggering down the hall. He made me lean on him for support after laughing at my disposition. Don't get me wrong though, I'm really not complaining. That put me closer to those perfect muscles of his. A sound pulled my attention away from his body, it sounded kind of like a door.

“Blood,” Aaron questioned. My heart jumped at the thought of what happened. How could he tell if anyone was there. The hall was so dark.

“Yeah,” a voice answered. He sounded like he had been crying.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine, um. Is Dean around?”

“No, he went to a meeting.” What meeting? My dad said nothing about a meeting.


“With Dean.”

“I'm going over to Ivy's.”

“Who is Ivy,” I blurted out. Aaron pulled me closer some how, and I could tell he was about to speak, but I heard Blood's unsteady voice first.

“My girlfriend.” He sounded a little hurt, and a lot angry.

“Cool, is she cute?” Aaron burst out laughing. He let me go unexpectedly, and I landed on my butt which hit the floor very hard. “What happened to 'trust me I won't drop you,” I grumbled. Aaron only laughed harder. I was sulking in the floor when I heard another beautiful chuckle.

“Yeah, she's beautiful,” Blood answered in a lighter tone. I felt a hand on my arm, and my skin tingled underneath the fingers.

“Very cool, now I think you should get going or you might be late.” Aaron was still laughing uncontrollably.

“Really?” He sounded shocked, “I mean, it's just weird with earlier and all.” The latter shocked me. What was I supposed to say to that? I couldn't tell him that I couldn't stop thinking about that.

“Earlier? That was just like a seizure or something. That was no big thing.” He let go of my arm, and I reached out for a wall or something to hold myself up only to come crashing down onto the floor once again.

“I have to go now,” he said angrily. I sighed and Aaron stopped laughing.

“God, is it drop the human day around here or what,” I yelled from the floor.

“You're not human,” Blood screeched.

“What, how do you know,” Aaron questioned.

“I'm in trouble with Ivy, Aaron, because of your stupid little girlfriend there came onto me at the mall. Silver green eyes, black hair, translucent skin, bloody palm, and all,” Blood hissed. I heard running and then I was suddenly blinded.

“Oh, no I;m not passing out again,” I sighed only I felt my nails dig into my sore palm.

“Riley Self, if you break skin,” Callie trailed off, but it was too late. That power my body had was back, and it was a lot stranger.

“Get Luna here now,” Aaron growled. Callie whipped out a phone.

“Stop, who is this Luna,” a voice that wasn't mind but came from me spoke. The voice was smooth, seductive, and everyone started staring at me.

“Luna is a watch doctor,” Callie spoke.

“Call this Luna, I want to know what's wrong with me.” It sounded more like me this time. I could see Blood from down the hall staring at my palm just like at the mall. He walked back to stand beside Aaron. He took a step towards me with a smirk on his face. I smiled, “Go to this Ivy you spoke of, you are not needed here.” I waved a hand in a shoo motion. He glared at me, hurt was spread across his face as he stomped towards me this time. He covered the foot between us all to quickly.

“Darling, we were just a fling. Don't think you can control me,” he whispered. His breath was warm and it tickled my ear. I wanted to kiss him again like last time, but I stood my ground. One thing I know for sure is that I'm not going to be a home wrecker.

“Why do you think I'm sending you away,” I whispered in his ear, making sure he felt every word, “I know we were just a one time only thing. Now I have things to do.” I looked at Aaron and smiled. Blood hissed before he turned on his heal and stormed away.

“Would you like a repeat of the mall,” I whispered to Aaron, and he froze. His muscles tightened and I could smell the fear coming from him. Callie walked away as she talked to whoever was on the phone.

“Um, Riley,” Aaron stuttered as I put my finger to my bloody palm

“What Aaron,” I asked all to sweetly.

“I don't think this is safe.” He watched as I drew my finger back. The sweet crimson liquid dripped off slowly.

“Just don't bite.” I held up the finger an inch from his lips just like before. This time was a lot different though.