Status: Completed.

Build Me Up & Tear Me Down


"Hey Indi!" Pete shouted my name, jumping onto my back.

I groaned. "Damn it, Pete! You are 29 and why are you so childish?!"

He jumped down from my back and I turned around, seeing him scrunching up his nose.

"Whatever. You're turning 20 soon, though," he grinned. "Anyway! We are going to a club tonight. You comin'?"

I rolled my eyes. "Gosh. You know your sister doesn't like clubs."

He laughed. "Okay then. Prolly some people will stay in their busses. But I'm going to the club and hit some gir--"

"Pete! What will Ashlee say about that?!" I said, pretending to be upset.

He grinned, and that was when his phone rang. He answered the call, "Hey. ...Mmhm. ...It's a few more days. ...I miss you too."

And then he started to have this sweet conversation with the person on the other line; I was so sure it was Ashlee. Who else?

I sighed and left the bus, knowing that the boys were having some fun of their own. I went to Paramore's bus.

"Yo," I said, entering the bus.

"Yo," Zac replied, looking up from his MacBook.

I looked around and noticed Jeremy wasn't with them. "Where's Jeremy?"

"He's in the bunk... napping," Hayley answered, not looking up from her nails; she was polishing her nails red.

"I'm gonna bug him," I said in a sing-song tone, skipping toward the bunks.

I looked up to Jeremy's bunk, and saw the curtain was closed. I opened the curtain and blew his ear. He groaned, but didn't open his eyes. I poked his sides and he reacted, but didn't awake. I sighed, looking around.

"Hey Josh!" I whispered to the sofas. Josh looked up from the magazine.

"Hey what?"

"Can I borrow the magazine for a sec?"

He stood up and walked towards the bunks, handing me the magazine he was reading. I rolled the magazine and lightly smacked Jeremy's head. He woke up, groaning and holding the spot I smacked.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

I faked a gasp. "You don't want me here? It... It hurts, Josh! He doesn't want me to be here!" I joked dramatically.

Josh hugged me to add an effect to the joke and I fake-sobbed in his chest.

"How could you hurt her!" he faked a yell.

"I... I didn't mean to," Jeremy said. I glanced at him over Josh's shoulder, and saw him really sad. "I swear I didn't mean to!"

Oh my god, I really wanted to crack up and I thought Josh was too.

"I thought you were my best friend! But then you hurt my friend..." Josh said.

"Hey what's up with that?" Jeremy said, "Friends before girls!"

"Okay I think we're doneee," I sang, pulling away from Josh. "Very good, Josh."

"Very good?" he pouted.

I rolled my eyes. "Great, Josh."

He grinned.

"It was all a joke?" Jeremy asked and we both nodded. He faked a gasp like I did. "How could you?"

"Aww, I'm sorry, J-man," I said, hugging him.

"J-man got a hug and I don't? No fair!" Josh protested.

I smiled, releasing my hug with Jeremy and hugged Josh. I broke the hug and sat next to Zac.

"Where's Hayley?" I asked, noticing that Hayley wasn't around.

"Brendon wants to talk with her 'privately'," Zac asked, using air quotes.

"Oh," I said, staring at his MacBook's monitor. I didn't know what he was doing actually. "Zac?"


"Have you ever so confused about yourself?" I asked.

"Sometimes. Why?" he said as he stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"Tell us, tell us!" Taylor shouted across us, and I noticed Josh, Jeremy and Taylor was with us. Jeremy took a seat next to me and Josh next to Taylor.

"Well," I sighed. "Ryan told me he loved me," Isaid whispered.

"Ay," was all that Zac said.

"I didn't say anything about that-- We never talked again. And suddenly this Jac girl showed up and they started to spend time together. Whenever Ryan is there, Jac is absolutely there. I have this strange feelings whenever I see them together. Something's inside me is like, heating up."

They exchanged glances.

"Indi," Jeremy said, putting an arm around me. "That's what we call jealous."

"Why would I be jealous anyway?"

"Probably because he just told you he loved you and few days later he's always with another girl than you," Taylor answered.

"Or is it--" Josh was about to say something but was cut off by Hayley and Brendon's appearance.

"What's ze hot gossip?" Brendon said, entering the bus.

We looked at them.

"Um... You holding hands with Hayley?" Zac answered, looking at their fingers that were laced together.

They smiled-- and blushed.

"Aww, you finally did it Bren!" I said.

"Mmhm," he nodded.

"So what's up?" Hayley said as they took seats.

"Lil' Wentz is confused of herself," Zac answered.

"Long story," I said before they asked why.

They nodded with an 'o' shaped mouth.

"What did you wanna say, J-boy?" I asked Josh.

That's right. J-man for Jeremy and J-boy for Josh.

"Nothing... I better not to say it anyway," he smiled, leaving us curious.
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its kinda a filler. i think i should write something happy-ish in the story since the last chapters were kinda depressing.

i wrote this at school while i'm waiting for prinka to finish her violin audition.