
the meeting

(Your POV)
I recently started a new job at this small but popular coffee shop. Now, when I started my co-workers warned me about a group of guys that come in and make a whole lot of noise, and despite being told to keep it down, they never listened. The first time I seen them, three of them went and sat down and the other came to place their order. I’m not gonna lie, he was pretty cute. With his bright blue eyes and lip piercing and all that. Once he’d placed the order, he joined the other at the table.
I now understood what my co-workers meant by loud, they wouldn’t shut up! When I took their order over to them, I seen that they were all really cute looking guys, but one of them caught my eye. He had this red bandana on and his hair was wild, long and curly. He had the most adorable smile ever and I couldn’t take my eyes off him, causing me to tip the tray of coffees all over them! “Fuck!” I hissed. “Sorry” I said quietly. I quickly cleaned it up and ran back to the counter to remake the order. How embarrassing!
“Hey, I’ve come to collect the order this time” Bandana boy laughed, causing me to jump as I had my back to him. His laugh was so infectious though! “Might be a good idea” I replied with a small giggle, turning to face him. “I’m Ashton” he smiled when I gave him the order, causing me to get all flustered. “Y/N” I replied, looking at the ground. I heard him giggle as he walked away.
A few weeks went by and they came in everyday! I’d learnt by now that their names were; Ashton, Michael, Luke and Calum and I’d have their order ready and waiting for them when they came in. (I could hear them coming five minutes before they got here) They may be noisy but they were also pretty nice guys. Despite having the ‘bad boys’ rep around town! I found myself looking forward to them coming in, curious to see what they’d do that day. Most of the time they’d argue over stupid things and it was very funny to see. Seeing them became the highlight of my day.

(Mikeys POV)
The new girl Y/N at the coffee shop is pretty cute, she’s so clumsy though! I will never forget when we first seen her and she dropped the tray over us! It was Ashton’s fault, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. I can only imagine what was going through her head though, she must have been so embarrassed. We didn’t make a fuss about it, we helped her clean it up actually!
“I might change my order today, just to wind Y/N up” Calum laughed as we approached the coffee shop. “You can’t do that to her, she’ll hate us” Ashton replied. Ashton has had his eye on her from the moment he first saw her. He doesn’t shut up about her. It’s really annoying sometimes. “Come on, it’ll be fun, plus I actually want something different today” Calum grinned, opening the door. “Fine, but I’m not having any part of it” Ashton warned. “Hey guys, here’s your order” Y/N smiled when she seen us. “actually” Calum started with a small giggle. Ashton sighed, took his coffee and sat down.
“Dude, just as her out already!” I told Ashton a few weeks on. It was just me and him, we were walking to the coffee shop and meeting Calum and Luke there. “What if she says no though” Ashton wined. I rolled my eyes and groaned at him. “Look she won’t say no, I’ve seen the way she looks at you, but you won’t know unless you ask her, stop being a pussy” I told him. When we got to the coffee shop he was a nervous wreck. His palms were sweating and he couldn’t catch his breath. “Go and sit down you dick” I laughed rolling my eyes at him. “Hey Mikey, the usual?” Y/N asked. I nodded with a smile.
“Hey Y/N” I called quietly, she turned to look at me and I gestured for her to come over to me. “What’s up?” She asked. “Well, Ash really likes you and wants to ask you out, but he’s being a pussy and won’t do it, so I thought I’d do it for him” I told her, leaning over the counter and smiling my innocent, I didn’t do anything smile. She laughed slightly and nodded “Oh ok” she replied and went back to work. I’ve no idea what that meant, so lets not tell Ash I said anything. “Here’s your order” She smiled, handing me the tray with two cups of coffee and Ashton’s usual chocolate muffin on. “Thanks” I replied and headed over to the guys. “I’m so hungry, I can’t wait to eat this” Ashton moaned, a little too sexually for my liking when he picked up his muffin. “What’s that?” Luke asked when he seen something on Ashton’s napkin. Ashton picked it up and it took everything in his power to not scream like an excited fangirl seeing Justin Bieber. “It’s Y/N’s number!” he grinned. I turned to look at her to find her grinning at me. So I wasn’t completely useless after all. “Nice job buddy” I grinned and patted him on the back.
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if you don't already know Y/N stands for your name. Just insert your own name into the story :)