Sequel: Young Volcanoes

A Dark Alley and a Bad Idea


“What are you doing?”

“Writing them a letter, so they’ll know that we loved them but we were just too young to raise them.” I could feel my own tears forming but I had to blink them away.

I had to be strong for Myla, for the twins, for myself.

“I know it’s a closed adoption but maybe when they’re old enough their parents will give it to them.”

Myla touched my cheek as our eyes locked, and for the first time in months I meant my words, “I love you.”

She just smiled and I knew for her that love had been gone for a while. It didn’t matter anyway we never had it at all.

I put the letter in an envelope and sealed it hoping that one day they would be able to read it.

I looked at them, they were sleeping. Unaware of everything that was going on around them.

“I love you both with all my heart. I wish things would have been different. I wish I didn’t have to say goodbye. You two are my entire heart and I will miss you two every single day.”

Now there was no way of stopping the tears.
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So I will probably post the last chapter today and I am also currently working on the sequel which will basically be about Winona and Mika so hopefully some of you guys will like to read it. :)