‹ Prequel: I'm What?

Just Say Yes

Empy Place

In the morning Kennedy could feel the warm breeze on her face.
“Well someone had a good time last night.” Kennedy opens her eyes and it was Jon standing in front of her. She looked around of her surroundings and she was on a beach chair with Matt’s coat as a blanket. Jon had two cups of coffee in his hands.
“You can say that. I don’t remember a lot from last night.” Kennedy moved her legs so Jon could sit with Kennedy.
“When are you guys leaving for Tofino?”
“Tonight. We just wanted to make sure that the house didn’t burn down to the ground before we leave. Where’s Pat?”
“I don’t know, we broke up last night and I think he doesn’t care for anyone to know where he is.”
“I’m sorry about that. So are you and Duchene close now?”
“Yea we have been close since I met him and Crosby in Colorado. Patrick though I was cheating with Matt. I should get going so I can try to save this in New York.” Jon helped Kennedy to get into the house, getting ready to head back to New York and telling Addison that she’s going to miss her and will be there when the twins are here.”
“Kennedy I know that everything will work out in the end for you and Patrick.”
“I hope so.”

When Kennedy finally got to their apartment in New York, she could feel that Patrick was here already there. Walking into their living room, she could see that he took his stuff and into the bedroom all of his clothes were gone. So it came to reality that Patrick is gone and didn’t want to talk about this as an adult. So she tried to call Patrick but it went straight to voicemail. Then she called Patrick’s mom.
“Afternoon Kennedy how was the wedding?”
“It was great. I was wondering if you heard from Patrick today?”
“Nope, did he leave early?”
“I think so because I stayed a little longer to help Addison and Jon clean up after the wedding so they could have a good trip to their honey moon. I tried to call him but he hasn’t answer any of my calls or text. He’s not here at the apartment.”
“I bet he’s here in Buffalo at his place just sleeping off the wedding.”
“I bet you’re right. I’ll call him later and see what’s going on. I’ll talk to you later than.” When they both hug up the phone, Kennedy knew that he had to be in Buffalo. Get away that had to do anything with Kennedy stamped all over it and that include New York. She took a tour of her place, seeing all of the pictures of her and Patrick together. Seeing all the good times that they had together, being with Patrick made her not to try so hard to be herself. She didn’t know what to do with the photo, leave them alone, burn them or box them and put them in the coat closet. So she went back into the living room and sat there. All she did was thinking about her life. Everyone has there own road that they are taken but Kennedy is on the side of her road. Thinking of to get back on it or stay off of it for a while. Then her phone was ringing. She though it was going to be Patrick it wasn’t. It was Matt Duchene.
“Hey Matt.”
“Hey Kennedy, I was hoping that you made it back to New York safe and sound. Have you talked to Patrick?”
“I made it safe and sound. No Patrick won’t answer my phone calls. But I still have your jacket with me. Do you want me to mail it to you?”
“No keep it, I bet you that I’m going to see you soon enough.”
“Oh you think so.” She laughed a little.
“So what happen last night?” Kennedy asks Matt.
“Well after Patrick left the party, you started to cry and I didn’t want to leave you crying. So I stayed with you, you were talking to yourself till you fell asleep in my arms. I didn’t want people to see you like that. So I wraped you with my jacket and let you sleep on the beach chair. You have been through so much lately I though that might helped you.”
“I don’t know what’s going to help me right now.”
“You should come to Denver.”
“Yea, if Patrick is not going to call you back. Then why stay somewhere that he calls home. Besides Denver is more beautiful than New York. You need to see Denver.”
“Patrick has a place in Buffalo. Buffalo is his home. Also I was just in Denver and I have seen Denver.”
“I promise you that when you see Denver. You never want to leave here. Beside I though you said that you hate ESPN right now because of Josh.”
“You know about Josh?”
“You talked about him last night, of how you think it’s his fault that you guys broke up. I bet you Denver Post will hire you on the spot. Just think about it and when you book your flight I will have my place ready for you.” Then Matt hung up. She did want to think about it, but she didn’t want to think about it at home. So she grabbed her keys and took a trip to Buffalo. On the drive to Buffalo Kennedy was thinking of going to Denver but then she didn’t want to leave New York. She didn’t know that it took her three hours to get to Patrick’s place. That whole time that she was driving in the car she was thinking about the good times with Patrick and the bad times. She knew that her best friend that got married to Jon they had a rough part into their lives. When Kennedy pulled up next to Patrick’s house. She didn’t know what to do next. Her car was turned off and she was now looking at Patrick‘s home. Is Patrick going to see her car outside of his house? Would he even come out of his house? His car was in the driveway so he is home. Then all of a sudden there were tears coming down Kennedy’s cheeks. She drove all the way to his house to figure everything but she was too scared to do that. All she wants to do is call Addison to know what to do next but she knows that she won’t answer her phone while she’s on her honeymoon with Jon. Kennedy knows that if she does knock on that door Patrick won’t open the door and talk like adults. Why would he since he won’t answer any of her phone calls? So Kennedy turns the car back on, turn around and get ready to head to Denver again. However she needed to do a couple of things before she does that.

The next day Kennedy was in her office for the last time and she grabbed her bag and put her pictures that she had on her desk into her bag. Everything was cleaned out and next to Josh’s office. After she knocks on Josh’s door he looked up and smiled at me.
“Kennedy how was the wedding?”
“That cover that you gave me was amazing, I didn’t even know that Duchene was going to be with Crosby. Are you ready for another cover?”
“That’s what I am here to talk to you about. I’m no longer going to be working for ESPN.” Josh was shock of that news.
“Why may I ask?”
“A lot of things happen to my personal life and I need to get it taken care of before I work again. My office is clean out and I did had a good time working here.”
“Well I’m sorry what’s going on with your personal life and I hope that you can come back soon.” Kennedy nodded her head and headed out to the airport. All of her stuff was sent to Denver included her car. All she had with her was a suitcase, carry on and she was ready to head to the airport in a taxi. She was now calling Patrick one more time.
“Hey this is Patrick leave me a message.”
“Pat I think you know who this is. This will be my last time calling you and hoping that you will call me soon before I leave New York. No I’m not working at ESPN anymore if you’re wondering. I’m not going to tell you where I’m going because I know that you won’t care. I bet you that you already delete this. I wish we could have work out everything after the wedding. Good Bye Pat.” When she hung up the phone than Matt was calling her.
“Did you make up your mind yet?”
“I’m heading to the airport right now. My flight leaves here at noon and lands at 6 o’clock.”
“I will see you at DIA at 6 then, see you then.”
“Yea.” Then she hung up. “Good bye New York, good bye Patrick.”

“I bet you that you already delete this. I wish we could have work out everything after the wedding. Good Bye Pat.” Patrick was sitting at his kitchen island hearing Kennedy’s voice mail. He places his hands in his hair just mad that she won’t tell him where she’s going. She could go back home to Chicago or back to Thunder bay. He tired to call Kennedy but it went straight to voicemail it was to late for Patrick to head to the airport to stop her. Then he had another idea, Kennedy always told Addison where she’s going.
“Hey Patrick what’s up?” Addison sound relax on her honeymoon.
“I was wondering if you know where Kennedy is at.”
“Nope I haven’t talk to Kennedy for a couple of days. Jon told me that you to broke up at the wedding.”
“Yea we did but she sends me this voice mail that she’s no longer going to live in New York.”
“I think she needed a break from everything, Kennedy will call you back soon. Trust me on this one, ok.”
“Ok, see you later than.” When he got off the phone, he was reliving that moment where he was in his living room where the windows were staring out the road. Where he saw Kennedy sitting in her car crying and trying to calm herself down. All that did Patrick at that moment was to stand there and watch Kennedy to make a move. Patrick could see her but Kennedy couldn’t see him. When Kennedy turns on the car and headed for the highway, she didn’t see Patrick on the middle of her road trying to her attention. It was to late for Patrick. He was thinking that he should have walked out there and talked to Kennedy. Calm her down and see what’s going on between them. Now there’s nothing that he can do but wait.
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How awesome Patrick was tonight ?! Two goals against the Blues ! Let's go hawks.
So what do you think what's going to happen next with Kennedy.
Kane or Duchene?
I love comments it helps me be better as a writer