Middle Earth's Last Hope

Onwards to Rivendell

Three months had passed since Vaeri and Nlaea had taken refuge in Mirkwood and today hushed whispers about a meeting being called in Rivendell. Vaeri mostly stayed in her room, keeping to herself. Whenever she left, Vaeri always made sure to wear a dress so as not to upset Lord Thranduil again. A knock sounded on her door, she opened the door to be greeted by Legolas.
“Lord Thranduil has requested are presence.” Legolas said, smiling shyly at Vaeri.
“Why?” Vaeri whispered, scared that it was going to end up like the last meeting.
“I’m sure you have heard the rumors, Rivendell has called a council meeting between all the lands.” Legolas said, “Come.” Vaeri walked silently behind Legolas towards the thrown room. She was relieved to see that there are a good ten people there, relaxing slightly she walked with more ease. Vaeri stood in between Legolas and Nlaea.
“I’ve called you all here today because we will be needing a group to head over to Rivendell to take care of some matters.” Lord Thranduil said, “I will be sending my son in my place with a few of my advisors. I have called you two here,” directing his attention to the sisters, “because this matter also concerns you. I would believe that you one of you would like to accompany them on the journey so that when your kingdom comes back you will know what will be happening.”
“I will go.” Vaeri found herself saying. Lord Thranduil raised an eyebrow at her curiously, “My sister will be of better use here. She is more regal and belongs in the court, not running through the country side.”
“I agree,” Lord Thranduil said surprising Vaeri, “You’re sister will be very helpful here as we try to reclaim you kingdom. You’re group will be leaving tomorrow, pack your bags and be ready to leave at first light.”
That night a knock sounded on her door, she opened it and was surprised to see Legolas. “Come in.”
“Thanks.” Legolas replied, “Are you nervous about to tomorrow?”
“A little, he was vague at the meeting. I have no clue what the meeting is going to be about.” Legolas said running a hand threw his hair.
“Hey, don’t be so glum.” Vaeri said smiling at Legolas.
He smiled kindly at her, “Vaeri, I really do enjoy your company. You set my nervousness at ease. Thank you. I will see you tomorrow bright and early.”
“That you shall, goodnight.” Vaeri said as Legolas left her room, shutting the door lightly behind him. Vaeri grabbed her pack, checking her supplies. She had plenty Lembas, apples, regular bread and a small variety of jams. She had a few extra daggers and a couple chafes of clothes. Satisfied, Vaeri set her pack down next to her bed. She crawled under the covers enjoying the soft texture of silk that should would feel for a very long time.
In the morning, she ate a quick breakfast and grabbed one of the sleeping bags offered by one of the maids. She holstered it onto her pack and went to the stables. Legolas appeared next to her handing her the reins to a beautiful white horse, “His name is Argo. He is swift and light on his feet.” Vaeri pet the horse on the ear, feeding it a carrot from a basket nearby. He whined, pushing his head into her chest. Vaeri laughed, “Well I can tell you have already made a friend.” Legolas said smiling.
“What is your horses name?” Vaeri asked running her hand down the horses head.
“Mistro, I raised him.” Legolas said smiling fondly at his horse, the horse nudged Legolas in the shoulder, nipping at his hair. He laughed batting his horse away playfully.
“Vaeri!” She heard her sister exclaim. Legolas took the reigns from Vaeri and she rushed towards her sister. Nlaea embraced her sister, “I’m going to miss you!”
“I’ll be back soon,” Vaeri said. “I promise.” Vaeri pulled her sister in for another hug, “Our rings, we can telepathically communicate.” Vaeri whispered into her ear, so no one could hear her. Nlaea gasped in shock, Can you hear me?
Yes, What about me? Vaeri asked. Nlaea squealed in excitement nodding her head.
“Good luck! Come back soon!” Nlaea said, “Legolas, do an old women a favor and come walk with me for a moment?” Vaeri raised an eyebrow at Nlaea, and she replied with a sly wink. Vaeri rolled her eyes and walked back to her steed, “Hello Argo, are you ready for our little trip.” The horse neighed with enthusiasm.
Light peaked off the horizon, it was time to head out. Vaeri was about to mount her stead when she felt a hand on her shoulder, “Ride next to me.” Legolas whispered before heading to his own horse. Vaeri quickly mounted her horse and rode up next to Legolas. Lord Thranduil stared at Vaeri coldly, she was wearing the outfit he had scene her in on the first meeting, chills went down her spine.
“Hey, everything is going to be okay.” Legolas said to Vaeri before leading the party out of the gates of Mirkwood. “Remember, don’t stray from the path.” Legolas shouted to the party in warning.
“What do you mean by that?” Vaeri asked curiously.
“If you stray from the path you will be lost forever,” Legolas said seriously, “I’m just kidding, only mirkwood elves can travel off the road and you are surrounded by us.” Vaeri stared at him unamused but she couldn't help but smile. The group traveled easily to Rivendell, finding no trouble on the road. The journey took about a week and when they arrived the group was exhausted from the travel. Night had fallen and the council was to start tomorrow morning. Vaeri climbed off the horse her foot getting stuck in the saddle, she fell backward unable to get her foot out of the stir-ups.
She felt strong arms wrap around her, helping her remove her foot from the stir-up. “What would I do with out you?” Vaeri asked jokingly at Legolas.
“You would be on the ground, your face in the dirt.” Legolas replied. Vaeri laughed punching Legolas lightly in the shoulder, he feigned hurt and she laughed. They party greeted Lord Elrond.
“You must be tired from your trip, I will have rooms made for you and a dinner prepared.”
“Thank you, Lord Elrond.” Legolas said bowing slightly in thanks.
Legolas and Vaeri walked to their rooms, “Would you like to eat with me?” Vaeri asked.
“It would be an honor.” Legolas said, over the week the two had bonded. They slept, ate, and rode next to each other. The two ate in Legolas’s room, the walls hide their quiet whispers and laughs. After talking for hours the two laid on the bed, Vaeri dozing off.
Legolas propped himself on his elbow, watching at Vaeri slept. Her face was calm and peaceful; she was beautiful. Legolas touched her cheek lightly, enjoying the touch of her skin. Legolas smiled to himself before tucking her into bed. He left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.