‹ Prequel: Howling at the Sun

Burning the Dragons

The month they began expecting

Tabitha leaned against the balcony edge as she watched ships leaving the harbour of Sunspear. Many flew sails and flags of houses she did not recognise, but Oberyn had informed her that they had good trading relationships with many Essos cities, so she guessed that they were heading back across the Narrow Sea. In her hand she gripped tightly onto a parchment from Eddard. Immediately after her first meeting with Doran, Tabitha had sent a letter to her older brother, and a reply had returned far quicker than she had expected. They had been conversing for a little over a month now, discussing personal topics as well as the possibility of another war. Eddard had raised the same issues that Tabitha had, and was concerned about forcing the North into war when their resources were already so depleted. But, as promised, Doran and Oberyn sent plenty of supplies to White Harbour and after only the first shipment, Eddard was feeling more confident about supporting their cause.

In his last letter, the one Tabitha was holding dearly, he had sent her his best wishes, hoping that she was feeling well, and seeing those words neatly printed onto the scroll was tearing Tabitha up inside. She was not feeling well at all. Aside from the odd argument with Oberyn about why he had immediately used their marriage to benefit politically, to which he insisted that he had never intended to, Tabitha had been feeling queasy for a large portion of the day, every day. And it bothered her tremendously. That added onto the fact that her red flower had still not blossomed this moon cycle, she had been forced to see the Martell’s Maester, and she was still uncertain how she felt about the news she had received.

“My wolf, there you are,” Oberyn called from behind her and Tabitha’s gaze lowered with sadness. She had been enjoying her time alone and wanted it to continue so she could solve the dilemmas in her head. “Has your brother sent a reply?”

“He has,” Tabitha confirmed as Oberyn joined her side, his brow crinkling at her low tone.

“Are you feeling well, my love?”

“He said that with your supplies it is possible that he can join you,” Tabitha replied, ignoring his question about her health.

“That is great news, but I asked-” Oberyn began with a frown.

“There was a scroll for you too,” Tabitha interrupted as she held out the parchment, wax emblem with a dragon stamp still intact. “From the capital.” Oberyn’s forehead creased further as he took the letter and tore it open, his eyes darting across the piece of paper.

“It is from Elia,” he muttered under his breath and Tabitha finally looked up at him, watching as his expression fell even more as his eyes skimmed his sister’s words. “She said that Rhaegar told her to leave King’s Landing. She is on her way to Sunspear now with her children.”

“Really? Why would he do such a thing?” Tabitha questioned, straightening her back as Oberyn rolled the parchment up to slip into his pocket.

“Because he realised what she did for us. She said that Rhaegar yelled at her, saying that it was unfair that we could be happy and have love when he couldn’t, that Elia prevented him from being with Lyanna, the one he loved. She said that he thought she was mad, a contradiction, and now she is fleeing for safety.”

“That is absolutely dreadful,” Tabitha whispered, reaching out to take his hand.

“I must tell Doran,” Oberyn muttered to himself, oblivious of her attempt of comfort as he turned sharply and walked away.

“My sun,” Tabitha called and he halted, having not been called that since they arrived in Sunspear and he seemingly betrayed her. Oberyn turned slowly, filled with hope, then walked back to stand before his wife.

“Have you forgiven me?” he wondered, finding the courage to loop his arms around Tabitha and pull her in close.

“I want to know if this would have happened had you wed Cersei instead… Would you have thrown her family into war as well?”

“We did not plan to start a rebellion so soon, but Elia’s suffering had worsened too much for us to wait any longer. But it was part of Doran’s plan when he sent me to King’s Landing. He would never have me wed unless it would greatly benefit Dorne,” Oberyn explained, giving Tabitha the answer she had not wanted but had expected to hear. With an exhale, she let go of the tension in her body and accepted her situation, seeing a few silver linings to it. “I know I perhaps should have said something, but I did not want to deter you. I do love you, my wolf. Do you believe me?”

“Yes. I believe you. I have to trust you,” she nodded and Oberyn kissed her forehead, incredibly relieved that they were moving past the issue that had been nagging them both. “I have news…”

“Yes?” Oberyn said, nervously searching her face for some sign of what was to follow. She took in a deep breath and licked her lips before meeting his eyes.

“I am with child,” Tabitha announced. Oberyn remained silent, his blank face slowly turning into a look of surprise before it broke into a grin.

“Are you certain?” he breathed, unknowingly tightening his grip on her from his excitement.

“The Maester is.” With those words, Oberyn pulled Tabitha into a tight embrace and pressed his lips against her neck.

“I cannot believe it!” he exclaimed before laughing with pure joy. Tabitha smiled, glad to see that her husband was feeling happier.

“Well, you had better start believing,” she said, thinking that she had to take that advice as well.
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Thanks, as always, to my lovely commenters :)