Status: Completed.

Build Me Up & Tear Me Down


4 more days before the tour ended. I kept staring at Ryan and Jac and zoned out every time everyone talked to me. I guessed Travis noticed that I stared at those lovey-dovey and it made me feel so guilty whenever he said an 'I love you' to me, heck I didn't know why.

Travis poked my shoulder, causing me to jump a little.

"You're zoning out... Again," he said.

I looked up to him. "I think so."

"Tell me what's wrong. You're acting so weird lately!"

I gulped, glancing at Zac. He just raised his eyebrows. I glanced at Jeremy, he shrugged. I glanced at Josh and he grinned. What the hell?

"Nothing's wrong," I lied rushing toward Josh and grabbed his arm, going further from Travis.

"Why were you grinning?!" I hissed.

He raised an eyebrow. "I was just thinking--"

"Could you please tell me what were you thinking? Please?!" I desperately asked.

He looked away, humming a song.


"What?" he smirked, looking at me.

"You're annoying."


"Seriously you're annoying," I said, walking away and he grabbed my arm.

"You really wanna know what I'm thinking?" he asked; he looked really serious for a sudden.

"Umm... Yeah..." I suddenly felt that I didn't want to know anymore.

He leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "You're really short."

"THAT'S IT I'M GONNA KILL YOU WHEN THE TOUR ENDS!!" I screamed, storming away from him as I heard him laughing.

I hugged my pillow, mumbling angrily about Josh. He was so weird. I thought he was going to say something important. Well I did know that I was short, it runs in the family.

My phone beeped next to me, syndicating that I got a new text message. I took it, flipped it open, and read the text from Travis.

I need to talk to you. Its important. Waiting for you below that huge tree near the buses.

I flipped the phone close and rushed to the tree he told me. I found a figure I recognized under it.

"Hey," I said as I approached him and found him really serious. "What's wrong?"

"Could you please, please tell me what's wrong?" he forced me; his eyes looked desperate, angry, sad, and all that emotions that I couldn't tell.

I looked away and he held my shoulders.


I gulped, still looking away.

He sighed, letting go of my shoulders. I dared myself to look at him and he crashed his lips on mine. I spontaneously pushed him away.

He looked so surprised, confused, and hurt.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I stuttered.

He smiled weakly and I could tell he was holding back his tears.

"Travee, I'm so--"

"Don't say it. I finally know how you really feel."

I stared at him, confused.

"Indi, we should end this. We can't continue if that's what you feel."

"Trav, what are you talking about?"

"You love someone else, okay? But you never noticed. In fact, you don't want to fall in love with the guy you are in love."

I couldn't say anything; the words were stuck in my throat. What's up with these people making me confused?

He sighed and forced a smile. "You are in love with another person, Little Wentz." He bent down and kissed my forehead. "I hope you're gonna notice that soon."

And he left.I somehow felt so relieved.