Status: On hiatus

They Live

Epistle — Tristan

It is in the nature of the human being to seek a justification for his actions.
~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

—– Epistle:Tristan –—

Miraculously my iPhone has survived Armageddon. It makes the fact I survived simultaneously more bearable and more painful.

I'll not die of boredom at least, until the inevitable happens and my odd luck runs out.

I let out a soft sigh. I seem to have a bad habit of surviving what should be certain death. Actually, at this point I think Death is just a lazy bastard.

(that's right, ignore the men, women and children strewn across the streets.)

Shut up, brain.

I need a distraction. Absently, I open my messages.

4:38pm There is a foul stench coming from the fridge. I don't suppose you'd know anything about it?

4:38pm Oh, yes, I do believe I have had the misfortune of smelling that rotten foodstuff. Sadly, t'was not I who forgot to remove my meal. Your search for the culprit goes on.

4:39pm Then that leaves Schmidt. Sigh. I wish she were as cleanly in the break-room as in the lab.

4:40pm She works with deadly strains of bacteria and live viruses. I'd wager she's doing this out of spite.
4:40pm Also, you forgot to log out. Interesting searches. "Chemical engineering firm local". Looking to relocate, dear?

4:41pm Perhaps a lesser form of spite would suffice? Preferably in a less odorous medium. Can't she smear Icy Hot in her victim's trousers like normal slighted women?
I see. It's a good thing my loving boyfriend wouldn't dare let slip a word of this, lest he find himself exiled to the couch.

4:42pm What part of Schmidt is in any way reminiscent of a normal woman? Anyways, onto the more pressing matter. Of course I'll keep mum. No need to threaten me. Were you going to tell me of your plans eventually?

4:42pm Only if the search proved fruitful. Which it didn't. No need to worry, sugar.

4:42pm Words will be had later.

4:43pm Sigh.You and your trust issues. Most would simply log out a forgetful coworker.

4:43pm Luckily I am not most and you are not simply a forgetful coworker.
Words. Later.

4:57pm On my way.

4:58pm Get milk.

4:58pm Bought milk yesterday. Don't tell me you drank it all.

4:59pm So what if I did? And it was two days ago, thank you very much.

5:00pm I'm no physician -- I'm a doctor -- but that is in no way healthy.

5:00pm We've all got our unhealthy habits.

5:02pm Except drinking ungodly amounts of milk is not a habit. It's just a poor decision you make constantly. I'm not going to buy milk for awhile.

5:02pm I drink vast quantities of milk, you don't sleep; it evens out.

5:03pm Oh, you're doing that stupid thing you do where you try to make me feel bad about my sleeping habits.
It won't work. So stop it.

5:04pm Are you going to get milk?

5:05pm Damn you.

5:05pm <3

Biting back on a spluttering laugh that twists into a broken cry, I shove my phone into my jacket pocket and lean back. The office chair creeks under my weight.

This used to be the break-room. Electricity still works -- there's a small miracle in and of itself -- so I help myself to the contents of the fridge.

Of course there's only yoghurt, a sandwich and a suspicious Tupperware container left but it'll do nicely enough. I toss out the Tupperware without daring to open it. This may be my only haven. I won't destroy it with Schmidt's disgusting prank.

At the thought of my old coworker I glance around.

I hadn't meant to return to this place. I had every intention of walking into the streets and greeting death with open arms as it fell from the sky.

But with every second my heartbeat grew louder until it was a dull roar superimposed over my every thought. Fear drenched me from head to toe like ice water. That was when I faded to the background and instinct overwhelmed me. Instinct forced me back into the damn building, forced me to scurry and hide like a frightened cockroach.

I took shelter in a building whose foundations were stained with blood. Coward I was, I accepted the devil's gift. Even now I stay in this damn place and call it a sanctuary.

If there was ever a doubt that I was destined for hell, it's been erased.

Maybe I should erase these text messages. And I will, actually. After I read them again. Don't want to delete important information or something.

(that's not it. stop lying. fucking fool.)

Shut up, brain.

11:03am Did you hear about the Rat's newest catch?

11:03am I do wish you wouldn't refer to Jamie in such a negative manner.

11:04am Funny to hear you sticking up for the gal. You and your morality usually frown on her activities.

11:06am Her job isn't any more or less moral than ours. She provides us the subjects. We rip them apart and poison them.

11:07am You know that what we do is necessary. This is our nuclear deterrent, and when war does go biological, our country will be safe.

11:08am And that lets you sleep at night?

11:08am Sometimes.

11:11am Make a wish.

11:13am What happened to us, Miles?

11:15am I believe it's a thing called Life. It chews up idealists and shits out cynics and pessimists.

11:15am I'm serious.

11:20am As am I.
I suppose there are just things Man is not to know, and yet there is no barrier to keep us from the poisonous fruit of knowledge. In the pursuit and consumption of the fruits of our labour, we are sentenced to a life with that burdensome truth.

11:21am You should have been a priest.

11:22am And then what, be celibate my whole life? Where would that leave you, my dear?

The text's blurry. I can't read any more. My vision fogs with unshed tears. Shaking slightly, I wipe at my wet eyes with the back of my hand and set down my phone.

It's a long shot that he has his cell, that it's not destroyed or its battery isn't depleted -- (or that he's not dead) Shut up brain -- but I can't help myself.

Soon, I'm typing a message to him, fingers flying over the keyboard, and before I can think the action through, I hit send.

6:26am Are you there?

Now it's the waiting game. What have I done?