Status: however, is it life what drains the forbidden fruit?



il descend, réveillé, l'autre cête du rêve.

Walk the way he desires and swallow the ashes. That's how desperate for real images and not the haunting dreams he has come to be, the starving eyes and hyper-stimulated brain are craving the contact and he might be going insane through the normal process that comes after lacking sensation for too long.

The oily bindweed that his hair is lays more disheveled than it usually is now days when he shows up with an alcoholic breath and tainted eyes at the concert venue.

too much yelling, too loud, too soon, too much.

Brendon smiles tightly, disgust is obviously etched on his features and that's what Ryan sees before he laughs hollowly.

"I've always hated you're jaw." is the last thing Ryan says before picking up his guitar and going on stage.

they are not back together because Ryan and Jon are not part of the band like before. They are only helping out with something that was once theirs but not anymore.

Ryan lost his divinity among the mortals.

It's not like he cares about the old games they used to play. he doesn't.

Ryan drinks and swallows the bitter taste on the back of his tongue.
Ryan knows he is going to faint if he keeps up.

Maybe Brendon would show some emotion towards me that way. fuck him.

But no, you wouldn't care if he cares because you don't.

do you?
♠ ♠ ♠
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