Middle Earth's Last Hope

Welcome Friends

Vaeri walked around handing out parcels of fruit and bread to families who had none. “Bless you.” A woman said as she handed the women one of the packages. She watched as the woman ran off opening it and distributing it between her three children. Vaeri frowned at how lost these people were.
Handing off another parcel a woman talked to her, “Have you heard the news?”
“What news?” Vaeri asked confused.
“He has returned.” The woman said simply before turning away. Vaeri shot to her feet, quickly handing out the rest of the packages of food. She ran up the steps, stopping when she saw Aragorn and Legolas grinning at each other, Aragorn quickly walked passed Legolas and into the keep. Legolas falling in step behind him.
Rushing into the keep after the two, she Aragorn say, “All Isenguard has emptied.”
“How many?” Théoden asked.
“Ten thousand strong at least.” Aragorn replied, Vaeri gasped in shock at the number.
“How can this be?” She asked Legolas as she stood next to him, he looked down at her his eyes full of disappear.
“Ten thousand?” Théoden asked disbelief filling his voice.
“It was an army bred for a single purpose: To destroy the world of men. They will be here by nightfall.” Aragorn replied.
“Let them come!” Théoden exclaimed, turning and walking away towards one of his men, “I want every man and strong lad to bear arms…to be ready by nightfall.” The man ran off and soon shouts were heard all around summoning all men and strong lad to battle.
“We will be slaughtered.” Legolas whispered to Vaeri.
“You speak such disheartening words.” Vaeri replied simply, knowing that it was the truth.
“I’m sorry for doubting you.” Legolas said suddenly, “I don’t want you fighting in this battle.”
Vaeri turned towards him, her face a solid mask of stone. “Don’t tell me when I will fight and when I shall not.”
“I don’t want you to die.” Legolas muttered sternly to her.
“I will fight; If I die so be it.” Vaeri snapped at him before turning away and walking out of the keep. She stood looking over the fortress, looking up at the sky she saw gray clouds churning in the air.
A storm was coming.
“Did you and the elf get in a spat?” Gimli asked from behind her.
“It was nothing.” Vaeri replied.
“He only cares.” Gimli said and Vaeri sighed.
“I know but I will never have anyone tell me when I can fight and when I can not.” Vaeri replied, “No one will ever control me.”
“Ha!” Gimli exclaimed laughing, “And no should ever try! You are wicked in battle, a force to be reckoned with.”
Vaeri smiled, “Gimli you know just what to say. You are a good friend.” She looked down seeing the dwarf have a flush to his cheeks.
“I”m lucky to have a friend as fair as you.” Gimli replied, “Now I expect you fighting by my side, Sword and Axe!”
“No one shall get through us!” Vaeri exclaimed laughing.
“I would like to see them try!” Gimli replied, laughing. They heard a cough from behind and Vaeri turned around to see Legolas approaching. “Well I will leave you too…” Gimli muttered before walking back into the keep.
“Don’t speak.” Vaeri said, “I already know what you are going to say.” Legolas nodded and took his place next to her side. “Why do you do this?”
“I…” Legolas started before stopping, deep in thought. “I can’t live without you. The thought of you dying in battle is almost to much to bare.”
“Legolas, it is my decision. I will fight, if only to protect you.” Vaeri replied turning to face him.
“Vaeri…” Legolas about to argue with her, she put her finger on his lips stopping him from speaking.
“Don’t.” She replied, she kissed him lightly on the cheeks before heading back into the keep heading for the armory.
She found a new set of armor, for her was now worn and tattered she slipped it on quickly just before someone bursted through the doors.
“He will not let me fight!” Éowyn exclaimed rushing towards her. “My uncle has told me to hide in the caves with the women and children, while you are allowed to fight.”
Vaeri looked around the armory, “Slip on armor and hide your hair.” Éowyn looked up at her in surprise, “If you are going to do it, hurry. I will watch the doors.”
“I cannot.” Vaeri turned to look at her confused.
“What do you mean?” Vaeri asked.
“I…know the way through the caves, there is a way to escape if all else has failed. I must be down there to lead the women and children, if all goes to ruin.” Éowyn said, looking disgruntled.
“If that is what you want.” Vaeri replied.
“It is not what I want, but it is what I must do.” She replied before turning and leaving the armory. The day quickly turned to night and men ran around; fear thick in the air.
She walked back into the armory to sharpen her blades, “New armor?” Aragorn asked as he slipped on chain mail.
“My other was to worn to provide any protection.” Vaeri replied and Aragorn nodded.
Legolas appeared out of no where offering Aragorn his sword, “We have trusted you this far. You have not lead us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair.”
Aragorn grabbed his sword, “Ú-moe edaved, Legolas.” They pat each other on the shoulder and Gimli walks in slipping on some chain mail. He let it drop and it landed on the ground far to long. Vaeri clasped a hand over her mouth giggling at him.
“We had time, I would get this adjusted.” Gimli grumbled before saying, “It’s a little tight across the chest.”
“Gimli, it is a dress on you.” Vaeri said laughing at the dwarf.
“Well it’s a good thing I can pull it off…” Gimli grumbled unamused, which was met with nervous chuckles throughout the room. They heard a horn sound loudly through the air.
“That is no orc horn…” Aragorn murmured before rushing out of the armory followed closely behind by Vaeri, Legolas and Gimli. It was an elvish horn.
“Open the gates!” A solider shouts and they watch as an elven army walks through their gates. Hope has taken a small hold in the hearts of the men.
“Nlaea?” Vaeri gasped sprinting through the crowd of soldiers, “Nlaea!” She screamed, a women turned around; it was her sister. She rushed through the crowd and they crashed into each other.
“Vaeri, is that really you?” Nlaea asked, stroking her sisters hair.
“In the flesh.” Vaeri replied a tear sliding down her cheek in happiness. “What are you doing here?”
Nlaea looked away from Vaeri seeing Legolas approaching the two, “Thranduil sends his regards.”
“How is this possible?” Théoden asked taking a step forward.
“I bring word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men,” The elf turns to see Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli running down the steps approaching him quickly, he smile, “We have come to honor that allegiance.”
Aragorn runs down and hugs the elf, “You are most welcome, Haldir.” Legolas quickly runs up to Haldir bringing him into a hug.
“We are proud to fight along side men once more.” Haldir replied smiling.