Status: The more likes/comments I get, the sooner they're written.

Look Into My Eyes Sweetheart

Gotham City isn't what it seems anymore. People are changing, evolving, and growing into horrible things. Life is short, and we have to deal with it whichever way it comes. It's all up to you, whether you lie and tell yourself everything's fine, when you can see the world through a new kaleidoscope. A kaleidoscope that shows you what people really are. Monsters were creatures made up to tell ourselves that there's worse things out there than ourselves. And in this world, the monsters come straight to your doorstep.

My inspiration for this type of Joker story is from Brian Azzerello's Joker. I've owned his Joker comic series since 8th grade and it was the comic that got me into writing. I hope you all enjoy. I tend to make this story very unusual, sexy, dangerous, and psychotic. Be prepared.