‹ Prequel: Impavid
Status: I highly encourage reading the prequel



Name: Lana Laudreé
Age: 22
Sex: Female
District Origin: District Four
Victor: yes\\ no
Year: 69th and 75th
Location: Ward Three, District Thirteen
Diagnosis: Posttraumatic stress disorder, acute paranoia, intermittent explosive disorder, codependency
Notes: PTSD can be contained when she is working with other victors; avoid triggers such as certain plants, words and phrases. Paranoia is symptom of PTSD, controlled well. IED not controlled. All diagnosis are invalidated with codependent subject.
Patient comments: “If you don’t put me in a room with Finnick, I’m going to set Ward Three on fire, and then cook food over it. Stop writing things-“ Patient attacks, again.

Name: Finnick Odair
Age: 24
Sex: Male
District Origin: District Four
Victor: yes\\ no
Year: 65th and 75th
Location: Fourth Ward, District Thirteen
Diagnoses: Posttraumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, codependency
Notes: PTSD is not severe. ASD is visibly triggered by many people in one room as well as running drills. OCD is severe (i.e. room pristine, must face a door at all times, does things in a pattern of divisibles of 24. All diagnosis are easier to control with codependent subject.
Patient comments: “Please just let me stay with Lana. It helps. If you don’t put me with Lana, she’s going to burn down the building and probably cook something over it. Is that a scratch? Did she attack you?”