The Dark Wolf and the Dark Fox

Don't Tell Them

Scott ran.

He ran into the woods.

He was running faster, faster than he'd ever run before.

He soon fell over into the mud, and just lay there, trying to figure out what was wrong with him.

I thought I was past this!

Past controlling the terrible killer urges that used to overwhelm him as a new werewolf.

Why now where they becoming so difficult to control?

"Scott?" A voice called out.

Scott relaxed, hearing the voice of his allie, Derek. He wasn't really sure how they stood in their friendship but they were on good terms.

Scott looked up at the older werewolf.

Who was watching Scott worriedly and warily.

"Derek" Scott muttered, feeling like he was going to faint.

"You alright kid?" Derek asked, kindly.

Scott gave a sarcastic laugh 'Depends? What's do you mean by alright?"

He tried to stand up, almost falling as he did so.

"Woah" Derek said, catching the younger werewolf before he fell.

"Scott, what's going on with you?" Derek demanded.

"How should I know!" Scott growled, his eyes flashing Alpha red.

Derek stepped backwards quickly.

Scott closed his eyes, breathing deeply, when he opened them again they were back to their normal puppy brown colour.

"Explain!" Derek said demanded.

Scott bit back a growl at the blatant order. His wolf snarling angrily, no one told him what to do!

But Scott didn't want to have an argument, he felt to confused, to tired to be dealing with that, so everything spilled out of him.

His dreams his been getting.

Now recently his transformation getting out of hand and his...wolf urges.

"I just, don't know what to do, do you know what's happening?" Scott asked hopefully.

Derek looked at Scott, deeply troubled, he knew Scott's wolf would be stronger because of its status as an Alpha, finally unlocking his Alpha strength in the fight with Peter didn't help either.

"No but I think we should tell-"

Scott grabbed him, ignoring Derek's eyes flash a bright blue warningly.

"No! Don't tell them! Please!" Scott begged.

He didn't want them to know about this, they thought he was in control, what would Liam say? After Scott lecturing him on keeping his wolf under control and now him flying of the handle?

What good of an Alpha was he?

Stiles would probably be disappointed in him, so would Kira, maybe Chris, the werewolf hunter, they were currently friends with, long story, would want to put him down.

He felt humiliated and weak.

And one thing an Alpha always hates is to feel that, especially in front of his pack, and them knowing he felt like that...even worse.

Despite their friendship Derek wasn't a part of his pack, maybe that's why he felt alright with the older werewolf knowing how he felt.

An Alpha was meant to be always in control, ready to fight for and protect his pack, the idea that if this got any worse, that he might not be able to do that, made Scott feel even worse.

"Okay, okay, we'll talk to Deaton, just him" Derek assured him.

Deaton, the werewolves adviser, a former Druid, usually had some sort of answer for almost everything supernatural.

Scott nodded, letting go of Derek.

Derek glanced at the sky warily "Come on, let's go...The moon will be up soon"