Status: Hiatus

What?...I'm in Love?...With...A Vampire?

Lunch With the Guys...Oh Joy

***Your POV***
"Yeah, sorry," he said rubbing the back of his head. "So see you at lunch then," he asked.

"Yeah bye," you said smiling your "I-see-a-cute-guy-and-I-like-him" smile while simoultaneously waving. You then scurried off to History, glancing backward once before turning the corner. He was smiling at you with a true smile. You don't get those often. Everyone else does even less.

'Oh my God! He's smiling at me! His heart melting smile! Stop it,' you yelled at youself silently. 'Maybe I should just tell him how I! What, am I crazy? He doesn’t like me! And I don’t like him! Not one bit!...ok...maybe a little...ok...a lot,' you thought as you walked into your History class. You walked to the back thinking about all the thoughts you had been having. You just couldn't get Indygo out of your mind. 'Why can't I stop thinking about him,' you asked yourself as you sat next to Jen.

"Whats up A," Jen asked.


"Nothing much. Same old boring life. Hey me and the Girls were about to start a game of 'GUYZ'. Wanna play?"

"Sure why not," you said before you could stop yourself. GUYZ was basically a game where you talk about guys. Your fantasies, what you look for, anything. and 'the Girls' were Jen's group of friends. There was Elliot, who is a cheerleader (bleh!), Leonette, a shy wanna be, and Danielle, an emo poser. You didn't like many of them much but they were good friends to have if you needed to pull some strings. Yeah, you play those games.

"So the game begins," exclaimed Elliot.

"Joy," you said preoccupied with thoughts.

'Why am I thinking these things? I don’t really like him! Yet I can’t stop thinking about hi-'

"Your turn A," Jen said.

"What," you asked, confused.

"What do you look for in a guy?"

" has to be funny...fairly and kind...\.likes little children…emotionally connected...romantic...not all touchy..., they all laughed.

"What," you asked.

"You just described Indygo," Jen said.

"Well I guess I like those qualities in my friends too," you said, blushing.

"Oh yeah sure you do...or you like Indygo," she said.

"No, why would I?" you said quickly.

"Ok. Ok. We believe you. We're just messing with you."

"Oh. Right," you said relieved.

'Whew that was close.'

*a couple days before Easter*

You were sitting in the grass of your Aunt Jaqueline's house. You had invited Indygo along because you had to go with your little sister, Maria, if you couldn’t go over to a friend’s. You had got done eating and were playing around outside. You were a bit wore out and watched as Indygo played with your little sis. He was so good with little kids. He even may have liked your little sister even though she was one of the most annoying little children in the world. He was so cute.

"Wait! I just want a hug," he called to Maria as she rolled away laughing. You couldn't help but smile.

~ End Flashback~



'Lunch,' you rushed out of your seat and to the door before the teacher could stop you. 'I am so excited! Wait? Why am I excited? I sit next to Indygo all the time...,' you slowed. Then you walked back to your locker and put your binder in.

"Hey A," Christoper said coming up behind you.

"Whats up C," you asked, jokingly.

"Nothin’. So Indy tells me you'll be sittin’ with us today."

"Yeah. And your point is?"

"Nothing. So...what do you want to be when you get out of high school?"

"Um...a marine biologist or marine mammalogist. What’s with the sudden curiosity?"

"Oh, no reason."

'Ok then. This is odd,' you started walking to lunch with Christopher. He
continued asking you random questions about yourself. 'Why is he interrogating me? Oh God! Hopefully he doesn’t like me. I mean I would be flattered but...I don’t like him like that. Nah...he cant...'

"Bye," he said unexpectedly.

"What? Oh bye," you said waving.

'Very, very odd,' you thought as you entered the queue for the wonderfully delicious (sarcasm) cafeteria food. As you got your tray you saw Indygo waving. You waved back with a smile. As you walked over you couldn’t help but be self concious of how you looked.

"Hey A," he said rather quietly.

"Sup," you asked him.

"Oh...boring classes...same, same."

"Same. I tell you, History gets less and less interesting everyday. I mean, who cares about the Industrial Revolution and stuff like that?"

"Apparently teachers," he answered.

"Hey do you guys want to hear a joke," Leo asked.

"Sure why not," you and Indygo said.

"Ok well, there was a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead stranded in the desert," you all groaned.

"Not another blonde joke," you sighed. "You know, one day your going to get Christopher mad and he’s gonna attack you," you said.

"Won’t that be a sight," said Indygo, a smirk on his face.

"It would be pretty funny," Christopher said.

"Yeah, you being the one would miss him on your first go," you said jokingly. Everyone laughed.

"Alright! Alright! I get it. Ok back to your joke Leo."

"Darn! Why’d you have to remind him," you asked.

"Hey," he said.

"I’m just kidding," you said defensively. "Go on with your joke before we all die of boredom."

"Ok. So they were stranded right?"

"Right," you all answer.

"Well they find a magic lamp and they all three rub it and a genie pops out and says ‘you have 3 wishes.’ The brunette wishes for food, the redhead for water, and the blonde for a car door. Then the brunette and the redhead ask the blonde why she wished for a car door and the blonde replies ‘So if it gets hot we can roll the window down!’"

"Oh, haha," you say just so he’s happy.

"Yeah, I’m sorry. It wasn’t that funny," Leo said.

"It’s ok. You’ll get your chance," you said with a reassuring smile.

"Ok. Thanks," he replied.

"So A...I hear you want to become a marine biologist," Indygo said.

"Yeah. You got a problem with that?"

"No. I thought it was cool. You’re definately smart enough," he said smiling. You blushed.

"Hey, I try," you said cooly. "Oh and by chance," you glanced at Christopher, "Where did you hear this from?"

"A little birdy told me," he said.

"Oh yeah. A little birdy named Christopher."

"Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn’t. Maybe he was hired," he said jokingly.

"Yeah I’m sure he is."

"Oh yeah! I work for Hitler," Christopher said. You all broke down laughing.

"That’s hilarious," you said in between laughs.

"So," Indygo started, cracking up, "Which one of us did he hire you to kill?"

"Oh no one. I’m his gay mate!" Everyone started laughing again. You laughed so much you cried.

"What’s wrong A," Indygo asked, a look of slight concern on his face.

'Well...I think I’m in love with you.'

"Oh nothing. Laughing too hard," you said breathing heavily. *BRING* "Ok talk to you guys later. See you later Indygo," you said.

"Bye," he yelled after you with a smile.