Status: Completed.

Build Me Up & Tear Me Down


I opened my eyes and found Hemingway licking my face.

"Hem, eww. How many times I have to tell you to not to lick my face?" I told him, wiping the spots he licked with my arm.

He only looked at me with his tongue moving in and out, his small green plastic ball was in front of him. I took my cell phone and flipped it, looking at the monitor.

"Hem, its still 6.30! Why don't you ask Pete to play with you? You're his dog!"

He looked over Pete and whined. Pete was still asleep. Darn you, Pete.

I sighed. "Okay, let's play."

I stood up from my bunk and wore my jeans, knowing I was wearing only a large-sized t-shirt. That was the only outfit I wore when I was sleeping. I took Pete's hoodie (since he had a lot of hoodies) after I wore my jeans and wore the hoodie. I grabbed the tour bus' door open and walked out, breathing some fresh, morning air. Hem walked in front of me, making some barks.

"Damn it, Hem! Be quiet, you'll wake up all the people!" I said to him.

"Shut up will ya, Color."

That voice. That nickname he gave.

"I'll shut up if Hem shut up, George," I said, turning around and metGeorge Ryan's chest. I looked up, realized that he was much taller than me.

Why he's so close to me?

I moved few steps backwards. He smiled sleepily and slapped my cheek lightly.

"Why you're up so early? Brenny said you never woke up this early," I said, picking up Hemingway.

"That's because your dog is barking all the time."

"Correction, he's Pete's dog, not mine."

Hemingway licked my face for the second time of the day.

"Eww, Hem! I always said I don't like my face being licked!" I said, putting him down and wiped the spot he licked withmy Pete's hoodie.

"Is that Pete's?" Ryan said, pointing at the hoodie I was wearing.

"Yep. Since he has a lot of hoodie I decided to wear it, and with purposely, I didn't bring any hoodie at all," I grinned, "So I can borrow his. I like all of his hoodies. His clothes size is the same with mine, after all."

"Bad girl," he said, messing my hair and took Hemingway's plastic ball from my hand and threw it to Hemingway.

Hem ran, chasing the ball and barking happily in every step he took.

"Why Hem is really loud," I said, rolling my eyes.

Hem went back with the ball in his mouth, and putting it down near Ryan's feet. Ryan threw it again, but it hit one of GCH's tour bus' windows. Thank goodness it was a plastic ball, it didn't break the window.

Matt walked out the bus, and shouted, "Shut the hell up! I'm really sleepy!" And walked inside the bus again.

Hem took the ball and put it near Ryan's feet again. Ryan threw it again and it hit one of Paramore's tour bus' windows.

This time Hayley popped her head from the window where the ball was hit. She looked really sleepy.

"Damn it, Ryan. Aim the ball correctly," she said sleepily and popped her head inside the bus and closed the window.

The ball rolled near my feet. Ryan took it and threw it to one of FOB's tour bus' windows.

"...You do it purposely, right?" I said to him.


Joe and his 'fro hair popped from the door.

"Do it again I'll smack your head with my guitar," he said sleepily and popped his head back to the bus.

Hem walked back to us with the ball in his mouth, and dropped it near Ryan's feet. Ryan took it and threw it towards one of Panic!'s tour bus' windows.

Nothing happened.

He did it again and nothing happened.

After around 15-ish time throwing the ball and nothing happened, this time one of the windows clicked.

"Watch this," Ryan said and covered his ears with his hoodie's cap, then his hands.
I looked at him quizzically.

Brendon's head popped out from the window and screamed really loud, "STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!! I'M TRYING TO SLEEEEEEEP!"

And clicked. The window closed again.

"Oww," I said, holding my ears. That really hurts.

Ryan laughed and put his hoodie's cap off.

"See that? My band contained of real sleepy guys. Once they are being annoyed when they're sleeping, they could do something that Brendon did. Only me that could wake up easily," he said proudly.

Pete walked towards us and picked Hem up.

"Was that Brendon screaming? It really wakes me up," he said, "And I bet Ryan's the reason he was screaming," he said, taking Hem's ball from Ryan's hand and walked inside FOB's tour bus.

I glanced at Ryan and shook my head at him. I walked inside FOB's tour bus to get some more sleep.

"Wakey wakeeeey," I heard Pete's voice beside my ear.

"Ngg," was all I said.

"Wakey wakeeeeeeeeeeeeey," he whined more.

"It doesn't work, Pete. You know that," I heard Patrick's voice said.

"Joe! Come here! Brush her face with your hair!" Pete shouted.

I took my pillow and hit him with it, and went back to sleep.

"Indi, you're totally awake," Andy said.

"I don't wanna go up," I mumbled.

"Wakey wakeey," Pete said again, poking my cheek. I bit his finger and went back to sleep angrily.

I was so sure he knew I was always in a bad mood every time I woke up!

"That doesn't work and we all know that," they all said.

I heard foot steps walked away. Good. After a while, some foot step walked heading me.
Not again!!

The person kissed my cheek and sang softly, "Wake up Indi."

I woke up immediately and I accidentally bumped my head against the bunk above me because I was too excited.

"Morning, angel," Travis smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Morning," I smiled.

He gave me a good-morning-kiss and stood up, walking outside the bus. I used my glasses and followed him. I looked at my cell phone and it was 8.45. I bumped into Josh and all of his books fell down.

"Damn I'm so sorry Josh! I just woke up and... and..." I said.

"Nah, its okay Indi. I understand you just woke up and still sleepy. I do that a lot too," he grinned and kneeled down to pick up her books.

I kneeled down and helped him picking up the books. It's lucky I'm not in a bad mood, thanks to Travis, I thought. We both stood up once we finished picking up his books and walked towards Paramore's tour bus.

"How long have you dated Travis?" he said suddenly.

"For around 6 months..."

"Half year. Cool," he smiled and opened the door.

We went in and put the books on the coffee table.

"I smelled Indi's scents!" Zac shouted, popping his head from his bunk.

"You mean you hear Indi's voice," Jeremy corrected from his bunk.

"Hi Zac, hi Jeremy," I giggled. "Where's Hayley?"

"She's out for Starbucks," Jeremy answered, "With Brendon, Joe, and Matt."

"Yay! I'll be in Starbucks too! Bye guys!" I said cheerily and headed to Starbucks.

I went in and spotted them sitting in the corner. I headed them and sat next to Joe.

"Hey guys," I smiled.

"Oh, hi Indi!" Matt said. "You're the one who threw the ball to my tour bus, right?"

"Nahh, it was Ryan. I was just standing next to him and watched him throwing the ball," I said, taking Brendon's hot chocolate and drank it.

"Brendon's scream was the one who woke us all," Hayley said and drank her frap.

"That's because of Ryan!" Brendon defended himself.

"Well, you don't need to scream that loud."

"If I didn't scream he won't stop."

"But you woke all of us up in 7 in the morning."

"But you slept again after you shouted 'shut up' to me."

"Correction, I mumbled."

"You mumbled out loud."

"I bet for 9 dollars that they would date," Joe snapped.

"15 dollars," I said.

"20 dollars," Matt said.

"Hey!" Hayley and Brendon shouted in unison.

Me, Joe, and Matt raised our eyebrows.

"See?" Joe said.

Hayley and Brendon blushed together and drank their drinks without saying any words.

"They're cute together," I said, smiling.

"Reaaaaally cute," Matt said.

"Tell her you love her, Brenny!" Joe teased.

"Shut up, guys!" Brendon shouted, his face blushed into deep pink.

"What if we don't?" I teased more.

"I'll... I'll... I'LL STOP SINGING!"

"There's no way you could stop singing. You love singing," Matt said.

"But less than you love Hayley," I added in low voice, holding my laughter.

Hayley and Brendon both really blushed now. Me, Matt, and Joe laughed out loud and high-fived.

"Nice one, Little Wentz," Joe said.

"They're so freaking cute," Matt said, shaking his head.

My cell phone rang. I took it from my pocket and flipped it, looked at the caller ID, and answered it.

"Indigo Wentz Corporation, how may I help you?" I joked.

"I wanna meet the boss-- That's not what I wanna say!!"

I laughed. "Alright Pete. What's the psych?" I said, following Kim Possible's style.

"Alyssa called me."

"Aaaand?" I said, trying to sound that I was interested when I was actually really not interested.

"She wanted to talk to you."

"Why doesn't she call my phone?"

"She lost your number."

I rolled my eyes. She was definitely making an excuse to talk to Pete.

"Okay. I'll call her," I mumbled.

"Mmkay. See you in the bus, lil' 'sis!"

"Yeah, whatever. See you 'bro."

I flipped my phone closed and took another sip of Brendon's hot chocolate and stood up.

"Where do you wanna gooo?" Brendon whined.

"Back to the bus. See ya guys!" I said and walked outside of Starbucks and headed to the tour busses.

I sighed flipping my phone opened and opened 'contacts', searched for Alyssa's name, and called her.

"Yes?" she finally answered after 7 times dial tones.

"Alyssa, this is Indi. Pete said you wanted to talk to me?"

"I did? Oh yeah, I did. Just forget about what I wanna say, hon. I just make some excuse so I could talk to him," she giggled. "Besides, you don't--"


I hung up without a good-bye. She didn't need it, anyway.

My 'friends' wanted to be 'friends' with me because they knew I was a famous rock star's sister. They wanted to be my 'best friends' because they wanted to be famous. They didn't even with me when I lost my mom, when I got expelled from school. They didn't even cheer me up when mom died. They didn't even help me when I was on drugs.

So that meant they were just using me so they could be famous, right? Pfft. I hate that kind ofpeople 'friends'.


Miami, 13.57 AM: Day 5 in the tour.

Things are doing great. Ryan pissed off Brendon in the morning, which made him laughed so hard. Travis woke me up really sweet, which made me not in a bad mood this morning.
Lunch was yummy. We ate Burger King again, Andy and I has to eat veggie burger again until I wanna puke :(

My oh-so-called high school friend called Pete's sidekick; she said she wanted to talk to me. When I called her, she said she just making some excuses so she could talk with him. Retard!


I closed my black MacBook after I updated my blog and uploaded some pictures in Buzznet, MySpace, and Facebook.

I put my laptop under the pillow, changed my jeans with shorts and changed my t-shirt with tank top, grabbed my cell phone, Mp3, and digital camera, and walked outside, joining the bands enjoying the beach.
♠ ♠ ♠
its like.. 1.34 in the morning in here right now and my mom told me to go to bed. i'll copy the other chapters from my QZ tomorrow!

xoxo's,dinda weekendwarriors