Sequel: They're Wolves

They're Puppies

Start Of The Plan

Scott lead me away from Isaac intill we were out of ear shot. Which was almost half way to the other end of the School, because, werewolf hearing and all that.

"What's wrong Scott?" I asked, acting worried.

"Stay away from him Emily please" Scott pleaded.

"Why?" I asked, wondering if I could make him slip up.

Scott struggled to say anything for a few minutes, I enjoyed watching him squirm.

Eventually Scott said "Because he has anger issues, you could get hurt"

I was generally curious now "Why do you care? We've only met like a minute ago"

Scott seemed to look even more uneasy as he stammered "I care about other people getting hurt"

I rolled my eyes in side, great I had a type of werewolf that was the brave hero idiot type, always trying to do the right thing. I frowned at him.

He did seem to lack that killer Instinct we all had.

I could even fill that from the new werewolves but not Scott.


Despite everything Scott was starting to interest me.

I started to hope that he was somehow part of Peter's pack so I would need to get close to him.

I wanted to know what made Scott tick...

Boyd and Erica just wanted to fit in, be stronger.

Erica had some sort of illness.

As the day went on finding information from on them seemed easy enough.

However finding information on Isaac and Scott seemed much more difficult.

Isaac had some sort of parent issues. But that's all I knew. And I couldn't get any information on Scott because his friends all seemed to clam up when ever I prided in.

I need to get into Scott's friendship group to earn there trust and get more information about Scott.

And I needed to somehow get Isaac to tell me about his parents by also earning his trust.

To kill then first I needed to learn all of their weaknesses. And to do that I needed them to trust me.

I refreshed my make up and swaggered up to Scott's human friend, Stiles.

Stiles jaw dropped.

I smirked, this would be child's play, time for my games to begin.

"Hey Stiles" I flirted.