Status: Completed.

Build Me Up & Tear Me Down


We're still in Miami, they were having a concert right now and I was the one who's responsible with taking the pictures. I was in the very front line, the line where only photographers from some magazines were. I took some pictures of Travis, Matt, Disashi and Eric(mostly Travis).

"The next song," Travis said, "Is really special for my girlfriend. I love you, Indi!"

I blushed and thankfully it was dark and no one noticed I was blushing, and no longer the song Cupid's Chokehold blasting through the speakers.

"Travis already has a girlfriend?!" I heard a fan girl behind me shouted through the noises.

"That's what he said!" her friend replied.

"Damn!" the girl groaned.

I tried to courage myself to look back, and I did. I was curious what did the girl looked like.
Her hair was red (maybe like Hayley's in the album AWKIF). She wasn't really white and not really black; in fact she's tan like Pete (and me). She was pretty tall, maybe around Ryan's weight. She was wearing something really simple, a white t-shirt with a headphone on it, dark purple knee-length shorts and black sneakers. She was beautiful.

"Why you said 'damn'?! You already have a boyfriend!" her friend shouted again.

"Because I am Travis' biggest fan!" she laughed and said, "And her girlfriend should be really nice and pretty!"

I looked back to the stage and took some pictures again.

After they were done with the song Clothes Off!!, Travis said to the audience, "That is all from Gym Class Heroes, now will you shout into top of your lungs for Panic at the Disco!"

The audience roared really, really loud.

"I can't hear you!" Travis said.

The audience once more, roared really, really, really loud. The stage lights turned off, and no longer it was on again with PATD guys in their positions. Whoa, that was fast.

They started playing The Differences Between... without a hello. I took pictures of them.

"What's up Miami?" Brendon said through the microphone.

The audience shouted. Seriously, I didn't know what they were saying.

"Okaaay. Pretty good, huh? That's cool."

I slapped my forehead. "Not the awkward, B-den," I mumbled.

After few seconds of more talking, they started to play I Write Sins..., followed by Build God, Then We'll Talk, Camisado, and some other craps which I didn't know.


Miami, 11.30 PM: Still in the 5th day of the tour. I went back to the bus earlier when the bands giving some autographs to their fans. I was really tired, maybe not tired as theirs, they're more tired than me. They were rocking out the stage, how could they're not tired!
I think I've gotten really sleepy, dude/dudettes. I'll be off and write more updates...


I yawned, turning off my laptop after writing blog and posting some pictures of their concert and the times we were having fun in the beach earlier in LiveJournal, Buzznet, MySpace, and some other accounts.

I took my large-sized t-shirt and walked to the bathroom to change my clothes with it. I took off my lenses and placed in on its place and I walked to my bunk. Once I laid my head with the pillow, I immediately went asleep.

"Dirtyyy, I'm hungryyy," I whined to Dirty who was driving the bus.

"Me too," Pete said.

"Me three," replied Patrick.

"Me four," snapped Andy.

"We are all hungry!!" Joe shouted.

"Sheesh, shut up will ya," Dirty said and when he spotted McDonald's, he said, "Ahh, there's a McD--"

"Andy and I can't eat. You want us to eat veggie burger again until we puke?!" I said.

"Puke or die?" Dirty insisted.

"I remember the last time we ate veggie burger in Miami, Little Wentz. I almost puke," Andy defended me, "And dead."

Dirty sighed, "Fine, fine."

I lit up a little bit.

"Spoiled vegetarians," he mumbled.

"Sorry?" I said.


It's been 2 hours since we left Miami and heading to New Orleans. We were really starving.

"There's a Starbucks over there," Pete said, pointing to a Starbucks in rest area. I can tell he was excited; he was a Starbucks whore.

"Wanna go there? I hope you guys do," Dirty said.

"Mmhm, it's better if we eat something than nothing," Joe said.

"How about it?" Patrick and Andy asked to me.

I shrugged. "Sure."

I took my phone and sent a text message to Travis, Brendon and Zac:

We're off to Starbucks in the rest area! See you guys there! -indii =]

Dirty drove the bus to the rest area and parked the bus. I took Pete's hoodie (the one with the color black and gold) and wore it. We walked outside the bus and went straight inside Starbucks. We ordered our drinks and some foods, and paid for it. We sat on the nearest table and started enjoying our foods.

"Finally," I said, taking my fork, ready to eat my apple pie.

"Can I have some of that?" Pete asked after I took my first bite.

"Nooo," I said with my mouth full.

"Eww, Indi!" Patrick said who was sitting next to me, "Don't eat with your mouth full!"

I gulped the food and said, "Sorry."

"It's always funny when you gross him out," Joe said giggling.

"Yeah, I never get bored of it," I grinned.

"Like brother like sister," Patrick said, rolling his eyes.

"Heck yea," I laughed.

"That is not a compliment!"

I stuck my tongue out at him and continued eating my apple pie.

"Looks like these guys are having fun," Hayley said, taking a table next to us. "Right guys?"
Her band mates nodding their heads yes.

"Not really. And oh Hayley, you should say the guys and the lady," I said, taking a small piece of blueberry cheesecake with my fork from Zac's plate on the tray.

"Hey!" he shouted.

"Too late," I said after I put the piece inside my mouth.

"Indiii! Don't do that!" Patrick whined.

"Sorry Lunchboooox," I grinned after I swallowed the food.

No longer after Paramore took a place on the table next to us, PATD and GCH took their tables behind us. Brendon took a seat behind Hayley, which made me, Matt, and Joe cheered at them and they both blushed. It was always fun making them blush.

"Why you guys won't shut up?" Spencer said.

"What's wrong with him?" I whispered to Jon.

He shrugged and said, "He's been in a bad mood since we left Miami. Maybe he got a girlfriend in there," he said and chuckled.

"He actually can have a girlfriend?"

"I heard that," Spencer said.

"Sorry," I said and continued to eat.

I felt someone in PATD was looking at me, so I looked to their table and found Ryan was looking at me.

"What are you looking at?" he asked.

"What are you looking at?" I asked confusedly.

"Your apple pie."

I raised an eyebrow. "I just finished it, too bad," I grinned.

"Pfft. I don't need it anyway. I don't need anything from a color."

I threw a tissue at him.

"What the hell was that for?!" he shouted.

"Since you're messing around with me since we met, bastard!"

"You are so idiot," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"I bet 16 dollars they would date," Joe snapped.

"24 dollars," Matt replied.

"26," Brendon snapped.

"Why you guys love making bets?!" I said in frustration.

"He started it," Matt said, pointing at Joe.

"I won't date him. Not just because I don't like him, I already have a boyfriend!"

"Oh, yeah. I kind of forget about it," Joe laughed and Travis threw a glare at him.

"Speaking of Indi's boyfriend. Why is he so quiet?" Pete asked.

"PMS," Matt mumbled, holding his laughter.

"Matt!" I said.


"He's just sleepy," Eric snapped. "Thank goodness he was awake when you sent him a text message, if not, we won't be here and be in New Orleans earlier, which is sucks."

After I finished my apple pie, I drank my iced tea. I pulled out my black Sony Ericsson Z610i from my pocket after I felt it was vibrating. There was one new message. I flipped it open and read the message.

Hey Indii! How is my highschool bestie doing? You're in the tour, rite? With the amazing guys? *smooches, dianna*

I ignored the message, flipped it close, shoved it back inside my pocket and continued drinking my iced tea.

"Why you don't reply the message?" Pete asked. "You're the one who loves text messaging."

"With some people."

"It's from your high school friend?"

"Correction, so-called 'best' friend."

He sighed. "Don't negative thinking, Indi."

"But all of my 'friends' are like that."

"But don't do negative thinking."

"You don't understand!" I shouted. "You have friends that are always there for you, you have friends that are always understand you, you have friends that are always ready with their shoulders to cry on!!" I shouted once more and ran inside the bus.

I collapsed myself on my bunk and put the pillow above my face, crying softly to hold my anger. Breathe in, breathe out. Remember not to be out of control.

"Indi," I heard Hayley said.

"What?" I muffled through the pillow.

"We just wanted to say... Not just Pete that has friends that are always be there for him. You have friends too, a 24/7 friends."
I removed the pillow that covered my face after a pause.

I looked at the guys, all of them, but I didn't see Ryan. I didn't give a damn about him.

"Since when you guys are all here?" I smiled. "Since you guys are my 24/7 friends, I'll be your forever friend."

They all smiled and giving me a big group hug.

"Thanks for the hug, guys," I said, "But I need air! Brendon, you're killing me!"

"Oops, sorry," Brendon grinned after they all released the hug.

"I love you guys," I smiled.

"We do too," they murmured.

"Now will you all excuse," Dirty said from the door, "We need to continue the drive or we'll be late in New Orleans."

"Okies. See you later, Little Wentz!" Matt said and they all walked out of the bus, heading to their busses.

"Finally I got air," I exhaled.

Dirty went inside the bus, locked the door, and continued to drive to New Orleans. I sat on my bunk, turned on my black iPod touch, plugged the earphones, and enjoying every song was played.