Status: Hiatus

You Don't Understand...I Was in Love...I Still Am...

Loss and Gain

Alexa Montiago is just a normal girl. At least, she used to be. Then her life turned to hell.

Alexa awoke from her nightmarish sleep at exactly 5:03 AM.

"Ugh..." she moaned, then flipped over and tried to fall back asleep. Truth was, she didn’t want to fall back asleep. She sees things in her sleep, unpleasant things. She’s what most people would call psychic. In her dreams, she sees people dying, yelling out for help. She also sees flashes of her future and they aren’t pleasant either. They’re not gory or anything but they make her cry a lot of the time, although not in school, that takes a lot. It was a Monday, she couldn’t fall back asleep, and so she decided to get up. She didn’t absolutely have to start getting ready until 6:45 so she was in no hurry. Her mom wouldn’t be up for another half hour either, so she was alone. She got up and walked slowly over to her full body mirror.

"I look horrible...I so hate wonder I’ve never had a boyfriend..." she sighed miserably as she looked herself up and down in the mirror. She had on her happy bunny pajamas. The Bermuda bottoms say "Its not my fault your music stinks" and the top says "Cute but kinda crazy". She walks into her bathroom and flips the light switch. The lights come blaring on and she flinches away, her eyes not ready for that shock. She walks over to the shower and turns it on then walks back to the sink. On the left side of her sink sits a razorblade.

"Shit," she says then covers her mouth in fear of being heard. "How did that get there? I haven’t used that since...since...well... ‘Last time’", she thought the last words as she wondered how on earth it had gotten there. "Maybe mom was in here and went through my stuff," she said aloud. ‘God I hope not...’ she thought. ‘If she went through my stuff and found this...I’m in for a hell of a lecture...ugh’ she finished. She quickly stowed the blade in her secret hiding place under the trapdoor in her closet. Then after she stripped, she jumped in the shower and didn’t come out until 30 minutes later. She was wearing a blue baby doll top and jeans that complimented her curves. She threw on a red jacket too in case her mom walked in. Alexa sat on her bead combing her hair, when she saw it again, out of the corner of her eye. It was the razor, precariously perched on her sink countertop.

"What the fuck?" she asked the room. "How the hell did that get back on there? I swear I put it in the..." she trailed off. Now she was scared. She stood up quickly getting in the ready stance, some of the only karate she knew.

‘Is there someone in my house? Are they gonna come in here and rape me and kill me? Is my family in danger? How do they know about the trapdoor? Do they stalk me?’ All these thoughts came racing through her head. The force was so intense she had to sit down quickly before regaining herself.

"Is anyone in there?" she asked the room.

‘Yeah like anyone in there is gonna answer me!’ she corrected. She slowly edged toward the bathroom door and pushed it all the way open, slamming it against the wall.

"What was that?" Alexa's mom asked while passing her closed door.

"Nothing mom, my mistake," she said quickly, relieved here mom was still alive and well.

"Damn right your mistake. Be quiet!" she said in a fake annoyed voice.

"Sorry," she whispered. She listened for her moms reply, never taking her eyes off the room around her.

‘She must’ve walked away...’ she thought relieved. She pulled the door back quickly to make sure no one was behind there then moved over to her closet. It was dark and usual. She flipped on the light inside, closed her eyes, and got ready to block but nothing came. She opened her eyes slowly and looked around inside her closet. Nothing.

"What the..." she was cut off by the razor floating past her head and back into the trapdoor.

‘I was thinking about putting it back up...’ she thought to herself.

"Did I move that?" she asked the room. She tried again, this time focusing on getting it out. Out it came, landing lightly on the sink. "Dude!" she said, backing away.

‘I cant believe this! I have telekinetic powers!’ she was excited. She focused again on putting it back and back it went.

"Wow..." she said. That’s all she could think of to describe it. BEEP BEEP BEEP her alarm clock went off. It was 6:55. "Oh shit!" she said in alarm, "I’m gonna miss the bus if I don’t hurry!" She brushed her hair and threw on some makeup before grabbing her backpack and storming out the door. She ran to the bus stop. Luckily she didn’t miss it and so began the boring day at school.8 hours later, she was home. Alone. She practiced her telekinesis for a while, trying to master it. Surprisingly she was quite good. Then she went over to the laptop and got on her email. She had a message or two from her friend, Tyler.

"why the fuck would you send me somthing about abortion that retarded and you crying for 2 hours well woo dee do de do stop crying and you havent lost Ryan and you were so annoying and stuff yesterday so if your so sad about that than screw it i guess you did lose me oh that is so sad im dying"

She had sent him a thing about abortion because it was a serious issue and she knew he would be against it and sign it. But she didn’t expect this...

So she wrote back:
‘becuase i can and it isnt retarded its a serious issue. but whatever. well i felt like i lost Ryan! how was i annoying!? you shooting me with the pellet guna nd all the shti you and Brandon do at school it hurts me!!!! dont you care? i dont wanna lose you i just felt like i lost you the way you said that cus it hurts me really bad when you yell at me!!!! why did you change? why?’

She had been having serious issues with Tyler lately. He was always being mean to her, and not like playful mean like normal. This was full on I-hate-you kind of mean. She didn’t understand. So she talked less and less to Tyler, mainly they talked on the Internet and sometimes on the phone but barely ever at school because him and his new "friends" always attacked her.

His email back:
"who cares if you can but i dont want this kind of shit.yah whatever,your annoying every day but it got to me that i dont care, who cares if you want to lose me thats is just creepy,i changeed because i want to move on and my life was boring and it is going to be better now"

This went on for a while between them. Then finally, he sent this:

"i just want to say a couple things thanks for all the things you guys did for us to have fun like the movie rentals and defanently the steam boat aribia and the other stuff like that cause i had fun but i an going to move on and i just find that i dont want to be your friend but we can still talk i guess but i will walk away if i get anoyed but for now on we are not going to be freiends anymore so fuck you and stay away from me but other thatn that thanks for all the stuff"

She was hurt. If you could see the other emails you would be too. You would be even more so if you understood all the good times she had had with Tyler. He was a good guy and a sweet guy then overnight, poof! He died and his body now contains an evil being that wants to turn her against him. She was crying, crying so hard she ran to her room and triple locked the door just so no one would see her. There was the razor blade on top of the counter. She seriously considered going over there. In Fact she got up and started walking towards the bathroom...