Sequel: They're Wolves

They're Puppies


The lesson was so dull I was overjoyed I hadn't fallen asleep. I had been trying my hardest to find the other beta's.

While I was looking around I found one straight away, she was staring out of the window, but her head was cocked slightly as if she was listening to something.

I stuffed down a snort

This type of wolf behaviour in a class? If a hunter was here they'd be able to spot her easily. Only wolves exhibited that type of behaviour.

I could see an superior look in her eyes, like everybody was below her. Yep defiantly new. Only a new wolf would believe just because now they were stronger and faster nothing could touch them.

I would enjoy bring her down a peg or two.

I concentrated on my sense of smell.

There defiantly was one more beta in this classroom but I had no idea who they were.

The class soon ended.

I decided to follow Scott, hoping I'd get some information out of him.

"Hey" I said to him.

"Hi, you're Emily right?" Scott asked me.

I smirked inside at how clueless he was.

I pretended to be shy and curious as I asked "Yeah, I was wondering do you know someone called Derek Hale?"

The reaction I got from him was a little unexpected.

He scowled, I could see distrust in his eyes but it wasn't aimed at me.

I quickly changed tactics, looking a little weirded out "He was following me home last night, right wacko. Said he knew you?"

Scott told me firmly "Listen to me Emily! Don't go near him, it's for your own safety, seriously-"

I felt confused.

Beta's usually protected there Alpha's and the amount of distrust in Scott's eyes towards Derek defiantly wasn't right...unless...

I recalled how Scott had a different scent to the other werewolves.

Unless he was turned by someone else and wasn't Derek's beta.

Was there another pack around I didn't know about?

Was I stepping into a war between packs?

It I was this was getting even more interesting!