Status: In Progress

Indigo Sky

You Found Me

Chapter Eleven: You Found Me
*Alexa’s POV

I looked up and saw that Bree and Nikki were glaring at each other. I glanced over to see that Callie was looking between the two of them nervously.

It’s inevitable that if you put four girls together for as long and as often as we spend time together that we are going to get on each other’s nerves and get into arguments. We’re girls and we are going to snap at each other. And Bree and Nikki have the tendency to butt heads the most often, mostly because they are both extremely stubborn. Callie always tries to play peacemaker and patch things up between us but it doesn’t change the fact that we are going to fight occasionally. I should have realized that things had been too calm for too long now.

“Listen, the point is that even though you two think you’re so cool now that you have fake id’s, the truth is that you’re underage. You’re not supposed to be allowed to go in bars and clubs and get drunk in public, It’s the law.”

Bree snorted. “Who are you now, the police?”

“The fact of the matter is that you two also represent us. And if we are going to be serious about doing this as a career, then I think we need to decide as a group how we want to represent ourselves.” Nikki went on.

I frowned, what did this have to do with me and Bree going out to have some fun? “Okay, what’s your real point, Nikki?” I cut in.

“Well, what if you guys were to get caught? What if someone finds out that you have a fake id and they haul you off to jail? Then the thing that we’re known for isn’t our music it’s that our underage members have illegal fake ids and go out to the clubs.”

“What Nikki, are you jealous we didn’t get you one?” Bree snapped. “You wouldn’t be able to hang with us even if you did come out.” She muttered nastily. Nikki really isn’t much of a drinker so it’s hard to think of her with a fake id.

“No.” Nikki said back defensively. “I don’t care about what you guys do that you think it’s so cool to break the rules. You guys are stupid. I just don’t want your stupid decisions to bring down my reputation as well. You’re already making a name for yourselves as partiers and I’m not sure that’s the image I want to be associated with.”

I folded my arms across my chest. I usually try not to get too involved in the drama because I hate fighting, but this was becoming dangerously close to an attack on me personally. “Excuse me, what kind of reputation do you think I have?”

“Oh shut up, you know what I’m talking about.” Nikki said, rolling her eyes,

“No. I don’t.” I came and stood next to Bree, who was starting to look seriously pissed off. “And don’t tell me to shut up.”

“Just that you guys associate a good time with drinking. And both of you are flirting with every guy that you encounter. I don’t want that to become the reputation of the band, because that’s not how I’m trying to represent myself.” Nikki said defensively.

“That’s not true.” I snapped, I hadn’t been involved with much of anyone (except Harry) since I had gotten here. Sure, I may do some innocent flirting and dancing at the clubs, but I wasn’t sleeping around.

“She means me.” Bree said. “She thinks that I’m a slut.”

“I didn’t say you were a slut-“”Nikki protested.

“That’s what you were implying, weren’t you? You think that Lex and I are giving Indigo Sky a bad rep. isn’t that what this whole lecture is about?” Bree demanded.

Nikki shrugged. “That’s the gist of what I was trying to say. But I would never think that you were a slut.”

Bree ignored her and turned to Callie in the corner. She was watching the whole exchange with wide eyes, twisting her hands together in front of her. Fighting bothers her almost more than it bothers me. She doesn’t like to see us at each other’s throats.

“What do you guys think? If this is a group thing then it should be a group decision. Do you agree with Nikki?”

“I agree that if you guys were to get caught, it could look bad on us. They would be sure to mention that any time that they talked about our upcoming album. I don’t want to be known as that underage girl group that got caught drinking, oh and here’s their song.” Callie admitted after a minute of thinking. She shrugged helplessly. “I just want you guys to have fun and be safe, even if it’s not what I would do.” She added weakly.

“We’re twenty fricking years old!” Bree protested. “This is what twenty years olds do! How is this any different than if we were off at college going to parties?”

“Because we aren’t off at college. We didn’t choose that path.” Callie reminded quietly. “Not many people get this opportunity to do what we’re trying to do and I don’t want to ruin that by making bad decisions.”

Just as I was about to state my piece, Lauren opened the door to our trailer and stepped inside. “Girls, the van is here to take you home. You about ready?”

As soon as she stepped into the trailer, we all shut up. We weren’t going to argue in front of anyone. I just kind of looked away from her, my arms still crossed over my chest.

When she was met with silence, she looked around at the four of us for a minute. “Okay…” She said slowly. “Anyone want to tell me what’s going on?”

No one said anything, Nikki just huffed.

“Having some kind of argument?” Lauren asked after another minute. “You don’t have to tell me, not unless it’s something I can help with. I’m just surprised. You should be on top of the world right now. You just finished your first music video and you’re arguing?”

I sighed, releasing my arms. She was right. “It’s okay Lauren, we’re over it. We’re ready to go now.”

“Sure thing.” She agreed, stepping back so we could step out of the trailer. “The van is right outside.”

We filed past her and climbed into the van in tense silence. Bree and I sat together in the back row and I stared at the back of Nikki’s head while we waited to leave. “Just a minute,” Lauren said, leaving the van door open. “Mark wants to talk to you before you head off.”

A few minutes later, Mark stuck his head inside the van and looked around at us. “What are you fighting about?” He asked ,his blue eyes serious as he looked around at us.

“We’re not fighting.” Callie said, trying to sound really positive. “Just kind of tired after a long day and-”

“Don’t lie. What are you guys fighting about?” he cut her off. “Spill it, this van isn’t leaving until you tell me what’s going on.”

“It’s stupid.” Bree warned.

“It’s not stupid.” Nikki protested, turning to Mark. “Callie and I are uncomfortable with Lex and Bree using fake id’s to get into the clubs. We’re afraid that if they were to get caught and get into trouble that that’s what will become public perception of us. We want to be known for our music, not for being troublemaker teens.”

“Pretty valid point.” Mark agreed. “I take it you two don’t agree with that?”

I just shrugged a shoulder. I didn’t see the point in freaking out about what might happen if we were to get caught. We hadn’t gotten caught so far.

“Listen, we’re not robbing banks or murdering people. We’re 19 and 20 years old, we just want to have fun.” Bree said defensively.

“Sure, fun is good. I guess you just need to think about what your priorities are. Do you want to really make a career out of this or do you want to be young and party in the LA scene and hope that the media doesn’t find out? I can handle it either way. If you want to take this seriously, hand me your fake id’s. If you don’t, if you want to be young and wild, keep them and we’ll address any issues that come up when they do.” Mark said.

I looked at Bree for a moment and just sighed, digging in my purse for my fake id. I held it out to Mark and he took it. Bree glared at him for a minute before rummaging in her wallet and forking over her fake id.

“Okay, problem solved.” Mark said, pocketing the fake id’s. “You have all just agreed that this band is the most important priority. So patch things up and move forward. Go home, get some rest. We’ve got another big day ahead of us tomorrow.” He stepped back, surveying us. “Think about what you guys did today, you recorded your first music video. That’s a pretty amazing thing for four friends from Chicago who were playing on street corners and on youtube just a few months ago.”

He slid the door to the van shut and we rode back to the condo in silence.