Status: HI there

Meeting BVB


Chapter 1
I stood in line for the meet and greet before the BVB concert. I finally had saved up enough money. My friend Morgan had always loved BVB so she taught me some things about them, and taught me some songs of theirs.
I cant even tell you how nervous I was. My shoulders twitched and I lurched forward. There was so many people in front of me as I stood in the back of the line.
Though eventually the security finally called me in...
3d person of BVB I don't know...
The last person on the list was Emaleth. A very peculiar name. We waited for her or he I wasn't really sure. She came in, she had a large black hoodie over her hair. Her hair which I couldn't see. Loads of eyeliner and a large necklace fitting perfectly necklace around her neck.
She looked uncomfortable, and nervous.
"Hi whats your name",Andy says smiling that makes fangirls faint.
" Uhh my name is Emaleth,but you can call me Emy or Sunshine", She says.

Emaleth's POV

I roll my eyes as they laugh at my nickname.
" Where did you get a nickname like Sunshine", Ashley says wiping a tear from his eye. They continue laughing giggling at me as I look down embarrassed.
" Why do I say such stupid things",I mumble under my breath.
"What you say Sunshine",CC asks.
"I got the name from my mom", I say once there a little bit calmer.
" Hey why don't you join us after the show behind the coffee shop",Jake says.
" You sure I just met you", I say slowly.
" Yeah do you want some coffee, SUNSHINE",Ashley says chuckling.
" COFFE",I yell raising my arms in the air.
"Yeah the good stuff",CC says looking as if he was daydreaming about coffee.
" I can buy it on my own," I say looking down.
"I love coffe",CC says still daydreaming.
" I bet I love coffe way more then you," I mumble.
" Oh great god your going to get the dramma queen all round up",Andy laughs.
" WHAT DID YOU SAY",CC screams.
" I like coffee better then you," I say a bit louder then last time.
" Hey we got to go but met us behind the coffee shop",Jinxx says finally talking. Heading out with the rest of the band while handing me a slip of paper.
^1 hour time skip^
I head toward the coffee shop which is not that far so I walk as I look at the dark shades of gray,blue and black in the sky. Eventually I get there. I slip into the coffee shop heading the teen boy the slip of paper.
" Just go back there", he says pointing his thumb toward the back door. I walk back toward the bus gathering as much confidence as I can. I knock sort of gently. Then realized that I should not do this. But as I was about to leave a voice slurred
"Hey Sunshines back"
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The more feedback I will try harder! :)