Status: something.

Dear You

dreaming of you

Aubrey doesn't hear from Pete for a couple weeks and it's tearing her apart. This is the trouble of knowing someone only online--she doesn't know what he's up to or why he hasn't said anything in the past two weeks. Is he sick? Did he break his computer? Does he not want to talk to her anymore? She drives herself crazy with these scenarios. She's learned a lot about him in the past few months just from their minimal correspondence, and she knows she wants to see him soon. She just doesn't know how to bring it up. Spring is fast approaching and Aubrey is thankful for the sunshine, and she feels brand new. Just like Pete had said.

In the past two weeks Pete was completely wrapped up in stuff with Fall Out Boy, writing new music and playing more shows. When he gets home he just wants to sleep forever and eat his mom's food. He thinks about Aubrey nonstop, but he doesn't have the energy to contact her. It was all so hard, only knowing her through their blogs, and it sucked, but he didn't know how to go about this. How do you tell a girl you fell in love with on your blog that you want to meet her in person?

So Pete lays low for a few days, going about his business and recuperating from tour. He goes out for coffee in between running errands for his mom after being home for a few days. It's been almost two weeks since he's talked to Aubrey, and he's thinking about the next thing he's going to write. He's distracted, however, when he orders his coffee and notices the girl walking through the door. He thinks his heart stops. The hair, those lips, the smile. It's her. It's Aubrey. She's just about an inch or two shorter than him with slim legs. She's bundled in a sweatshirt and scarf with sunglasses on top of her head. Her eyes are blue, of course, and she knocks Pete off his feet without even knowing it. She orders her coffee and waits at the end of the counter a few feet away from Pete. He knows it's her, it has to be. It kills him because he can't even say anything. He couldn't do that to her, not now. He's beyond nervous, watching her every move. He can't stop staring and he knows it's rude but he wants to memorize everything about her. They call her name and she picks up her drink, murmuring a "Thank you" before turning around to leave. She catches Pete looking at her and she smiles a little, her lips forming a perfect smirk.

Goddamn her, Pete thinks to himself. She's got me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it.

When he gets home he immediately makes a new post on his blog, probably the shortest one he's ever made.

i think i saw you and it was something out of a dream. how do you love someone you've never even seen? i used to waste my time dreaming of being alive and now i only waste it dreaming of you.

He waits anxiously for any kind of reply from Aubrey. It doesn't come. Pete can't sleep that night, busying himself with writing lyrics. He has so much to say, so much he wants to say; he just doesn't know how. Seeing Aubrey and not being able to say anything fueled a brand new fire. More than anything he wanted to hug her and never let her go. Intellectually he was amazed by her, her beauty was just an added bonus. She was unlike anyone he'd ever seen.

On a whim he checks his blog again much later that night, and sure enough there's Aubrey's reply:

dear Peter Lewis.

It's 3:07 in the morning here and I can't sleep. What are you doing? I feel like you're the only person that gets me anymore and even though this friendship is unconventional it's the best.

it's 3:07 in the morning and I guess what I'm trying to say is I miss you.


He's energized and excited and he wants to see Aubrey right in that moment. He thinks about all the possibilities of their friendship, and what it would be like to actually talk to her in person. He tries to think of a coherent reply, nitpicking ever sentence he writes. Ultimately he decides it all sounds stupid, but it's as good as it's going to get.

dear you,

sorry i've been MIA lately. i miss you too. right now i'm home in my room writing, i have a lot of shit on my mind, you know? i just got back a few days ago from my trip so i've been recovering and doing stuff for my family. you know, all that good stuff. this is unconventional, but you're right, it's the best. i'd like to see you if i can. i'm not creepy i promise. i'm just a regular 25 year old. i don't know. it's up to you. this is so weird, isn't it? i've just been thinking about you a lot lately. it's 3:37 and i still love you.

peter lewis

All Pete can do is wait for her reply.
♠ ♠ ♠
here's a quick chapter before I go to work! I'll probably be able to update tonight or tomorrow as well, we'll see! I hope you guys like this story, I know the chapters a short and it's kind of weird right now, but I hope to get things moving soon!