Smoke Rings in the Dark

Chapter 4

The driver stopped outside his building and Sergio handed him a fifty pound note, telling him to keep the change before helping Cassandra out of the backseat. "Are you going a llamar tu abuela?", he asked, leading her inside the building.

"Yeah, I'll send her a text. But I reckon she knows where I am", she said with a laugh.

"Verdad, me gusta tu abuela. It is your father and brother I am worry about", he said.

"Shelton just wants to meet you and know if you're treating me right, he is my older brother after all. Daddy might be more difficult, he's very conservative. He thinks Obama is evil and he's a huge Republican supporter, that's the conservative party", she said quietly.

"This is not the first time, my ex-wife parents no gustan a mi tambien. Her padres are rich people from Madrid, they did not like her marrying un Indio pobre de Argentina. We had to marry after she got pregnant but it did not work out, the only good think to come from it is my son", he whispered.

Cassandra said nothing but just held him as he took a deep breath. "Gracias, Cassie. Benja is coming to Manchester for Christmas, I want you to meet him", he said eagerly.

"He sounds like a real sweetie, he's the same age as Randall. Just be on your best behavior around Shelton and Daddy", she teased.

"Verdad, mi mama taught me how to behave", he laughed as they got in the elevator.

The elevator got off at the fifth floor and Sergio opened the door before turning on the light and leading her inside. He poured them each a glass of wine and handed one to her, clinking glasses and they drank. Sergio grinned when he saw her lips around the rim of the glass, finishing their drinks and rinsing off the glasses before putting them away.

Cassandra saw a group of photos on the coffee table in the parlor and looked at them curiously. Many of them contained an older couple she assumed were his parents along with his brothers and sisters and children she guessed were his nieces and nephes. Several other pictures showed a grinning Sergio wtih his son, the boy having his father's straight glossy black hair and wide brown eyes. "Mi hio es muy guapo, verdad? This was taken last Christmas at the mall", he said. The picture showed Sergio and his son wearing identical Santa hats, the little boy sitting on his lap and flashing a peace sign.

"That is so cute", she giggled.

"Si, he asked Padre Christmas por un futbol y un figura de accion de Iron Man, he likes that movie", he chuckled.

"Did he get those?", she asked.

"Si, and he was so happy. He already likes to play futbol and wants to be un futbolisto cuando sea grande", he said proudly.

Sergio led her towards the couch and wrapped an arm around her waist, feeling Cassandra lean against him and her long hair tickle his arm. She was still as he ran his fingers through the thick auburn mass, murmuring softly in Spanish. "Tienes pelo muy lindo, tiene rojo y morena y una poca rubia", he said huskily. He turned her around to face him and gently cupped her chin, leaning over and kissing her lips. Cassandra moaned softly at the contact and her hand rested on his shoulder as he gradually deepened the kiss, his tongue darting in between her lips.

The couple continued making out as things started getting heated. Sergio reached under the hem of her shirt and rested momentarily on the bare skin of her belly as she moaned softly, moving upwards to her bra and feeling the warmth of her bra. Cassandra pulled away and hastily smoothed down the hem of her shirt, a dull blush on her cheeks and her eyes downcast. "Que pasa, Cassie?", he asked.

"It's been two years", she whispered.

"Si, mi amor? Perdon if I frightened you, pero son muy bonitas y me gusta a besar a ti", he chuckled.

"I was startled there, Sergio. Since everyone at Vanderbilt knew who my daddy and brother were, the boys knew better", she teased.

"Si, verdad. I look out for my sisters tambein, I'm the oldest boy. I won't hurt you, pero tento una problema para esperar", he chuckled.

"You keep forgetting I don't speak Spanish real good, Sergio", she teased.

"Perdon, Cassie. I am not a patient man, it a bad habit. And I like kissing you very much", he laughed.

Cassandra climbed on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, a coy little grin on her face. "And I like kissing you very much, Sergio", she drawled.

Sergio grinned and immediately felt aroused when he heard her Southern drawl, his arms going around her waist as he leaned over and kissed her lips. Cassandra returned the kiss and her lips parted under his as she ran her fingers through his hair. Sergio grinned against her lips, his tongue toying with hers hers as a sigh escaped her mouth. His lips moved lower down her throat and planted little kisses on the sensitive skin as she moaned softly, feeling her pulse beat madly under his lips.

Sergio broke the kiss and Cassandra shivered at the lust in his dark eyes, turning them black. Wordlessly, he took her off his lap and led her towards his room, turning on the light closing the door. "Relajarse, Cassie. No vamos hacer nada qu no quieres", he said.

Cassandra had a feeling she could trust him as she smiled shyly. Sergio gave her a rakish grin and reached into his drawer, handing her a plain white t-shirt and a pair of boxers, watching as she went to the bathroom to change. She came out a minute later and blushed when she saw he had stripped down to his boxers, Sergio laughing good-naturedly. "No voy hacer nada mas. Vamos a dormir', he said, unmaking the bed.

Cassandra lay beside him and snuggled closer as he gently stroked her back, whispering in her ear. "Son muy bonita y vamos hacer amor cuando quiera, mi corazon. Creo qu estamos muy bien juntos, mi corazon. Buenas noches", he whispered, turning off the light.