Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Nine

I waited for nearly an hour in the room. The quiet sound of loneliness began to slowly creep up on me. I sat there on her bed for as long as I could before my boredom got the better of me. I slowly rose from my seat and began to pace in little circles between the bed and the door. Each time I took a step closer to the door, and a step farther away from the bed. I sighed as I imagined all the possibilities of what could be behind the thick wooden door,

There could be blood crazed vampires, hungry werewolves, or psychotic demons. I laughed at myself for thinking this way. Even though I knew a grand total of five people in the house, I was positive that none of them would be shameless enough to hurt me. I finally made my last step. I was directly in front of the smooth wooden door. I sighed loudly as I pressed my cold fingers to the even colder silver door handle.

As I thought of turning the handle something miraculous happened. The handle began to move on it's own. "Oh my God," I whispered as I removed my hand and took a few steps away from the door. The silver handle slowly crept open on it's own and slowly a hand came through. "Oh my God!"

"Oh good you're not sleeping or anything," Callie said sheepishly as she poked the rest of her head into the door frame.

"You had something to eat didn't you." She nodded and smiled coyly.

"Sorry I didn't realize I needed more. It was good though. Now it's your turn. If you want anything, then come on. Everyone is waiting to meet you."

I smiled. They're all ready waiting. That has to be a good sign. Nothing is going to happen to me, it just might be a little scary!