Assistants and Dearest





I jolted upright, looking to my left and slammed the snooze button on my alarm. I didn't want to go to work today. Facing my new assistant was not on my top ten list right now. I'd face him tomorrow. Slowly, I pushed my covers back and went to the bathroom to shower. The water was way too cold, so I cranked it up, only met by my skin getting burned. This shower is ridiculous some mornings. Finally I settled with cold water and cleaned myself off as fast as I could, wrapping a warm towel around me once I was out.

I ran my comb through my hair, untangling strands of hair one at a time. I then put on a little bit of cologne and left the bathroom, bumping into my father.

"Almost ready for work?" He said, following me into the kitchen. The jug of water was out, so I poured myself some.

"Oh, I-uh, I don't think I should go, I don't feel good." I said, lying. Faking a cough, his facial expression got serious.

"I know you're faking it Vic. You just don't want to meet your new assistant. Don't worry, he's very nice and won't bug you too much. It's only a few months and then he'll be out of your life forever." I groaned, stomping my foot like a three year old would.

"Can't I just go in tomorrow? Please?" I begged.

"The answer is no, now get dressed." With another groan, I stormed off to my room, throwing on a nice top and pants, topping it off with a tie. Still highly pissed off, I went back to the kitchen and put on my shoes, wasting no time getting in my car and heading to the office. Even though I didn't want to meet this Kellin guy, I even more so didn't want to see my dad.

Rolling up to my familiar parking spot, I stopped, grabbed my keys, and headed inside. I was greeted by small hello's, which I exchanged, but no new people were here. Maybe they cancelled? My last hope was broken when I heard a car door shut, and when I turned around, there stood a unfamiliar girl, walking towards the door. I quickly headed upstairs to my office. Once inside, I shut my door quietly and got to work. If I finished quick, this would be over faster, right? No, that's a stupid thought Vic, you gotta work until four. I was so lost in my thoughts for ages that I barely heard the small knock on my door. It was either my dad or Kellin. I got up after a few discouraging thoughts, and opened the door. It was my dad.

"Listen Vic, Kellin will be up here in a few minutes and I need you to promise me you won't be mean to him or that you won't ignore him. I will not hesistate to drop your pay if you disobey, got it?" He said strictly. I was actually a little intimidated, so I just nodded.

"Okay, got it." He patted my shoulder, then headed back downstairs.

My hand ran through my semi-wet hair as I made my way to my desk. I had all my papers in order and I had nothing for Kellin to do. Shit, this will be fun. As I was thinking about what he could do, there was yet another knock on my door. So, I got up, trudged across the room and opened it. I looked down, well up actually, to meet a boy who didn't look a day older than me. He had swayed, medium length black hair and big green eyes. If I couldn't say it any better, he was attractive.

"Hi," He said with a sly smile. "I'm Kellin," His hand reached out to meet mine.

" you're my new assistant?" I said awkwardly. I'm not a very good socializer.

"Uh, yeah."

"Come in," I stated, opening the door more and pointed to some chairs. He took a seat, which I did as well, across from him. "Before we start work, I just wanna know some stuff about you." I probably sounded creepy, but I didn't want to know nothing about my assistant.

"Uh, okay well, my name's Kellin Quinn, I'm eighteen and I don't know very much about business stuff, so I was kinda hoping-"

"Yeah you'll learn," I interupted as I went back to my desk.

"So, what about you?"


"Tell me about yourself," He said simply, walking towards me. Kellin then entered my personal space.

"My names Vic Fuentes, my dad runs this business, and that's all you need to know." He was being too nosy.

"O-oh, okay. So, what do I need to do?"

"Nothing for now, just, I don't know walk around or sit," I mumbled.

"What're you doing?"

"Working on our license agreement, we're under an audit." He nodded, obviously having no clue want an audit is.

"I'll be then." I nodded, waving him off. He seemed highly bored already. Good maybe he'll quit. No Vic, don't act like this. My conscience told me. I knew I should be polite, even if part of me wanted him gone. With a sigh, I turned to see him scanning the posters on the walls.

"Okay, well uh, pull a chair up, I'm going to show you how to stamp these papers." He turned to me and smiled a little. I smiled too. He stood up and grabbed a chair, taking a seat awfully close to me, making me feel uncomfortable. I guess I just wasn't use to him yet.

So I showed him the ropes, and he listened intently, then got to work to the left of me. At least he listened. I finished my papers rather quickly and went on to something else. He was still working on stamping some envelopes though. Eventually, all the envelopes were stamped and lunch hour had arrived.

"So, do you want to go get lunch?" He asked. I couldn't tell if he was shy or not. It was like he wanted to talk at one point, but the next he's so quiet. If anything though, he's too...flirtatious. I don't think he comprehends his actions.

"No," I stated, walking out the door, going to lunch with Alex. He got into the passenger side of my car and we drove off, heading to the cafe downtown. Our town is decent sized, but not super big as well. So, we decided to go to a little less crowded place, called the cafe. Kind of generic, but I didn't mind. They had decent food.

"So, how's your new assistant?" He asked, after taking a bite of his sandwich.

"He's...okay, I guess. I just like working alone." He nodded. "How's yours?"

"I actually really like him, we have a lot in common and he already knows about business stuff, considering his dad runs a business similar to us." Lucky him.

"Nice," was all I said, obviously envious of him. Who the hell wouldn't envy Alex?

He has a lot of money and loves to socialize with anyone. He has a partner that is already trained and they get along very well. Alex also has talent, musically. He can sing and play guitar and he is very charismatic. It's like he was born to be a star.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll like Kellin, he seems nice enough." I rolled my eyes at him, which obviously annoyed him. "Fine, or don't like him, there's no reason to be bitchy about it."

"Sorry, I just don't know. He seems nice, but I just wish I could work by myself. I just, don't like meeting new people."

"I understand, but that's life. You should befriend him or something." I nodded, tossing the thought along through my mind. I guess I should befriend him. We continued our conversations for a few more minutes before leaving and heading back to work. Kellin wasn't there. But, he showed up a few moments later, Hayley by his side. Maybe that was his girlfriend? They were laughing. I walked away a little bit. If they were dating, I needed to know. My dad doesn't like employees dating.

They walked through, not acknowledging me, which made me kind of ticked off. They exchanged bye's and Hayley walked more so towards me.

"Hi Hayley, I'm Vic," I said, startling her.

"Oh, hi, nice to meet you." I shook her hand.

"Do you like your job here so far?" She smiled brightly.

"Yes, very much, Tay and I get along very well."

"Good, good, so..I see you and Kellin, my assistant are friends?"

"Uh, yeah, we went to school together."

"Great....So, are you two, dating?" I felt like I was intruding. "Never mind, that's personal, sorry for asking." She shook her head.

"It's fine," She laughed. "But Kellin and I are definitely not dating, just good friends." I was relieved. "It's funny you say that though, because Kellin doesn't like girls," And then my stomach knotted up. "He's gay."

"O-oh okay well I-uh just wanted to check, because my dad doesn't like employees dating other...employees."

"Yup, he told us, thanks for the concern though." She waved and headed back to her office.

Kellin is gay?