Status: Completed.

Build Me Up & Tear Me Down


"Indi!" I heard Dianna screamed my name as I approached the food court.

She was waving her arm so enthusiastically, making people thought that she was some kind of moron. I chuckled, walking to her. She never changed.

"Hiiii," she said, hugging me.

I was surprised and didn't think that she would hug me because we haven't met for so long, but I returned her hug anyway.

"Are you hungry yet?" she asked, releasing the hug.

I shook my head.

"Great! Let's watch a movie or shopping or something?"

"Sure," I smiled.

First she wanted to go inside Abercombie, but I kept pulling her hand. Like seriously, Abercombie scared the shit out of me. I never knew why.

We shopped in 5 different stores: Forever21 was one of them and Hot Topic, totally. We were now pretty exhausted and was hanging out in the food court; eating lunch obviously.

"Soo how's your life going?" she asked before she drank her iced tea.

"Other than the tour ended... I'm currently dating Ryan, and going to Vegas tomorrow because Pete is going to take a look at some place because he's going to open another Clandestine store and probably Angels and Kings."

"Coolios! When do you leave tomorrow?"

"6 AM-ish..."

"Oh," she said, expressionless.

"Wanna join?"

She shook her head and pouted, "I got college."

"Oh the joy," I teased. "How 'bout your life?"

"Rawr," she randomly said. "It's been pretty much fucked up... Mom and dad won't stop fighting."

"They never got a divorce?"

She shook her head.

Dianna seemed really cheerful outside, but actually her parents fought a lot, ever since she was in junior high. We were always wondering why don't they get a divorce instead; fights made children stressed.

"You're a tough girl," I said.

"Why thank you," she smiled. "You're tough also, thinking about your past."

"Whaaat? I used drugs and cut myself and you said I'm tough?"

She shrugged. "Well, you are."

We didn't talk much after that. She hung out in my house, meeting my friends and then she went home.

We were in Vegas right now. We were going to stay for 10 days in a hotel. Pete got himself a room with Ashlee, Patrick with Andy, and me with Joe. At first I didn't agree about the room arrangement because I couldn't bug Patrick in his sleep, but Andy told Joe and I that he was going to help us. Thanks Andy-Poo.

"Yay, Vegas!" Joe shouted, running inside our room. "I'm taking this bed!" he exclaimed, plopping himself on the bed near the window.

"Right," I replied, sitting on the other bed next to his.

The bellboy placed our suitcases and left after I gave him a tip. I stared outside the room window that gave us a view of Vegas at day.

Joe was now jumping on his bed.

"What did you have, Joe?" I asked, seeing him so hyper today.

"Let," Jump, "Me," Jump, "Think!" He kept jumping and I set my eyes on his, causing my head going up and down. "2 packs of gummi bears," Jump, "A can of coke," Jump, "And Pattycakes bought me some coffee downstairs!"

I groaned, burying my face in my hands. His hyperness won't be gone until 9 at night when he had so much sugar and caffeine, which was in 7 more hours. Great, I was stuck in this room with this hyper dude.
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gabz said that i'm mean because of the last chapter... ;p
i want you to read and comment her stories because she always comments my stories and her stories are awesome! she's the first one in my friends list.

comments make joe more hyper and happier.