The Old Lady

One Shot

They turned and hurried back down the steps. It was a stupid idea, they had nothing to prove to those bullies. But if they turned around now instead of going inside of the house to get a picture they would be picked on even more than they were now.
"Come Care, we can do this." Mark said as he took her hand and walked back up the steps with her by his side.
Care wasn't sure about this, not only did the house look like it was about to fall down at any moment but there was a rumor that the house was haunted and true or not Care was in no mood to see if it was true or not.
Not that she was scared or anything, it was only a stupid rumor, right?
"No Mark please, I have a bad feeling about this." Care said as she tried to get away.
"Alright fine, if you don't want to do this then don't but with or without you I'm still going into the house because I am sick of being picked on by those assholes." Mark said opening the front door and walking inside.
Care sighed her twin brother could be an asshole sometimes. But she might as well follow him mom would freak if she knew that Care had let him go in there alone while she was just standing outside on the doorstep.
"Mark wait for me." Care said as she turned on her flashlight.
It was now after dark and the house was old so the power got turned off a long time ago, something about people not wanting the house to catch on fire before they're able to sell it. Which they never were able to do. The house has been on the market now for over three years and not one person who looked at it want anything to do with it once they stepped out.
"Oh so you finally decided to come in huh? Not afraid that the ghost is gonna get you are ya?" Mark asked laughing.
Care glared at him, Mark saw and stopped laughing right away. He knew better than to piss his sister off.
"Whatever let's just do what we gotta do and then get the hell out of here." Care said, she still had a bad feeling.
"Okay come one, we're supposed to take a picture of the upstairs bed rooms. They said pictures of two bed rooms would be good enough," Mark said as he and Care started walking up the stairs. "I wonder why only two bed rooms though."
"Who cares, let's just do it and go. No questions asked got it?" Care said.
"Yeah, yeah come on you big chicken." Mark said.
He started walking down the hall taking pictures, first was the hallway itself then he started walking into one room. Care stayed by the stairs, she wanted nothing to do with this. It's been over a minute since Mark entered the room, Care wondered what he could be doing in there he was only supposed to be taking pictures and nothing else.
Care was about to go into the room when something caught the corner of her eye, she turned and put her flashlight at what caught her eye, but there was nothing there. She was now starting to get even more freaked out and nervous than she already was.
"Mark! Are you done yet, this isn't funny anymore." Care said. "Could you please hurry this place is starting to give me the creeps."
But still Mark didn't answer or poke his head out of the room. Care sighed, she was only in the house for a few minutes now and already she was sick of it. Not knowing what else to do she made her way to the room in which Mark had entered into about three minutes ago.
When she shined her light in there, there standing in the middle of the room not moving was Mark. He was looking down at his camera white as a sheet. Not knowing what else to do Care entered the room and walked up behind Mark, she looked over his shoulder and down at his camera. What was on it scared and freaked her out. On the camera was the scariest looking old lady she had ever seen, Care's pretty sure that she'll never be able to get that image out of her head for as long as she'll live.