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I Give Up - A New Old Love? Part 1

~ Chapter 4: I Give Up &&Section 1: A New Old Love? ** Part 1 ** && ~

'February 25, 2008 - 8:42 PM

He still hasn’t answered. He keeps saying I don’t know. He’s just going to ignore the fact that I like him. Which hurts worse than no…

I give up. I’m never going to have a boyfriend. At least my naturally low hopes kept me from being affected. I'm not sad and I’m not surprised...

~ Emy (Emethyst)'

I looked over my small entry. 'This is the end...' I thought solemnly. I threw my journal across the room onto my desk. It landed perfectly in place with a tiny thud. I sighed then walked over to my bed...and cried. Not because of his answer. Not because of something worth crying about. I cried...because I knew what I said in my journal was true. I cried because I never would be loved. Then Eric called...

"Hey E-" he said stopping abruptly. He could always tell when I was sad or scared. "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing," I said choking back tears, trying to get my voice to sound normal.

"Come on Emy. You can't lie..." he said playfully but still concerned.

"I’m never going to get a boyfriend. No one will ever love me!" I said bursting into a fresh set of tears.

"That’s not true!" he said.

"Yes it is!" I screamed, rocking back and forth with my knees up to my chest.

"No! Its! Not!" he said, "Someone loves you!"

"Like Who?" I asked through my sobs
♠ ♠ ♠
has a journal entry in the beginning then goes to normal story

this is the last chapter I believe unless people tell me to write more...