

Shadows and cold embraced his bare body. For once, he did not mind it. The fresh cuts were numbed by the frosty air and being unable to see the damp surroundings was proving to be somewhat soothing for his racing mind. Theon had once unknowingly possessed everything he had needed, and now he found himself secured to a cross and enduring the stripping of what little he had left every single day. The physical pain he received barely stung him anymore; a mere dull ache that could not compare to the mental anguish he suffered. For uncountable days and nights, he thought of the true family he once had, of brothers and friends he had truly cherished, of a father’s love he had always searched for, of the finest clothing, food, wine and whores, all sources of joy he could never exhaust. The sorrow from his ungratefulness was tearing his mind more than the blades were slicing through his flesh. Despite constant reflection on his memories, Theon still could not comprehend how he had been so blind. Now that he was still and quiet, left with only his thoughts and the truth, encompassed by darkness, Theon could see.