Status: Hiatus

You Don't Understand...I Was in Love...I Still Am...

The End?

RECAP (because it's been an obcenely long time since I've updated):

She was hurt. If you could see the other emails you would be too. You would be even more so if you understood all the good times she had had with Tyler. He was a good guy and a sweet guy then overnight, poof! He died and his body now contains an evil being that wants to turn her against him. She was crying, crying so hard she ran to her room and triple locked the door just so no one would see her. There was the razor blade on top of the counter. She seriously considered going over there. In Fact she got up and started walking towards the bathroom...



Then everything went dark. As dark as dark can possibly become: Total Darkness.

Days passed...weeks passed...months passed...going through the same routine each and every day. She was crushed. She didn't eat...unless forced. She harmed her body until she was within death's grasp. She slept, her dreams full of memories gone wrong. What she had was beyond depression; It was death waiting to happen...

Tyler was her everything. She secretly had liked him, loved him. After he was gone...there was no one. She looked for comfort from her friends, but they blew her off and she found out they truly didn't give a care about what happened to her. Everyone had left her...

Then came the perfect night.

It was Prom. She had no one...was no one. No reason to be there except to die.

She walked up to the highest balcony of the ballroom. As she subconciously looked down upon the happy couples, she stepped onto the railing. The music stopped, everyone looked at her, everyone suddenly cared, but of this she was unaware. All she could see was the painless life waiting for her on the other side, all she could hear were Tyler's murdering words. Then something inside her mind snapped back. She had awoken. Now looking down upon the worried student's faces she felt unstable. The height was too much. She was frozen. Then everything went dark again; she had fainted from the height. She balanced precariously on the railing, then collapsed. Down she went falling through the air, unaware of her coming doom. Then, out of no where, someone jumps underneath the falling girl while all the others watch her fall slowly to death. She comes ever closer...gaining speed...

♠ ♠ ♠
This one was really short but the next one will be super long.