Status: Completed.

Build Me Up & Tear Me Down

Twenty Three

“Umm, Ryan,” I said as he kissed my neck.

“Hm?” he breathed against my skin.

“I met your brother.”

He immediately stopped what he was doing and looked into my eyes. I couldn’t read the expression in his eyes.

“How?” he asked. “I even never told you I had a brother. How do you know he was my brother, anyways?”

“He looks a lot like you—Except that his eyes are hazel and his hair is jet black. And, he owns the building where Pete’ll have Clandestine store.”

With that, I started to wonder. Why did they have the different hair and eye color?

“You’re wondering why we have different hair and eye color, right?” Ryan asked and I nodded. “Well, we are brothers but we have different mothers. So basically, my dad cheated on my mom when I was 4 and his other lover got pregnant. Dad used to own the building that Trey owns now, before dad died. Dad kind of hated me so he led Trey owns the building even though he’s still 18. I don’t want the building though.

“Trey and I are never in a good relationship – even as brothers. Maybe it’s because of my dad, I think, that loved him more than he did to me because he wasn’t supportive about me dropping out of college because of my band. I disliked my dad for getting drunk and abused me. I hated Trey that got more attention from Dad, while Dad’s real wife is my mom.”

“Oh…” And then I realized something. “Trey’s 18?”

He nodded.

So I had sex with an 18 year old bartender which was my boyfriend’s brother… Nice going.

I was about to enter the lobby when I saw Trey was standing outside the hotel’s entrance. He looked up to me and flashed a smile. He should stop giving me smiles; his white teeth blinded me.

“What do you want?” I asked coldly as he approached me.

“Geez, my sister-in-law-soon-to-be—“

“Ryan and I are not engaged. Yet.”


“Now what do you want Trey?”

“You remember my name?”

I rolled my eyes. He’s starting to get annoying. “Look if you’re here to annoy me then you just need to leave,” I said before taking a step closer to the hotel’s entrance, but he stepped in front of me.

“Whoa, chill. I just wanna ask you to go on a date.”

I raised an eyebrow. “A date?” He nodded. “Are you fucking serious? I mean, I can not have a date with another guy that isn’t my boyfriend—Especially his brother!”

“Just one date,” he pleaded; his hazel eyes were sparkling to plead. “Please?”

I sighed, defeated. “Fine. But just one date.”

“Okay!” he said, taking my hand and we spent the evening having fun – that was what he thought – together in Vegas. It was 8 when I went back to the hotel.

“Thanks so much,” he smiled. “I had a really great time.”

I scoffed in my heart. Great time? I thought I was being a bitch to you all the time during the date.

He smiled again and bent down, kissing my lips. I immediately pushed him away, kicking him in the balls. He kneeled down, holding the spot where I kicked him as I ran inside the hotel.

“Color!” Was it Ryan’s voice I was hearing before I ran inside? God, please tell me it wasn’t. “Indi!” he shouted again. Right. It was him…

I knocked the hotel room, hard. Patrick opened the door.

“Indi this isn’t your room—“

He was cut off by me hugged him tightly.

“HE FUCKING KISSED ME ON THE LIPS, PATRICK!” I screamed, letting out all of my anger as I was starting to wet his shirt. “HE KISSED ME AND RYAN SAW IT!”

I knew Andy and he were so confused, but Patrick rubbed my back, whispering me comforting words. I felt a little bit better after spending 15 minutes of crying. Everyone were now gathering in Patrick and Andy’s room, listening to my story – how I met Trey before Pete introduced me, why I wasn’t at the hotel that night, the one date, and the kiss.

“I thought Trey was a good guy,” Pete commented.

“That was what I thought also!” I said. “He told me I was pretty but then when I got drunk he offered me to have sex with him and I, of course because of being drunk, accepted his offer! I gave my virginity to an ass,” I said, looking at the ring that was nicely placed beside me. The ring used to be my purity ring—but I don’t use it anymore. Heck, why should I since I wasn’t a virgin anymore?

Ashlee was sitting next to me with her arms around me, comforting me.

“You have the beauty that guy would die for,” she said.

“Ashlee’s right. I would date you if I wasn’t your brother,” Pete replied.

I gave him a disgusted look. “Ew, Pete. Gross.”

“I would date you,” Andy said, “If you care more about your looks.”

“Mmhm,” Joe agreed. “You’re just so pretty! You’re short, but that’s the reason why guys want to protect you – you look tiny and needed protection.”

“Me too.” This time it was Patrick. “I just wished you don’t act a lot like boys and not calling me fat.”

“I’ve lived for around 19 years with a guy that is 9 years older than me and I hang out with boys a lot, how can I not act like boys?” I protested, a small smile crept onto my face. “Besides you are fat, Patrick.”

“I don’t know if you guys are trying to make me feel better or you guys really mean it,” I said. “But thanks. It does make me feel better.”

They all smiled at me and just by then, the door rang.

“I’ll get that,” Pete said, standing up from the chair he was seating on and went to open the door. “Um, this isn’t the good time,” I heard him saying. “No, really. She’s really sad right now – although she can smile now – but this is just not the good time.”


“Listen, I know her better than you,” Pete tried not to sound harsh, but it sounded harsh. “And she would end up crying when she sees your face.”

“Just let me talk to her, okay?”

“No, Ryan.”

My breath stopped for a moment.

“You can talk to her, but some other time when she’s better.” And Pete shut the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
gabz gave me an idea for the story.
although she didnt mean to.
*evil smile*
thanks a lot, hun.

aww come on! comments please?