Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Six

Aaron's stormy gray eyes started to darken until they were almost black with lust. His lips parted with anticipation, but instead of lowering his head like Blood had, Aaron shoved me against the wall.

“Don't ever make that mistake again Riley,” he hissed angrily, “I'm nothing like Blood. He knows when to stop.” Aaron's eyes returned to a more normal shade of gray. They weren't quiet as light as they were before, but they weren't black either.

“I trust you, Aaron. Blood is only after one thing,” I breathed nervously. His body was pressed against mine, his eyes wavered between that weird dark gray to black. He smirked slightly.

“You're just a kid Riley, you don't know what you're doing.”

“Would you be this close if I didn't know?” I couldn't help but to think about his words. He was absolutely right, I had no idea what I was doing, but it felt wonderful to let go and just do it.

Aaron backed away abruptly. I felt a little hurt until I saw his eyes. The black had taken over, and I could feel how much he wanted my blood. It was scary, but I still felt that surge of power. I hated that power at this very moment. Look at what it's done to Aaron, it's hurting him. He took a step forward with a look of pure hunger on his face. I took a step to the side ready to run, but I some how knew I'd never make it out of this situation alive. “Here Aaron, Luna will be here soon,” Callie said as she carried a big cup. He turned that gaze on her and she cringed. “You really need this.” She put the cup in his hands and grabbed my arm. Aaron guzzled down the contents of the cup as we walked away.

“What was that,” I questioned in that silky tone that wasn't mine at all.

“Aaron's blood lust, you're lucky, if I hadn't shown up when I did you would have been his breakfast.” My eyes widened. Thank God for Callie, and the fact that Aaron was struggling to keep it under control.

“Callie, why was Blood so hurt?” I couldn't control asking that question. I wanted to know, but I really shouldn't have asked Callie. Maybe I should have asked Blood instead.

“I guess, he thought a little too much of that scene at the mall. Maybe he thought you should be more upset with him. He could even be mad at himself for getting to Ivy through you. Who knows what runs though that boy's mind?”

“I hate that name. It reminds me of that redhead from Batman who put Robin against him.” She laughed and nodded.

“At least she's better than Morgan,” Aaron said from the door. Callie picked up my bloody palm.

“Speaking of Morgan. Does she have silky red hair, and pretty emerald eyes, kind of tan skin. Is she just a little taller than me?” His eyes widened at my description. I winced as Callie put rubbing alcohol on my wound.

“How do you know that?” Aaron sounded hurt. He must have thought I read that journal, which I didn't read.

“I saw her at the mall after my floor show. She talked to Chris, I think.” Aaron ran from the room.

“That hurts,” I said out loud. Callie apologized thinking I was talking about my hand, but I meant having two guys run from me in the last hour.

“Luna,” Callie cried as she opened the door. My hand was cleaned and healing almost too quickly for a human. Aaron hadn't returned and neither had Blood.

“Callie darling,” a whimsical voice answered. A woman came through the door. She was about 5'8 with dark blue hair and pale blue eyes. She was slender, and she carried a little black bag.

“Luna, you remember Riley. Riley this is Luna. She's a creature doctor.”

“Don't be silly, Callie, you know I'm a Ragana.”

“Ragana?” These people, well I should call them beings, had a name for everything.

“I'm a witch. I can see what's to come. I can also help you to control that power of yours, and I can also see what is ailing you.” She gave me a look that told me she knew everything running though my mind at that moment, which was basically I'm going to kill that vampire. I sighed and nodded.

“It's nice to meet you,” was all I could muster.

“Does she have a room of her own. I want her to be comfortable, and alone for at least twenty-four hours. The only people she is allow to see is the people who bring her food and water, and me of course.” My eyes went wide. I couldn't be alone for that long. I'd go crazy.

“Yes, it's down the hall in front of Aaron's. You remember the room we talked in.”

“Yes, I remember. What about her father?”

“He's meeting with Jack, um, this week.”

“Jack as in Jack Death?”

“Yes Luna, that Jack”

“Oh my.”

“Who is Jack Death,” I questioned.

“You'd call him the grim reaper, dear, now come along we must get started,” Luna answered.

“I'll call her dad,” Callie said worriedly as we walked out of the room.

“This is going to be painful isn't it,” I questioned worriedly.

“Yes, look sweetie this is what happened,” she paused to switch sides of the hall with me as we got closer to the 'recruits' door. “Your dad is at the least a potianak, at the most he's a full blooded vampire. Your mom must have been either an angel, a fallen angel, or a kitsune which turned you into a vixen.” My mouth fell open in shock.


“Well your mom could have been human, but that's rare, and if she was then it depends on how much human blood you inherited before you die.”

“Before I what?”

“This procedure is going to pull the human out of you.”

“I'm going to die.”

“No you're not. Your heart is. I'm basically doing what priests call an exorcism only backwards. You have to be alone and drink plenty of,” I cut her off before she could say the word I was thinking.

“If you say blood I'll murder you.”

“Fluids, like water. You'll be allowed one meal in the afternoon,” she continued with a bit of a glare. I sighed as I thought of how dying would be. We got to my door and I heard yelling but I was too caught up in my own thoughts to pay any attention to it. I was getting my human spirit sucked out of me. My heart was going to stop beating, and I would die.