Status: Content lost, redoing for Camp NaNo '15



Thomas Jacobs was everything that anyone could wish for. Having a future in biochemistry in front of him and a loving family that some children don't even get to know of, it was heartbreaking when he took his own life.

Perhaps most haunting was that he did it whilst on the phone with his friend, Spencer. Spencer Carlisle hasn't been the same since that tragic night. What stands out even more is how she would often claim that she could see him. speak to him. As if he was still alive.

That could be a contributing factor to the time she has spent in and out of Saint Ophelia, a facility for disorders, addictions, and phobias that are beyond people’s control. Thomas was alive, though, and not just in her mind. He was alive in death somehow. Or was he?

In loving memory of my dear friend, departed 27 November 2012.
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This prologue is my original summary. I apologize for the banner and layout change. My OCD got the best of me, but I do appreciate the hard work that has been done for me. Original banner by 231245 and original layout by 28418.