Back to the street where we began

Chapter 12

(Miracle’s POV)

As I sat there typing away on my laptop I started to get a little hot and I could see Pippy was feeling the exact same way he was sitting under his chair now in the shade panting from the Vegas heat.

“Hey Pippy buddy you wanna go in and make some lunch it’s getting a little heated out here.” He seemed to agree cause he jumped up and started towards the house.

I ran after him looking at my reflection in the window I noticed it was just in time to because my shoulders were getting a little red. As I whistled “skyway ave” by We the Kings I made a couple sandwiches and went for a bag of chips and a soda from the fridge. Grabbing all this stuff made me aware that I was def going to be doing a couple extra crunches and another mile tonight when I work out.

Just as I went to flip on the boob tube and sit down I heard a knock at the door.

“Ugh of course right when I go to sit down” I said to myself

I ran over to the door and looked through the peep hole and couldn’t believe it

(Ryan’s POV)

Come on…come on I thought as I sat at the red light a few blocks from Mir’s house. This was it what would I say to her, gosh you’d think since I’ve been thinking about this for 10 yrs I would have this all mapped out in my mind but nope…I had nothing totally blank that’s me right this very moment.
‘HONK HONK’ I looked up from being deep in thought I realized the light was now green and I was pissing off the line of cars behind me. I waved my hand out the window apologetically and made my way to Miracle’s street. I had a big grin on my face until I saw a car parked out side her house that I knew all to well. Holly! What the hell was she doing at Miracle’s and how did she even know where Miracle lived.

As I pulled up to the house I saw Holly on the front porch pounding on the door. She looked crazed her hair was all messy like she had just been in a fight then I thought ‘oh god Miracle’.

“Holly…..HOLLY!!! What the hell are you doing here??” I yelled and must have startled her because she turned around suddenly with a stunned look.

“What are YOU doing here Ryan?” she was now stumbling towards me “Come to confess your undying love to your precious Miracle?” she seems to be drunk or on pain meds I know secretly she had a problem with both but every time I would try to mention it or even bring it up to help her she used to flip out.

“Well LITTLE RY is it? Your precious lover is a little preoccupied right now.” She started to laugh and that’s when I turned to see Hannah and Bren pulling up in Hannah’s car they both had concerned looks on they’re face.

“What did you do Holly?” I said now standing two inches from her face I could smell the atrocious stench of whiskey and I’m more than positive she had taken something else along with them.

“Miracle…. Miracle sweet heart its Hannah are you in there?” Hannah now pounding on the front door.

“Holly you need to leave…YOU NEED TO LEAVE NOW!!!” Brendon started to scream at her as he charged towards her in anger.

“Why the hell is Miracle so special, why do you all care so much about your precious little Miracle” she was heavily slurring her words

“Brendon’s right Holly leave” I pointed towards her car while holding Brendon back

“I can’t drive Ryan baby you wouldn’t let me drive in this condition would you?” “I just told you I don’t care how drunk you are or high you are your not my reasonably anymore call you other soon to be ex boyfriend let him know where you’ve been” after I finished those words I saw the shocked look and Hannah’s face when Miracle opened her door.

“Oh my god Mir are you okay your face” as Hannah finished hugging her she stepped out on the porch and I saw what the shock was Holly had hit Mir in the face with a crow bar she had in the trunk of her car. The right side of her face was unrecognizable her eye was swollen shut and it was badly bruised.
Hannah’s face went white as Mir stood they’re in shock and trembling. Brendon pushed off of me and ran to Miracle’s aid. I just stood there my legs felt like they’d been cemented to the drive way. The next thing I knew I heard Holly giggling and in a flash saw Hannah run towards her as I turned to see what happened I saw Hannah punch Holly. I turned to see Bren taking a now crying Miracle in her house as Miracle’s dog barked. Holly now bleeding from the eye walked up to me blew me a kiss and whispered.

“You’ll never find anything better than me…enjoy your broken slut.” She turned and got in her and sped off leaving tired marks on the road

Hannah walked back into the house and picked up the barking and terrified dog. Then there was me. I still just stood there not knowing what to do. Everything at this time felt like slow motion. I just stood there, this was all my fault the love of my life will probably not want to listen to a word I say now due to my past mistake of a relationship and it’s all my fault.
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WOW sorry to the ppl who have been reading this story i just got back from CABO mexico and wrote thee LAST 2 chapters i'll post this one and then after i get some comments post the next one...

Yes kiddies 2 more chaps left....