Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Seven

“Wait, you found out what,” Dean shouted causing the tiny phone to vibrate. His daughter was human he made sure she was when Rebbecca was pregnant with her. He even took her to a 'special' doctor that knew about stuff like that.

“Riley isn't human,” Callie said weakly. She didn't want to have to give her boss the upsetting news, but someone had to.

“What's happening?” Dean was upset and worried, she could tell by the sound of his voice. It was more fatherly than before. He was probably wondering what could they do to his baby girl? He knew he was scaring Callie, but right then he didn't really care.

“Luna, she's bleeding her,” Callie whispered sadly.

In the fantasy world, as non believers call it, bleeding didn't mean to just take out the blood. It meant to take out the weakness. Usually only demons had it done to gain more power, but on rare occasions like this, humans did it. Luna would bleed Riley until her vixen side grew strongest, or her human side died. If her human side lived she would keep her memories, if it died, Riley, would be completely different.

“I'll be home tomorrow morning, tell Luna I am to be with her through out this dreadful process,” Dean hissed. He knew being a potianak would get him in trouble one day, he just never thought it could kill what he loved the most in the world.

“Yes sir.” Callie hung up the phone and walked out of her room. She headed towards Riley's. Hopefully Luna hadn't started yet, and then she's have to follow Dean's wishes. She owed him that much especially considering that meeting Rebbecca and having Riley was all her fault.

Callie could hear screaming as she neared Riley's room, but it wasn't Riley's screams. “What's going on,” a very sleepy Chris asked.

“I think Morgan is here,” Callie answered by yelling over the screams.

“I'm dead,” he whimpered. She laughed.

“Hey why do I smell Luna?”

“She's bleeding Riley, hopefully after the boss gets here.” He nodded and went back into his room.

Callie knocked loudly on Aaron's door the screaming stopped, and she took her opportunity to knock. “What,” Aaron growled angry from the now open door. She sent him a glare full of daggers as a low rumble started in her throat.

“Riley needs quiet got it,” she barked out at him.

“Callie anger is not your virtue, sweetie,” Morgan's voice rang out. She almost killed Callie once, and she wouldn't get the chance to try again either.

“Aaron, you or your 'playmate' get Riley killed just remember there's a list starting to build in her favor. Number one Dean, Number two Eddy, number three me, and Number four Luna. Of course I'm sure Chris and Blood would get to torture you a little too though,” I growled. He stood wide eyed as I stepped next door and knocked quietly.

“Get out Morgan. We have to make sure Riley lives,” he hissed. She went to the fire place and growled once. The flames over took her, and Callie felt over joyed, then she remembered it wouldn't kill Morgan.

The door swung open. There stood Luna with a spell book in hand. I laid on my bed crying slightly. “Dean wants to be here. He requests you wait until morning,” Callie explained. I sighed with a new relief.

“Ugh! It would have been easier to start now,” she said sadly. I sobbed by accident. “Girl, you'll be fine. You won't die. I've done a lot of these.”

“Ry, you want to stay in my room tonight,” Callie asked sweetly in a motherly tone. I got up and walked over to her slowly. She wrapped me in an embrace.

“Please don't let them do this to me,” I whispered as more tears escaped my eyes. Callie hugged me more tightly.

“Come on, let's go.” She grabbed my hand as she half dragged me out of my room. I sniffled as we passed Aaron, but I gave him a small smile. It faded as I was that beautiful red head from this morning, 'Morgan' I thought. She was sitting on his bed, and it kind of bugged me just a little. She waved and I sniffled once again as Callie dragged me the rest of the way. We were at her door when she suddenly stopped. She let out a short squeal and ran towards the girl in front of us.

“Ivy,” Callie screeched. Great, my day can't get any worse.

“Hey Callie. How's it going,” the girl said. I have to admit she was pretty. She had shoulder length wavy chocolate brown hair, she was some what lanky, and her eyes were the same color as mine. If my hair wasn't longer or darker than hers, and if I didn't have a pale olive skin tone, you'd think we were twins. Well she would be my much prettier twin.

“It's good. I'm trying to calm Ry down so we can figure out what to do,” Callie explained. I sniffled as I turned to go into her room.

“So Riley is the girl my Ethan was all over.” She looked at me in disgust as I stared at her like she had three heads.

“Who is Ethan. I accidentally came onto Blood earlier, but I don't remember any Ethan,” I questioned weakly.

“That's Blood's real name,” Callie explained as he walk up behind Ivy.

“Talking about me?” He put his arms around her waist and it made me sick for some reason.

“Yeah, I was just telling Ivy how the scene at the mall was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life. I need my Josh,” I said with venom and walked into Callie's room.

Eddy had thankfully programmed the hospital number into my phone so I could call Josh when ever I felt lonely since Josh was all I had. I got my small black phone out of my pocket and looked for the number. “What's her problem,” Ivy asked in a happier tone. That's when I realized I left the door open.

“Who gives a,” I stopped listening to Blood's conversation and focused on finding the number. I looked over the list twice until I decided to look at all of the numbers under Josh's name. His cell number, our old apartment number, and a number I didn't recognize appeared on my phone. I called the unrecognized number. It rang three times before some one answered.

“Hello Mercenary Clinic, this is Mary, how may I help you,” the nurse's voice said.

“Hi Mary, can I speak with Josh Cole. I'm not sure what room he's in now,” I asked as politely as I could through my shakey voice.

“Sure, is this his sister?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“One moment sweetie.” I heard a click then the phone was ringing again. I felt nervous for some odd reason. My throat was closing up, and I needed water. I got off Callie's bed and headed for the open door.

“You two leave her alone, she's got enough problems right now,” Callie growled. I paid no attention to that though.

“Hey, Callie, where's the kitchen,” I asked as I stepped out of the door. Ivy hissed and Blood blushed. That was odd, but again I paid no mind to it as the phone rung.

“Down the hall to your,” Callie was cut off.

“Riley! Hello? Is that you,” a raspy voice asked through the ear piece. Tears swelled in my eyes.

“Joshie, oh, you're still okay,” I whispered into the phone. Callie had a look of understanding, Blood looked ready to explode, and Ivy looked more calm. Callie pointed down the hall to the right and I nodded as I gladly left.

“Yeah Ry, I'm getting better everyday. I have exactly two weeks until I'm coming to see you,” he laughed slightly before coughing.

“And a week after that you'll be 18,” I laughed with him.

“Yeah, so what's our new home like.”

“Oh, Josh, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.” We laughed a bit at my weird choice of words. “It's beautiful Josh. You should see my room . It's gigantic.”

“Good, I can't wait to see it. Now what won't I believe about it.” He seemed genuinely curious.

“Josh, there's vampires and werewolves, and angels. They think I might be a vixen,” I explained calmly and he laughed so hard he started choking. I rolled my eyes as I walked into the kitchen where Aaron and Morgan sat.

“I am serious you goof don't laugh at me.” I giggled as I opened the fridge. I cringed at the bags of crimson liquid as I grabbed a bottle of water.

“If they're so real how old is the oldest one you've met.”


“Wow.” I laughed again as I began to leave the kitchen. Before I could get out I heard someone talking to me. I looked over to Aaron.

“Who are you talking to,” he asked. His voice held something that sounded in between irritation and jealousy. Morgan seemed tense and it made me smile.

“Josh,” I answered. Morgan relaxed and Aaron stiffened, “Later you two,” I laughed as I left.

“So,” I questioned Josh. He hadn't said a word in five minutes.

“Who is yelling,” he asked worriedly as I past Blood and Ivy and Callie.

“Two vampires and a werewolf,” I answered in all seriousness. He gasped.

“Who are you talking to,” Blood and Ivy hissed in unison. I laughed.

“See Josh. You need to hurry before they decide to eat me.” Callie giggled and they glared. Suddenly my phone was snatched away. Blood hit a random button, and held the phone out.

“Who is this,” Blood asked angrily.

“Josh,” he answered simply.

“How do you know Riley,” Blood hissed.

“Who cares,” Ivy said with jealousy seeping through her words.

“Ry, you didn't tell, I'm hurt. That hurt my heart real deep,” Josh said playfully. I knew where this was going.

“I didn't think they needed to know,” I retorted as I winked at Callie. She smiled as it clicked.

“Babe everyone should know how we feel,” he said all too seriously.

“Well I'm too modest, so you tell.”

“I love Riley Raven Self so flipping much. I tried to shout it from the roof, but I fell off so now I'm in the hospital. That doesn't stop me though. Hey Mary I love Riley.” He wasn't laughing, but I could hear his smile. Blood looked ready to kill and Ivy was glaring at me because of it.

“Now if you don't mind I'm going to go finished my conversation. I love you too Joshie.” I took my phone away from Blood with a little difficulty, took Josh off speaker, and walked into Callie's room with out looking back. I heard a growl, a slap, then some one storming away.

“Did we get him,” Josh asked seriously. I burst out laughing.

“We got him good. He's been so weird. Thanks for helping.”

“No problem. So how are the girls,” he asked playfully. Callie walked in and I put him back on speaker phone.