Middle Earth's Last Hope

Battle of Helms Deep

“You could have picked a better spot,” Gimli muttered hopping in the air trying to see over the wall. Vaeri laughs at Gimli who is to small to see over the wall. Lightning flashes through the air, rain starts to fall. Vaeri watches as the Uruk-Hai approach stopping. “What is happening out there?”
“Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?” Legolas asked, Gimli burst into laughter. The Uruk-Hai began slamming their spears against the ground and beating their chests in unison. Vaeri pulls out her bow, loading an arrow.
“Are you ready?” Hlaea asked her sister, Vaeri nodded.
“Are you ready to fight side by side once again?” Vaeri nodded raising an eyebrow.
“Looking forward to it,” Nlaea replied, nodding towards Legolas she asked, “What is going on between you two? He looks uneasy, he keeps glancing at you.”
“He does not wish me to fight,” Vaeri replied.
“Do you love him?” Nlaea asked suddenly, Vaeri nodded a sheepish smile on her lips, “I could tell, he loves you as well.”
Vaeri laughed, “How weird that our fates would intertwine this way.”
“What do you mean?” Nlaea asked.
“You are married to his father, if I have heard correctly and now we are together. It is very interesting.” Nlaea laughed lightly.
“It is true, whatever happens know that I love you.” The Uruk-Hai stopped chanting suddenly and they turned to look at the battle field, a orc fell to the ground.
“So it begins,” Legolas mummers, he appeared besides Vaeri, “Don’t leave my side.”
“I wouldn't dream of doing so.” Vaeri replied and Legolas smiled sadly at her.
“Tangado a chadad!” Aragorn shouted.
“Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc.” Legolas said loudly to all the elves.
“Leithio i philinn!” Aragorn shouts and Vaeri releases hers. Arrows rain down on the Uruks and many of them fall down dead, but it barley made a scratch on their numbers.
“Fire at will!” Someone shouts and Vaeri releases arrow after arrow, all making hitting their mark. She counted silently to herself she was at 15.
“Are you hitting anything?” Gimli asked still not able to see over the wall.
“What do you think Master Gimli?” Vaeri asked laughing at the question. “Ladders!” Vaeri shouted.
Gimli laughed excitedly, “Send them to me! Come on!” He exclaimed clutching his axe ready for battle. A ladder hitched itself against the wall right in front of them and soon the wall was swarming with the Uruk-Hai. Vaeri slipped her bow onto her back and grabbed her swords cutting down two quickly. Vaeri twirled her blade around stabbing one in the stomach that was approaching her from behind.
Gimli swung his axe laughing gleefully. “Legolas! Two already!”
“I’m on seventeen!” Legolas yelled back.
“I’ll have no pointy-ear outscoring me!” Gimli exclaimed swinging his axe right into the private-parts of a Bezerker. Legolas fired two more arrows.
Nineteen!” He yelled back to Gimli.
Vaeri fought side-by-side next to her sister, “They really need to catch up.” Vaeri said to her sister laughing.
“What number are you at?” Nlaea asked hers sister as she cut another down.
“22.” Vaeri replied as decapitated another.
“20.” Nlaea grunted as three Uruks attacked her. Vaeri turned to help her sister but was quickly surrounded. Vaeri swept her sword, a berserker sprinting towards her. He crumpled to the ground. She fell to the ground supporting herself with her feet and swept her legs out, knocking more of the Uruks to the ground. Adrenaline bursted through her veins, keeping her moving. Vaeri stabbed one of the Uruks on the ground in the chest. Grabbing a small dagger and threw it. It impaled one in the neck, her quickly fell to the ground.
Arms wrapped around her, pulling her off the ground. She couldn’t move her arms and another Uruk approached her raising his sword to finish her off. She kick his arm, the blade went flying. Kicking her legs upwards she wrapped them around it’s head, twisting breaking it’s neck. Vaeri summersaulted forward, the Uruk holding grunted releasing her. She grabbed the dagger in her boot stabbing it into his neck, the Uruk gurgling blood. Vaeri heaved, trying to regain her breath.
Sliding the small dagger back into it’s sheath, she grabbed her swords as more the Uruks ran towards her. She sprinted, sword raised. Swinging her swords she cut two down and stabbed another in the gullet. Vaeri heard a scream, looking over her shoulder she saw a sword imbedded in her sister’s arm.
“Nlaea!” Vaeri screamed frantically running towards her sister. A Uruk-Hai stepped in front of her and she quickly disposed of him.
“I’m alright!” Nlaea exclaimed in pain, as she swung her sword killing the Uruk who had stabbed her. Another approached from behind and Vaeri quickly released an arrow, Nlaea looked at her in thanks before she was blocked from view by a Uruk stepping in front of Vaeri. The battle went on for what felt like hours had passed but in reality it had only been a little while long.
A sharp pain racked through Vaeri’s body. She had been sliced, in the back of the leg. Vaeri cried out in pain quickly disposing of the Uruk in front of her before turning around slashing out at the Uruk behind her. Looking over the wall she saw a pack of Uruk-Hai advancing up the bridge heading towards the gates. They shield themselves from above, front and the back leaving the sides open for aim. Vaeri hears Aragorn shouting and suddenly arrows are being shot killing off part of the pack, but the ones that fall are quickly replaced by more.
Continuing to kill the Uruk’s advancing on her, Vaeri felt the adrenaline beginning to dissipate from her blood, exhaustion beginning to take its place. She pushed on as another Uruk attacked her. They fought fiercely, the Uruk pushing her back.
“Togo hon dad, Legolas!” Aragorn yelled to him, Vaeri swung out her blade and the Uruk elbowed her hand, pain shooting up her arm causing her to drop the blade.
“Dago hon! Dago hon!” Aragorn screamed wildly. The Uruk raised its blade, Nlaea turned to see Vaeri standing defenseless before the Uruk.
“Nooo! Vaeri!!” Nlaea screamed trying to go to her sisters aid. Nlaea watched as she just stood there, staring at the Uruk who was about to kill her. The wall exploded. Where Vaeri had just stood was now nothing but a a gap in the wall. “Vaeri!” Nlaea screamed, her heart breaking.
Legolas looked up at the sound of Vaeri’s name being called, he turned seeing her sister. She looked devastated, his heart clenched as he looked at where the wall had once been.