Avengers Assemble

Chapter 1

A chopper flys over a research facility in the middle of the night. The chopper lands onto a landing platform, the door to the chopper slides open. Nick Fury exits the chopper during an evacuation.

Nick Fury turned on his earpiece. " How bad is it?" Fury asked. On the other line was Phil Coulson, he was Nick Fury's top agent.

" That's the problem, sir. We don't know." Phil answered. Coulson stood in the middle of a hallway as agents packed things up.

" Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hour ago."

" NASA didn't authorize Selvig to test the Tesseract." Fury informed. Fury walked into a building along side Maria Hill.

" He wasn't testing it, he wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous advancement." Phil added. Maria turned on her earpiece and joined the conversation.

" It just turned itself on?" Maria asked confusedly. Phil stopped walking before folding his arms acrossed his chest.

" What are the reading levels now?"

"Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evac."

" How long to get everyone out?" Fury asked, glancing at Maria. Maria just stared at Fury with her arms folded.

" Campus should be clear in the next half hour." Phil answered. Fury wanted everyone off of the campus in less that time, people's lives were at stake.

" Do better." Fury ordered. Fury and Maria walked downstairs which lead to the lab below.

" Sir, evacuation maybe futile." Maria suddenly said. Fury glanced at her with his stare.

" We should tell them to go back to sleep?"

" If we can't control the Tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance." Maria answered. She didn't really think this was a real big problem, she thought Selvig could contain it so everything would be ok, but no that wasn't an option.

" I need you to make sure that phase 2 prototypes are shipped out." Fury ordered. He proceaded to continue walking down the stairs.

" Sir, is that really a priority right now?" Maria questioned. Fury glared up at her once again then look her in the eyes.

" Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on. Clear out the tech below. Every piece of phase 2 on a truck and gone." Fury ordered. Maria was so close to rolling her eyes but she wouldn't dare do that in front of him.

" Yes sir."

Fury enters the lab facility where the Tesseract is being held. He sees Dr. Selvig and other scientist working at computers.

" Talk to me, doctor. " Fury called. Selvig glanced over at Fury before walking over to him.

" Director." Selvig called back. Fury walks over to Selvig a few inches away from him.

" Is there anything we know for certain?" Fury asked. Selvig went over to the computer where the tesseract was being monitored on.

" Tesseract is misbehaving." Selvig answered. He let out a quiet chuckle.

" Is that supposed to be funny?" Fury asked. Selvig shook his head, it wasn't funny at all.

" No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, she's...misbehaving."

" How soon until you pull the plug?"

" She's an energy source. If we turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level..." Selvig answered. He walked over to Nick Fury, he wasn't sure who or what was turning it back on.

" We've prepared for this, doctor. Harnessing energy from space."

" We don't have the harness. Our calculations are far from complete. Now she's throwing off interference, radiation. Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation." Selvig answered. He knew Banner was an expert at Gamma radiation, it was her specialty.

" That can be harmful." Fury added. He suddenly realizes that someone was missing. That's when he remembered.

" Where's Agent Barton?" Fury asked. Selvig points behind him, he had seen Barton recently watching from somewhere.

" The Hawk? Up in her nest, as usual." Selvig answered. Agent Claire Barton is up on the railings watching them below, Fury calls Barton on her earpiece.

" Agent Barton, report to me." Fury ordered. Claire obeys and slides down to the floor. She walks over to Fury, with a blank expression.

" I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things." Fury said. Claire walked beside Fury as they walked towards the Tesseract.

" Well I see better from a distance." Claire announced. It was true, she could see better from a distance. She was named Hawkeye for a reason other than the fact that she was skilled in archery. One the scientist notices that the Tesseract was spiking again and quickly informs Selvig.

" Doctor, it's spiking again." The Scientist informed. Selvig rushes over to the scientist and examines the readings.

" No one's come or gone. It's oven is clean. No contacts, no I.M.'s. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end."

" At this end?" Fury questioned. The two of them stop in front of the Tesseract.

Claire folds her arms. " Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? The doors open from both sides." Claire said. Suddenly the Tesseract is activated and it opens a portal through space, a woman appears. She was Lady Loki of Asgard and she wasn't here for site seeing.
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This story is not detailed but I will try my best to make this a great story.