Status: This fanfic was on Hiatus, but I'm hoping to be back like normal and just start afresh. as I love doing something new, and I'm hoping you love this new fanfic too.

Chapter 1: Tattoo

Blackened Sky: A Taylor Swift & Hunter Hayes Fanfic

It's a new day ahead and there was rain all on the window panes in New York. It was cold and everyone was getting hyped about Halloween. Instead of getting hyped like all the rest of them were, Hunter & Taylor were getting excited to headline their new tour, but Hunter has also to do a video for "Tattoo". It was 5:00am in the morning, camera crew and production were everywhere all over the set, green screens, flashing lights, guitars, it was insane. Hunter was going to meet up with Taylor at 7:00pm in the evening, so Hunter had lots of time to do the video, he wasn't so much in a hurry, but it was getting stuck in traffic, their was 2 different locations for the video. Meanwhile, Taylor was picking out her dress which was black/red floral with flowers it was just similar to the RED era. she had a short hairstyle, and high heels. She kept looking at her watch as time passed by, she was getting even more excited and picking up her phone to text Hunter and say "Not long now Hunter, counting down xx" until Hunter replied back and said "looking forward. it's going to be crazy!" Fans were outside his tour bus, as his bus just parked into the parking lot, Taylor's was no where to be seen, as her's was about 20 minutes later, so he was waiting and waiting with the Roadguy even drinking coffee, and playing a few chords on his guitar waiting forever for her to turn up, until the bus arrived right along side his bus. He waved, and gave a short sign. She waved back. but mostly focused on her fans, she was taking photographs before the concert but was using a polaroid camera, and Hunter was using his phone and posting all of them onto his instagram. They were all screaming and cheering, shouting their names from across the barricades, singing all the lyrics to them as they walked on, and a few seconds when they played a few chords of a song on stage the crowd screamed louder as they recognized the song. It was an amazing experience, the m+g was shortened but it was worth while. Taylor enjoyed it, the fans did, and even Hunter and the crew. and all happily smiling, heading out to the exit to say goodbye. The dark clouds were getting darker than ever as they walked into their tour bus it was a complete blackened sky...
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I would love your feedback, any will be much appreciated even if you send this fanfic to your friend, or post it on Tumblr to say how much you liked it to make my time feel worthwhile. It was on a Hiatus before, so I'm starting afresh, and I hope you join me with the new beginning and journey of this fanfic.