Smoke Rings in the Dark

Chapter 13

"I am so glad to see you again, Granny Flynn", said Shelton, embracing the smaller older woman.

"Aye, same here, Shelton. Go have a rest up while I finish dinner, I hope you haven't been giving Cassie and Sergio a hard time", she chided as Cassandra blushed.

"Nah, I'm just being an older brother, Granny Flynn. You do know I will kick your ass if you hurt her, Sergio", he drawled.

"Si, verdad. I say the same thing about mis hermanas tambien, Shelton. Y gracias por invitarnos a cenar, Senora Flynn", said Sergio graciously.

"No problem, I like having people about, it gets lonely with just us too. Shelton, go and relax while I make dinner", said Mary.

"All right, Granny Flynn. You two don't do nothin' I wouldn't do", laughed Shelton as he went upstairs.

"I like your brother, son un poco loco pero me gusta. The team is having their Halloween party next week, you want to go? We can wear couples costume, all the guys taking their women with them", said Sergio.

"All right, I wasn't planning on doing anything anyways. I haven't meet some of your teammates, though", she replied.

"No preoccupe, Cassie. They are great guys, but don't say anything to Aleks and Edin", he said.

"What about them, are they gay?", she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, ellos son muy macho. They have the same girlfriend, they all live together", he explained.

"You mean, a menage a trois. What's the problem with that, it's the 21st century", she said.

"Their girlfriend's parents kicked her out of the family, they don't like that Edin is Muslim and she has two novios. Her family is Russian and rich, they would not mind if it was just Aleks but she is with both of them and Edin is Muslim", he replied.

"Get out of here, what in the hell is wrong with people? It's not like she's a criminal, I've heard worse. And what is wrong with being a Muslim?", she said angrily.

"The family doesn't like Muslim people, they think they are all terrorists. Edin is a terrible Muslim, though, he drinks and everything. I don't think I've ever seen him go to a mosque and he can outdrink most people", he chuckled.

"I'd like to meet her, she sounds interesting", said Cassandra.
"Si, verdad. At the party, Cassie", said Sergio.

"That is great you're going to the City Halloween party, do you know what you want to be?", asked Maggie as they walked towards the lecture hall.

"We're going to this costume store later, maybe a couples costume. And what are you doing Halloween?", asked Cassandra.

"Juan invited me to United's Halloween party, he wants to go as Musketeer and he wants me to go as Milady de Winter", said Maggie.

"That's original, for sure. Does he know Milady is the bad guy?", she asked.

"Yeah, but she's an interesting bad guy. He would make a good Musketeer, though, this is going to be fun", laughed Maggie.

"So what are you guys then?", asked Cassandra.

"We've been on two dates and I like him a lot, even if he is United. He's an odd fellow for a footballer, he has a lot of books and watches odd indie films and already speaks with a Mancunian accent. But I like him a lot, he's a great guy to hang out with and loves that I'm studying biology, he rarely dates because he can't stand to be around dumb people", said Maggie.

"Good for him, he's a coold dude. Shelton is in town and luckily he didn't beat up Sergio", said Cassandra dryly.

"I've heard the stories about Southern blokes, that's good. You ought to show him around the city a bit, Manchester isn't as big as London but it's not a place many Yanks get to see", said Maggie.

"Maybe, I have to study for that test", said Cassandra.

Sergio was waiting for her outside after class, his face breaking into a smile as she walked towards the car. "Hola, Cassie. Tu hermano estaba dormiendo", he said.

"It must be the jet lag, it's a helluva long flight from New Orleans to New York to London. He'll be fine tomorrow, we're going to get the costumes?", she asked.

Sergio nodded as he helped her inside the car. "Si, there is a big costume shop in Oldham Joe told us about, his girlfriend got their costumes there last year", he replied as he started the engine.

"That must have quite the sight, he's so damn big", she chuckled, imagining the 6'5 goalkeeper in any sort of Halloween costume.

"Si, he went as a cowboy and his girlfriend was a cowgirl. That was the only costume that would fit him, but they looked good so it worked out", he laughed.

The costume shop was actually a warehouse on the outskirts of Oldham whose parking lot was half-full with cars, every sort of costume displayed on hangers, racks, cubbies and on the walls. "If you need any help, just ask", said the middle-aged seamstress on duty.

Cassandra had a lot of trouble deciding on what kind of costume to wear as she browsed the racks, everything looking so nice. "Mira eso, Cassie", said Sergio eagerly.

Cassandra saw him holding up an elegant black gaucho suit made of black leather that came with a wide brimmed black hat, trying to hold back a chuckle. "You had to go for that, verdad? You would make a good looking gaucho, you are Argentine after", she laughed.

"Verdad, Cassie. And this is a nice dress for you", he said, holding up a dark red saloon girl costume.

"Nice, reckon it would go good with your costume. It's American too, girls who worked in the saloons wore that", she replied.

"Verdad, like on Gunsmoke. Me abuelo gustaba ese programa, el gustaba Senora Kitty", he joked.

"My grandpa too, that show was on forever", she laughed as he went to pay for their costumes.