OHSHC Storylines

A Secret Love Honey x Reader

You hurried along down the hallway as fast as you could, trying to get to the host club before most of the guests arrived. You wanted to speak with the boys about something in private. The winter sky seemed to hold the threat of possible snow, but there was none to be seen. The door came into sight and you ran faster; grabbing hold of the handle, you burst in, breathing heavily.

The entire host club turned to you in surprise. The room was decorated with paper hearts and streamers, beautiful red roses, and the tables were set with sweets of all kinds and baby pink tablecloths with cherry blossom decorated teacups placed precisely at each location. “What’s up?” Kaoru and Hikaru asked, sidling up beside you.

“Nothing too much,” you answered after finding your breath. Finally settling down, you straightened yourself up and made yourself presentable. “I actually came to ask a few of you something.”

The hosts glanced at one another and all shrugged. Honey and Mori were thankfully the only hosts missing at the time being. It was getting to be the Valentine’s Day and you wanted to get Honey a present that he would really like. Honey had always been your favorite host; his childlike charm interesting you to the fullest, making you fall for him hard.

Glancing at your feet in embarrassment, you asked, “I want to get Honey a present for Valentine’s Day, but I don’t know what exactly he’d like. I know he likes sweets and cute things, but I want to know what he’d truly like. I thought you all might know what that might be.”

The hosts were silent. You were surprised no one spoke up. Even Hikaru and Kaoru didn’t come back with a witty remark. Tamaki didn’t seem to be able to think of anything either. Haruhi was the one who spoke up for the group. “As long as the present comes from you, he’ll love it,” she smiled. "Don’t stress yourself over what to get him; just pick something that suits him.”

You blushed. “Thank-you, Haruhi. I’ll do that.”

Time passed slowly, but the club started up just as the first customers arrived. You sat down at Honey's table and watched him as he entertained the other girls there. He was funny and cute, even when he got upset, he always went back to smiling. You thought about the entirety of the club; just WHAT would suit Honey? He was playing with Usa-chan when you got the idea.

“Look Usa-chan, the girls really like the cake you picked out! It’s so soft and yummy!” Honey stuffed a very large bite into his mouth with a smile.

“EEK! He is so adorable!!!” The girls squealed as Honey preformed.

You, though, watched as he swung Usa-chan around. Your idea was perfect, and would make Honey even cuter. Granted, you’d have to start that night on it, otherwise it wouldn’t be done by Valentine’s Day. Standing, you excused yourself from the club and walked out the doors, making your way to the entrance of the school. The door to the club room opened not long after you stepped out and footsteps cam running towards you. You turned to see Honey dashing towards you with a wide smile on his face.

“Wait a moment!” he called out, waving a hand. Catching up to where you stood, he pulled something from his pocket. “I wanted to give you this. It’s an invitation to our Valentine’s Day gala. I was hoping you’d like to come.”

A blush spread across his adorable face. Blushing yourself, you smiled back at him. “I would be happy to attend.”

“GREAT!” His smile spread across his entire face. “I look forward to seeing you there!” He turned to leave, but stopped. “Oh! I almost forgot; what type of sweets do you like?”

“I like just about any kind of sweets, but I love chocolate truffles the best,” you replied.

He bounced up and down, an excited gasp escaping his mouth. “Those are delicious! Thank-you for telling me.” Turning on his heal, he dashed back to the club and slipped inside without another word. You yourself hurried off to begin your work.

It took the entirety of the time, but you finished Honey’s present just in time for the gala. You were proud of yourself for how well it had turned out; through trial and error, and a bucket load of fabric, you had created a red suit jacket for Usa-chan to match that of Ouran Academy’s dress code, though Usa’s was specifically designed for him. Where the emblem of the school should be, you had replaced it with a heart, the other side housed a pocket in which you had placed an artificial rose inside. Smiling in approval, you wrapped the item in a small box and slipped it inside your purse as you left your house. You were excited to give it to Honey, but also nervous. What if he didn’t like it, would he scorn you. Would he laugh at you? You knew it wouldn’t happen, but your nerves had gotten the better of you. You arrived at the gala with plenty of time to spare to possibly have Honey alone. Walking briskly inside, you glanced around for Honey. You spotted him at the other end of the hall, surrounded by a hoard of girls. Deciding to wait then, you slipped off to the side of the room and watched as other guests arrived. There were giggles and cheers, teasing and laughter, girls swooning over other members of the host club. Tamaki was his normal charming self. He floated around the room without a care and entertained as many of the girls as possible. Hikaru and Kaoru were pawning off their “brotherly love” act, creating a chaos of squeals from their end of the room. Haruhi entertained her guests with smiles and compliments, she herself not liking to take things too overboard. Kyoya could be found walking past many of the hoards of girls selling off merchandise for the club, mainly their newest photo books, all created especially for Valentine’s Day. Honey and Mori continued to entertain their guests non-stop as well, giving you no time to catch Honey alone.

You sighed and sat quietly, listening to Haruhi compliment yet another girl who was starstruck. “What was that sigh for, princess?”

You looked up to see Tamaki standing behind you, a concerned look on his face. Waving a hand at him you replied, “Oh, nothing in-particular.”

“There must be something.” Tamaki took the seat next to you and looked off into the direction you had been staring in. He made the connection then. “Ah, so that’s it.”

You nodded. “I’ve been hoping to get to talk to him, but everyone’s been so busy that I haven’t had a chance.” You sighed again.

Tamaki’s expression turned to one that made you give him a questioning glance. Beaming a smile at you, he took your hands in his. “Meet me out in the garden in five minutes.”

“O-okay.” Getting to your feet, you withdrew from the party and entered the garden.

It was chilly outside. Granted, it was still the winter months, but the days leading up to then had been warm, like spring had already arrived. You strolled through the garden, admiring the assortment of flowers thad had been collected. The ones that caught your eye were a white flower you hadn’t seen in before. Stooping down to admire them, they gazed upon you with an eloquence of peace.

“Gardenias.” Your head snapped around at the voice. Honey strode up beside you and settled his eyes on the flowers. “They’re lovely, aren’t they.”

“Quite lovely,” you replied, breathing in their scent. Now you knew why Tamaki had sent you out here.

Honey drew closer to you and reached over your shoulder; your heart pounded as he did so. His hand met with the flower you were holding and he picked it gently from the assembly of them. No words were exchanged as he quietly bent to his knees and placed the flower in your hair. His movements were like soft caresses, making your heart beat faster. With a soft smile, he stood and held out his hand to you. “You look even lovelier now.”

Your blush couldn’t be hidden. Your entire face turned red and you turned so that he wouldn’t see. He caught on pretty quickly though. Stepping around to where you had turned, he offered his hand again. “Why don’t we sit over there under the overhang, it’s better than the ground.”

You glanced up at his smiling face. Taking his hand, he led you to the bench that was housed under an overhand of red Carnations. You could hear the faint noise coming from the room where the party was taking place, the orchestra was playing a soft melodic tune of love. Honey slipped his hand into his pocket at this time and pulled out a parcel. He held it out to you.

“I hope you like these. They’re the ones I always get when I’m in the mood for them.” He began to smile even more.

Taking the parcel, you opened it to find it full of truffles. Your face grew redder as you observed your gift. “Th-thank-you, Honey-senpai. I’ll try not to eat them all at once.”

“Oh no! We wouldn’t want that! You might get a tummy ache, and that would not be something a beautiful lady like you should have,” he said, looking into your eyes.

You glanced away in embarrassment and reached for your purse in the process. It fumbled out of your hand though and the contents were strewn about at your feet. You hurried to clean it up as fast as you could before Honey noticed the package, but it was too late. He was down on the ground helping you pick up your belongings when he picked up the package. “What’s this?” he asked curiously.

“It’s for you,” you said quietly.

Honey’s eyes widened in shock and he sat back down next to you and tore into the package like a child at Christmas. He gave an “aw” as he removed the jacket from the box. “It’s perfect for Usa-chan! Now he can host the lovely ladies as well!”

He caught you off guard by flinging his arms around you in a hug. You hugged him back giggling. “I’m glad you like it. I made it especially for him so he could be like you all.”

Honey was caught without words. “You made it?” He glanced at the little jacket. “You have a lot of talent.”

You blushed at the compliment. Without another word, Honey rushed back inside and returned with Usa-chan in his arms. He quickly dressed the stuffed rabbit in the jacket and held him up for observance. “Perfect!”

It indeed did look perfect on the pink rabbit. It complimented his color nicely. Surprising you again, Honey flung his arms around you and hugged you tightly. “This is the best Valentine’s Day ever. Not only because being able to spend it with my friends, or for receiving presents, but because I can spend it with the one I love.”

Your eyebrow raised as he said that. “And how might that be, Senpai?

Honey fiddled with Usa-chan for a few moments, not saying anything. You sat quietly, waiting for an answer. “The flower in your hair, the Gardenia, do you know what it means?”

The question made you think hard. “No, I don’t,” you replied after wracking your brain, but failing to guess an answer.

“It means joy, sweetness, and that the one who is given a flower like that is lovely. But the main meaning is that it is a flower of secret love.” Honey’s voice lowered as he said the last part.

The words of “secret love” hit you full force. Your heart raced harder and your face grew so read, you thought there might actually be smoke rising from it. Honey shifted closer to you took your face in his hands. Staring into your eyes, he said without wavering, “And I’ve secretly loved you for a long while now.”

You closed your eyes as he leaned in for a kiss. Your head was spinning from so much information at once that you reacted without reason. Even though you were dying for his lips to meet yours, you pulled Usa-chan up from your lap where Honey had left him and put him in front of your face. Honey collided with the stuffed animal and his eyes opened with a start. You smiled apologetically.

“S-sorry….I don’t know what compelled me to do that.” You tried to apologize over and over.

Honey laughed it off. “It’s alright, I can wait.”

The smile he gave you was compassionate and full of love. You smiled back at him just the same way. Moments passed by and the two of you stayed in that position until Honey stood and held his hand out to you once again. “We had probably better be getting back, don’t want any peeping-toms ruining the moment.”

You chuckled at his words and took his hand. “No, we wouldn’t want that.”

You stood almost a head shorter than him, but he didn’t mind. He held your hand as the two of you returned to the party, holding Usa-chan with the other. His stepped stopped once more outside the doors to the event room and you turned in curiosity. Without warning, he leaned down and kissed your cheek lovingly. Your face broke out with an even deeper blush.

“I just wanted to thank-you for making this Valentine’s Day special. It has been the most wonderful day of my life.” Grasping your hand tighter, he pulled you into his arms and spun you in with himself, back into the throng of people who knew nothing about the feelings that the two of you held secretly within your hearts for each other.