Middle Earth's Last Hope


She woke to find the place beside her empty. It was still night and she was unable to sleep. Sliding on her cloak, she slipped outside to find Legolas standing looking into the night sky. The stars hidden by the night.
Walking up, she sensed something was upsetting him. “Legolas, what is troubling you?”
“The stars are veiled, something stirs in the east…a sleepless malice.” He replied still staring into the night, his arms squinting in concentration.
“I believe this fight will soon be over and we will return to the lives we once had.”
“And you will be by my side?” Legolas asked, finally looking at her.
“Are you proposing?” Vaeri asked, taken aback by it. Waking up it hadn’t even crossed her thoughts of him asking her this question.
“Yes, I believe I am.” He said taking her hand in his. She stood there dumbfounded.
“I couldn’t imagine not being by your side. Yes.” Vaeri said happily and Legolas scooped her into his arms twirling her around in a circle while she laughed in happiness. He set her lightly down to her feet before placing a light kiss on Vaeri’s lips that filled her with such joy she though she might burst at her seems. A thought crossed her mind and instead of smile she found a frown on her lips. “Your father will not approve.”
Legolas pondered at the thought, “I can make my own decisions. He has no say.” Legolas frowned suddenly, his voice filled with urgency. “He is here.”
Her eyes widened, knowing exactly who he was talking about. Sauron. Running into the room where the men was sleeping, Vaeri saw Pippin’s body contorted on the floor spasming, his body covered in its’s fiery red light. His hands clutching the palantír, the ball covered in flames depicting the great eye. Without thinking Vaeri rushed over taking the palantír from his hands, instantly the eye of Sauron filled her vision. An blinding pain burning through her body.
Images flooded into her mind. The world was on fire, comrades in shackles as they slaved away on the burning earth. Minis Tirith stood in the background, screams filled her ears, flames eating away it’s glory. She was suddenly in the middle of the battle field, watching as an orc stood over Legolas. It’s blade shoved through his heart, blood pouring from the wound. He was dead. Vaeri screamed, her heart shattering. The images suddenly disappeared, darkness taking over—she welcomed it.
Legolas rushed forward, catching Vaeri as she fell the the ground. Her head rolled backwards resting on his shoulder. Her eyes moved restlessly behind her eyelids, he knew instantly that something was haunting her. He looked over to see Pippin lying motionlessly on the ground, the light in his eyes fading. Merry rushed forwards but Gandalf pushed him away and kneeled before the dying Pippin.
“Fool of a took.” Placing a hand on his head, Gandalf muttered a few words before Pippin gasped air back into his burning lungs.
“Gandalf! Forgive me.” Pippin cried, turning his gaze away from the wizard.
“Look at me! What did you see?” Gandalf said harshly.
“A tree ... There was a white tree . . . in a courtyard of stone…It was dead!” Pippin gasped disjointedly. “The city was burning…”
Turning away at the sound of a small gasp, he looked down to see Vaeri scrambling back into consciousness. She shot up, panic engulfing her eyes. Her body was shaking and she quickly scrambled away from Legolas, her breaths coming in pants as if what she saw had been physically exhausting.
Vaeri looked around in a daze like state before focusing her attention on Legolas. She rushed back towards him, flinging her arms around him still breathing heavy. “Vaeri what’s wrong?” He asked, concerned by the way she was acting.
“Nothing…everything is better now.” Vaeri breathed into his chest, trying to forget the images that haunted her mind. She clutched onto him like her life depended on it, she couldn't bare the thought of him not being in her life. Taking a deep breath, she pulled away from him and saw him looking at her quizzically. “I’m fine. Just a bad dream..” She said with a smile, trying to get him to stop worrying about her. Legolas gave her a small smile before looking away back towards Pippin and Gandalf.
“What did you tell him about Frodo and the ring?” Gandalf asked worriedly. Vaeri snapped her head up wondering what she had missed.
“Nothing.” Pippin said, barely audible. Gandalf grabbed him by the shirt and began to drag him towards the great hall. They were going to have a talk with Théoden. Legolas stood up to follow but stopped when he saw that Vaeri wasn't following.
“Are you coming?” He asked. She looked up at him, the image of his death flashing in her mind.
“I need to sleep…” Vaeri said quickly, wanting to be alone with her thoughts. He smiled kindly at her, kissing her on the forehead.
“I’ll tell you about the meeting when you awake next.” With those last few words he left, following the small crowd to the great hall.
Walking back outdoors, Vaeri stood where they had just gotten engaged. How could life be so cruel? The ‘dream’ she had, wasn't a dream at all. It was the future that had not yet come to pass. There had to be a way to change the future so he didn't die, but she had no clue what event had set his death into motion. She had no idea how to save him. For all she knew, Vaeri telling him about what she saw could set in motion his death. Or it could be the other way around.
Sitting down in her confusion, Vaeri pulled her knees to her chest mulling over the information she had been given. Unable to figure out what to do, she screamed in fustration. What was she suppose to do? He had the right to know she had seen his death but telling him could ultimately lead to his death. Life was cruel.
She heard a knock from behind her and she quickly jumped to her feet. “Are you alright?” Éowyn asked approaching her hesitantly.
“Yes.” Vaeri replied.
“It didn't sound like you were. What’s wrong?” She asked. Vaeri crumpled back to the ground, the information weighing her down.
“I saw something, I wish I had never seen.” She mumbled.
“What was that?”
“The future.”
“How could that have happened?” Éowyn asked curiously as she took a seat besides Vaeri.
“I took the ball from Pippin and Sauron filled my mind with images of what was to pass.” Vaeri said.
“Was it bad?”
“It was terrible…so horrible…” Vaeri cried, putting her head in her hands as she wept. “The world was on fire…Sauron had won…Legolas died…”
Éowyn gasped at the news, “Have you told anyone else?”
“Have you told Legolas?”
“I can’t…” Vaeri chocked, “I can’t tell him that I saw him die. If I tell him I fear it will become true.”
A light hand was placed on her shoulder, “If you don’t you will hold the guilt of not telling him if he does.”
“It’s not fair. We were to be married and now the life I hoped to have with him seems to be disappearing as quickly as it appeared.”
“You don’t have to make up your mind this instance. You need rest.” Éowyn said as she stood up pulling Vaeri to her feet. “Go to bed.”
She laughed lightly, she wasn't used to people telling her what to do. Walking away, she quickly found the room and fell onto the plush mattress. Her mind drifted quickly back into her nightmares.