Status: Completed.

Build Me Up & Tear Me Down


"Ugh, I hate rain," I said as I looked out the window in the bus.

"None of us do," Pete said, not looking away from his Nintendo DS. He was playing against Joe.

"Pete, you cheated!" Joe suddenly shouted when Pete smacked his head.

"What? I did? Oh yeah! I did! And now I'm gonna cheat again!" Pete replied and smacked Joe's head, making Joe lose his concentration.


Pete laughed while Andy, Patrick and I looked and them and shook our heads while we said 'retards'.

"Well, they're playing Nintendo DS and we'll play Xbox. How's it, Andy?" Patrick said as he turned on the Xbox 360 machine.

"Awesome!" Andy said, jumping to the seat next to Patrick.

I sighed and shook my head at them, kept looking outside. That was when someone knocked the window. I opened the window and looked down, finding Travis, wet. I took an umbrella and went outside, walking to Travis.

"Travis! What are you doing outside in rain?" I said and shared the umbrella.

"Enjoying the rain," he grinned.

"Yeah, well, you might get sick when the concert will start in few hours," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, you're right. By the way it's kinda cold outside."

"Because it's raining."

"True. Want to get some coffee?" he said, grinning and pointing at a coffee shop near the parking lot.

I shrugged and said, "Sure!"

And we walked to the coffee shop.

We sat on the chair face to face and started talking about random things. For few times I heard some girls whispering to their friends, "Hey, it's Ryan's girlfriend right? They broke-up already and she's hooking up with Travis? First Pete, then Ryan, now Travis! What a whore."

I turned around to and said, "Excuse me, I'm not a whore. I even never think to be one."

And turned back to Travis.

"...Wow," Travis said. "You shut them."

"I know we should ignore those rumors, but sometimes we need to act too," I said, drinking my vanilla latte.

"Yup. It's annoying. My girlfriend's not a whore; she's just really close with guys," he smiled.
"Aww, thanks for making me feel better."

My phone vibrated and I received a text message from Pete.

Indi where are you? You're gone fr hrs!

I replied, hours? please, i'm only gone for like 30 minutes. you protective shorty brother.

He replied, Shorty? Thx meanie sister. Btw where are you? I've asked you abt that rite?

in a coffee shop near the parking lot with Travis, dont get worry. btw there was a bunch of girls talking about me, saying i'm a whore and such
, I replied.

Whore?! A person saying my sister a whore IS a whore!!
well, you're a manwhore and starbucks whore Pete. sorry if that bothers you, hehe. btw i'll be back after the rain stops, maybe around 15 minutes?

Okay i admit i'm a starbucks whore... but manwhore?! ugh. mmkay get bck at 15 min sis.

I flipped my phone close and put them back in my pocket.

"Who?" Travis asked.


He nodded and continued drinking his cappucino.

"He told me to get back after the rain stops," I said, "He's sort of protective of me."

"Let's just hope he's not sister complex."

We laughed lightly and continued talking. The rain stopped for about 10 minutes later.

"Oh, the rain stops," he said, "Want to go back?"


We stood up and went back to the tour bus hand in hand.

I looked out the window and found Indi and Travis in front of FOB's bus. They were holding hands and Travis kissed her forehead before he leave to his bus.

"Jealous?" Brendon asked; it sounded playful.

"Who?" I said, pretending stupid.





"He's Indi's girlfriend and you're crushing on her," he grinned.

"What?! No I'm not! Don't talk shit Bden!"

"You obviously like her," Spencer said.


"Yeaaah," Jon joined.

"Ryan likes Indi! Ryan likes Indi!" they cheered over and over again with a 5 year old tone. It annoyed me a lot, seriously.

"Ryan likes who?"

Indi suddenly showed up in our bus. I closed Brendon's mouth before he say anything. I looked over Jon and Spencer, they shut their mouth and continued what they were doing.

"No-- No one," I stuttered.

"You don't like anyone?" she asked, sitting next to me.

"No," I said.

Brendon licked my hand and I immediately opened his mouth and wiped my hand with Indi's t-shirt.

"Ew, Ryan!" she shouted.

"No licking next time," I warned Brendon.

"Ryan lied, he likes somebodyyy," he sang.

"Brendon stop being a 5 year old," Spencer said.

"Really? Who?" she asked curiously.

"No one, okay!" I answered.

"That's not okay," she said and crossed her arms across her chest.

I sighed. "I admit I like somebody, but I won't tell you who."

"What? Why?"

"Because I said so," I smiled playfully.

"Pft, you're no fun," she said.

Well, I actually like you..