Status: In Progress (Comments/Suggestions Welcomed)

Rikers Island Jail Football Program

Added Time for Fu Fu

(September 5th, 2012) Inmate Fu Fu Brown has displayed very poor judgment in her recent stint at Rikers Island Jail. Fu Fu has made a name for herself with craziness, threatening letters, and recent unauthorized breakouts from the jail’s Medical Ward.

Fu Fu’s antics have not been popular to many people, including Judge Debbie Banks.

Judge Banks ruled on the punishment for Fu Fu Brown’s latest unauthorized breakout of the medical ward. Fu Fu had already broken out once back in 2006. Judge Banks had some harsh words for Fu Fu.

“Ms. Brown, I am inclined to make an example out of you. Your behavior during your time here has not just been unacceptable, it’s been despicable. You represent everything that is wrong with society and your time at Rikers appears to be doing no good. It is my belief that a longer stay may allow you to take the time necessary to ponder your actions enough to change your ways. Failure to do so will result in even more time. Guards, get her out of my face, she disgusts me!”

Fu Fu seemed unphased by the added time, and was seen asking guards if that meant she could finally get out of solitary confinement and rejoin the cheerleading team. No guard acknowledged her questions as they walked her out of the courtroom.

One thing seems clear after today’s sentencing Fu Fu’s priorities are very clearly way off.