Status: Engaged

Colour My World

Ariel is just your typical teenage queen bee, ruling the students of Northland Academy with her stunning looks and perfect scores, but all that changes when the head of academia, Eli Knight, enters her life.

Eli opens Ariel up to a whole new set of social rule, where your heart and kindness take you everywhere you wanna go and true love is the law of the land. Friendship is deeper than family and nothing goes wrong with the trio around. Ariel is faced with a new set of rules, new facts of life, and has to decide if she wants to return to her rule of the backstabbing and fake teens as their queen or if she’d be happier with the lesser known but truer than true troupe of teens Eli has shown her.

Ariel never knew what true love and friendship was until she met Eli and her boys. Everything is turned upside down and Ariel is awakened to new senses of loyalty and trust she had never known before. It’s up to her to weave this tale of friendship, love and lust and see where her explosive senior year lead her.