Status: Completed.

Build Me Up & Tear Me Down

Twenty Two

I woke up and found the pretty face of Ryan. He was still sleeping. Smiling to myself, I kissed his cheek and was about to go out of the bed when his arms snaked around my waist.

“Don’t go,” he mumbled, pulling me close.

“George I need the toilet,” I giggled.

“Don’t go,” he repeated.

“I’ll come back when I’m done, okay?”

And with that, he released me. I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to change. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Gah, I looked so damn ugly. My hair was sticking out in every direction and my face looked so fucked up.

I changed my clothes into a loose t-shirt with the word rawr written in the middle of it, and I also wore polka-dot shorts. I went back to Ryan when I was done brushing my hair.

Ryan was sitting on the bed, Indian styled, watching TV.

“Damn, you look good,” he said.

I rolled my eyes. “It’s just a t-shirt and shorts, love.”

“Exactly,” he said, patting the empty place next to me. Instead, I sat on his lap. “I wanted you to sit next to me but this is much better,” he said, wrapping his arms around me.

We led the voice of the TV filled this room for a few moments.

“Ry,” I said, “How’d you get inside? I mean, how did you get the key?”

“I met them at the lobby and Joe gave me the key.”

“And what’s the surprise that you’re planning for me?”

“About that… I can’t answer, gorgeous.”

“Why?” I said, my lips forming into a pout and I turned my head to face him.

“It’s a surprise,” he smiled, kissing my lips.

"TANNED SHORTY!” Joe screamed the nickname he gave for me. I hated it.

“JEWISH AFROMAN!” I replied, coming out from the bathroom. “What?”

“Pete found a perfect place,” he said, stuffing some Skittles into his mouth.

“You give me that!” I said, taking the pack of Skittles he had in his hand. “You can NOT be hyper again, mister!”


“Anyway, where’s the place? Who owns it?”

“Somewhere near this mall… I didn’t remember the name of the mall, but the place was pretty strategic. And the owner is still so young. Probably around 18 or 19-ish.”


“We’re gonna see the place in an hour. You must come, no ands, buts, or ifs,” he said, mimicking my brother. “That’s what Pete says.”

“Can Ryan come—“

“He couldn’t; he has a radio interview.”

I gave him a ‘how-do-you-know’ look.

“I called ‘im.”

My mouth formed an ‘o’ and I sat down next to him, eating Skittles and watching a random show that the TV showed us.

We went to the building and I saw a familiar figure standing outside it. Wasn’t he the bartender at Instant barand the guy I slept with?

“Hey,” Pete greeted him. The figure turned to Pete and shook his hand. “This is my sister Indi,” Pete introduced me.

I looked at the guy and he was the bartender. He looked surprised to see me, but then he flushed me a smile and introduced himself.

“I’m Trey. Trey Ross,” he said.

“Ross… as in Ryan Ross?” I asked. I just realized it was only the two of us left outside; the others have gone inside.

“Yep. He’s my brother,” he said, opening the building’s door and went inside after me.

Great. I slept with my boyfriend’s brother. I was now officially a whore.

“You did so fine that night,” he whispered to my ear.

My head shot up, looking at him in the eyes.

“Don’t tell anyone,” I said through my teeth. “I swear, if you tell anyone—“

“Chill, Indi. I won’t tell anyone,” he smiled.

Something wasn’t right with the smile. It looked like he was planning something. Be ready with anything you’re gonna face, Indigo Wentz.
♠ ♠ ♠
i got obsessed with the song shake it.

41 READERS, 7 SUBSCRIBERS, 5 COMMENTS. [the comments are all by gabz lol]
comments=cupcakes+happy tears.