Status: Completed.

Build Me Up & Tear Me Down


"Indi?" Andy said, waving his hand in front of me. "You keep twitching your nose."

"You're kidding, right?" I asked, finally stopped twitching my nose.

"God, no."

"Andy please tell me you're joking!"

"See? You don't want to be in love with him. You keep denying the fact that you love him."

I didn't say anything. He probably was right. I kept denying the fact that I was in love with Ryan. Ryan had been an amazing friend, but I actually wanted him more than that. I was jealous of Jac that was around him all the time. I couldn't deny the fact anymore.

I love George Ryan Ross the third.

I walked inside the last venue in NJ. It was Paramore's time for sound check and they were already on the stage.

I stared at Ryan and Jac across me. They were talking and talking. At a moment I saw Ryan glanced at me but turned back to Jac since he saw me looking at him. Jac glanced at me, smirked a little, and kissed Ryan on the cheek.

I swore my eyes were as huge as an egg right now.

Ryan pulled away from Jac; his cheeks grew red.

Okay I need to talk to him.

I started to walk toward the two, but then there were too many cables on the floor. I got tripped by one of them and fell down.

"You okay?" I saw a pair of shoes in front of me. I looked up and saw Ryan offering his hand. I took it and stood up. "Anything hurt?" he asked. I looked at his brown eyes and they looked so worried.

"No--" My foot suddenly felt so hurt. "...Yeah."

He then carried me bridal style and I thought my cheeks grew redder than he did before.

"Jac, you wait here, okay?" he said to Jac and she nodded.

"Ryan, I can walk!" I shouted as he carried me outside of the venue. People were staring.

"Ha, your foot hurts and it'll be hurter if you walk!"

"Is hurter a word?"

"I guess so."

"Just put me down!" I screamed again as we entered his bus. He then put me down on the couch.

"There, I put you down."

"You're an ass," I said when he turned around to get something.

"What?" he said, turning around after he got something. He sat across me and pulled my leg.

"Oww!" I shouted as he poked a spot on my foot.

He raised an eyebrow, took off my shoe and started to bandage it. There were minutes of silent.

"This is the first time we talk since I confessed my feelings for you," he said.


"And why did you call me an ass?"

"Because you told me you love me and suddenly you're with your ex all the time."

He looked up to me from my foot.

"I'm jealous," I mumbled.

He smiled and continued to bandage my foot.

"Do you still love me?" I asked.

"You sure are brave to ask that," he chuckled. "And yes I'm still in love with you. It hurts me when we ignored each other."

"I'm sorry. I hate it when things get awkward."

"I know."

There was another minute of silence.

"I broke up with Travis. Actually more like Travis broke up with me."

"What? Why?" he asked.

"Because he told me I love somebody else and... he's right."

He, again, looked up to me. "Oh? And who's this very lucky guy?"

"You can guess."

He continued to bandage my foot again. "Andy?" I shook my head. "Josh?" I shook my head. He mentioned all the guys' names except his and all of the answers were no. "You're not a lesbian, right...?"


He stopped bandaging my foot. "Done," he said and I put my foot down. "Then who?"

"You, silly!"

He zoned out for a moment, but then grew a huge smile.

"You're kidding."



"Why would I?"

"I don't know..."

There were minutes of awkward silence. I hated awkward moments.

"Umm, Ryan--"

I was about to say something but then he crashed his lips against me. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck and his hands on my waists.

Oh how I love this boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
aww :')

and NOOO this is not the end! YAY!