Status: completed

Solitude Does No Good


Snow was quickly falling down, accumulating over the past three days. The storm had started off innocent, draping over roofs and the mountains in just a light brush, but now power lines were down and many were snowed into their homes. Some people attempted to get their shovels out and tackle the snow, but it would only be a short time before they would retreat back into their houses where the warmth would hopefully last. Radios were keeping most people updated, letting them know which roads were going to be taken care of first, accidents that had happened, and people missing.

Parents tried to get their children into bed who were falling everywhere between scared and excited. More snow meant no school. The adults knew that things were reaching a dangerous point and wondered if the storm would continue for another day or stop in the night. Food pantries were checked, batteries collected, candles stacked, and backup generators tested. Most of the people who lived in the smaller areas of Alaska knew the precautions needed to be taken.

As the night moved on, lights in the small town near Koyukuk River started to turn off one by one as many retired to bed to stay warm under blankets and hoped the storm would be gone by morning. A full night of rest would be needed if their prayers were answered. Soon enough, the town was asleep and the storm was the only noise in the night, howling loudly.

But near the town, something was still stirring in the storm…