Status: New Story!

The Way We Were

Why is Avery modeling?

Jack’s POV:

I was sitting in my living room playing with the twins when Tatyana started freaking out. I’ve never seen her act this way. She just kept crying and saying she wanted Cheeto. At first I thought she wanted chips but finally Vik told me that she was talking about her cat. I’ve tried calling Darcy but she hasn’t answered her phone. Avery hasn’t answered either so finally I called Kendall, Darcy’s younger sister.

“Sup Jacko?” she answered her phone.

“Um, Tatyana is crying because she wants her cat but Darcy isn’t answering her phone. Is there any way you can get ahold of her or bring the cat here? Something?” I rambled as I tried to calm Tatyana down.

“Jack, breathe.” Kendall laughed. “I’ll pick up Cheeto and be over in like a hour. I’m surprised Darcy didn’t send him. She knows Tatyana always cries if she doesn’t have the damn cat.”

“Thanks Kenny.”

“No problem.” she said before hanging up. Kendall is five and a half years younger than Darcy and Avery but we’ve always had a special bond. She used to say we were the youngest sibling club. I always felt like she was my sister too. Darcy used to call Kenny my mini me because she was the goofy one in the family. Avery was the cheery, fashionista. Darcy was the quiet, artsy one. While Stefan, their older brother, was the serious one.

“Good news, Tatyana, Auntie Kenny is going to bring Cheeto over.” I told my daughter which perked her right up.

“Really?” she sniffed. Her nose was runny from crying.

“Yes.” I nodded as I picked her up. “Now how about we get dressed and go play outside while we wait for her.”

“Can I take my bike?” Vik asked me.

“Of course.” I smiled and he cheered.

On the road I feel like a normal twenty three year old guy. Partying and hanging out with my best friends. Waking up in the mornings with major hang overs. But when I’m at home with my kids, I feel older than I am. I am a father. I am not complaining though because I love my kids to death and I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. I love being a dad, which I never thought I would say especially not this young, so when I’m away it hurts so much. I miss so many things from being on the road a lot. But I love my job, I love traveling the world and playing music with my best friends. I drink as much as I do partly because I love alcohol and it’s when young people do and partly because I’m trying to drown out the pain I feel from missing my kids and Darcy. Sometimes I wish there were a way to live out my dream and have my family with me too.

Vik and Tatyana were riding their bikes when Kendall showed up. Tatyana got really excited to be reunited with her cat. “Hey” Kendall said giving me a hug.

“It’s good to see you.” I squeezed her. “Okay put your bikes away and we’ll have a snack.” I told the twins.

“So are you mad at me?” Kenny asked me once I gave the twins their snack.

“Why would I be mad at you?” I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

“For not telling you about Ethan.” she bit her lip nervously.

I sighed, “no, I’m not mad at you. I get it. She’s your family and that triumphs everything.”

“She may be my blood but you’re family too so I feel bad. We all do. But none of us wanted to go against her wishes.” Kenny said with a sad smile.

“Is that why Avery is being nice to me now? Because I know about Ethan.” I questioned.

She laughed. “No, she’s always wanted to keep in touch with everyone but you know twin code. Plus Matt has been begging her to reach out to you guys, he doesn’t like keeping them a secret.”

“How the hell did that even happen?” I asked curiously. Flyzik gave no hint that there was a woman in his life. He hadn’t been acting any differently. And if he was dating Avery then why didn’t he come to Maryland with the rest of us instead of going back to Boston?

“That’s actually a really interesting story.” she laughed as she tucked her hair behind her ear. “It started about ten or so months ago. We actually went to one of your concerts. Believe it or not Darcy went too. Anyways, Matt came in and bumped into Avery and thought it was Darcy and was totally in shock. He thought she had finally came to her senses and went to see you but when he found out it was Avery he was bummed. Though when he saw Darcy was there too he had hope, of course to be crushed again. He invited us to go backstage and see everyone but Darcy of course freaked out. Me and Avery really wanted to go, we’ve been sick and tired of pushing everyone away for her sake. It was one thing to do it in the beginning, so she had time to heal. Once time went on we all got tired of it. Anyways, after the show we were going to go to Denny’s but for some strange reason Avery said she would meet us there since it was just across the street. After waiting for twenty minutes, she finally showed up and said she had ran into Matt again and they got to talking. After that they talked on the phone and text a lot until about two months later when you guys were home and he ran into her in Boston when she was there on business and they went out on a date and the rest is history.”

“That’s pretty crazy.” I said looking back to see the twins still sitting at the table eating. I wanted to know why Darcy went to our concert yet still made everyone keep their distance. Why did she keep tabs if she never intended on reconciling? But I knew that if I asked those questions, it might break me even more. Instead I chose to ask the stupidest question ever. “So what’s this Ethan dude’s story?”

“I was wondering when you were going to ask that.” she smirked as she shook her head. “He’s thirty, an architect, a nice guy. They met at a party, his brother is a model and a friend of Darcy’s. It got serious pretty fast, they actually live together which pissed my dad off to no end. And even though he’s a seemingly nice guy, just between us, I think something is fishy about the dude. It’s just a gut feeling but I don’t know, something seems off. My mom is trying to convince Darcy to break up with him and be with you.” she paused and laughed.

“I always loved your mom.” I smiled. “From what I hear, your dad wants the same thing.”

Kendall’s eyes widened, I wasn’t sure if it was because she was shocked or because it was untrue. “Let me guess, Avery?”

I nodded, “yeah but don’t tell her I said that because I wasn’t supposed to repeat it.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t. She wasn’t supposed to say anything. My dad doesn’t want Darcy to know. She still gets upset with my mom trying to put you guys back together. With Darcy and our dad’s bad blood in the past, he doesn’t want her to know that he’d rather you guys to be together. Don’t get me wrong, he loves Ethan but he’s skeptical of the age gap and then there’s the fact that he sees the void in Darcy’s eyes. And when the twins talk about you, he wants you guys to make a home together for their sake. He doesn’t want to put them through the upbringing that Darcy, Avery and Stefan had. You know their mom gave up on them when they were young. If it hadn’t been for my mom, my dad is scared to where they would be. I’m not supposed to know all of this but of course I hear more than I should.” she shrugged.

“Have you said anything to her about your suspicions?” I asked.

“You know Darcy as well as anyone else, if she feels cornered she will get on the defense. I don’t want to fight with her. So until I get anything to back up my weird gut feelings then I’m keeping my mouth shut.” she sighed and laid her head on the back of my couch. I feel bad for her. I wish I knew what to do or say. But I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I picked up expecting to see Darcy’s name flash on my screen since I have left her about five messages, but to my surprise it was Avery.

“What’s up, Avery?” I answered my phone. Kendall gave me a questioning look but I just shrugged.

“Hey, I just have a minute but I wanted to know if you’re coming tonight. I really want all my friends here since this is my first fashion show where it’s my designs.” she rambled quickly.

“Avery breathe.” I chuckled. “I’m still in Maryland, it’ll be a close call if I left now. Plus I have no one to watch the twins.”

“I’ll watch them.” Kenny volunteered.

“Is that my sister? Why is she there?” Avery questioned.

“She brought over Cheetoh because Tatyana was upset.” I explained.

“Oh well, I really want you here. Please come. I’ll leave your name at the door and I’ll text you all of the info.” she begged.

“I’ll see what I can do. I make no promises but I will try to make it.” I told her. “And Avery, just breathe. You’re a fashion rockstar, I have no doubt that you will do great.”

“Thanks.” I could hear the excitement in her voice before she hung up.

“You should go to that fashion show.” Kenny said with a smirk which made me wonder what underlying motive Avery has.

“Why aren’t you going? She’s your sister.” I raised an eyebrow.

“I’m actually supposed to be there now, but you called and I told her I would be late. Now though, I think she would want me to stay here so you could go.” she said.

“How about I go get dressed and you pack the kids a bag and we’ll drop them off with my parents on our way to the train station.” I retorted.

“Deal.” she nodded then got up and told the kids that they were going to visit their grandma and grandpa.

We got to New York in time to make it to the fashion show early. As we’re walking to the designated area for Avery’s friends and family I saw my sister, May. I was insanely confused to why she was here. As far as I knew she didn’t talk to Avery or Darcy. Though I could be totally wrong since everyone has been keeping secrets. “What are you doing here?” I asked her when I approached her. That’s when I saw Flyzik, Alex, Lisa and Kara.

May looked at me in shock. “Supporting Avery. What are you doing here?” she looked nervous then saw Kenny and glared at her. Again I’m wondering what the hell is going on. What aren’t they telling me.

“Uh, Avery invited me.” I said slowly looking around at everyone.

“Just tell him.” Kenny groaned and Kara smacked her arm. “What? He’s going to find out anyways.” she rolled her eyes.

“Is anyone going to tell me what’s going on?” I snapped.

“Lets just say this is going to be an eventful night, dude.” Alex patted me on the shoulder.

“You guys are annoying. If I can’t tell him and you guys won’t, I’m just going to go backstage and do my job.” Kenny said then stormed off. I wish she hadn’t walked away because now I feel incredibly alone even though all these people are my friends and of course my sister. But they all know a secret that they won’t tell me and have obviously been in contact with Darcy.

“Well that was awkward.” Kara tried to joke but there was still tension in the air.

I sat down as everyone else started to converse with each other. May tried to talk to me but I just wasn’t up to talking right now. After a few minutes I started to wonder why Darcy wasn’t here. Avery said she wanted all her friends and family here. I saw her step mom, Sofija, show up but I haven’t seen her dad. I know that Kenny is in back helping Avery with the models. But where the hell is Darcy. I know Stefan most likely won’t show up since he hasn’t ever been around much. Before I could ask anyone where Darcy was, I heard an excited voice say my name. I looked up and saw Sofija and Mr. Petrova standing beside me. I stood up and hugged Sofija and shook Mr. Petrova’s hand.

“It’s so good to see you, Jack.” Sofija gushed. I’ve kept in contact with her over the years. Every once in a while we would have lunch together. I’m surprised that she never told me that Ethan was in the picture because she was always saying that she’s hoping that me and Darcy would get back together one day.

“You too, it’s been awhile.” I smiled.

“How’ve you been, son?” Mr. Petrova asked.

“I’m good, sir. Loving being back home with the kids.” I told him.

“I’m sure they love having you back. They’ve really missed you. We all have.” he nodded which surprised me. I didn’t think he would admit to that.

It wasn’t long before the lights were dimmed and it was announced the show would start soon. I got lost in my own little world until I heard Avery’s voice. “Thank you everyone for coming out tonight.” she started and people clapped. “Some of you may know me from my work at Newman Designs. I was incredibly lucky to be able to work with such talented designers right out of college. I never thought I would see the day that I would be able to design my own clothing line. I always dreamed about it. I would sit in my room and design clothes and would sew for hours and force my sisters to wear the clothes I made. And as much as I love my job as junior designer and helping out on Newman lines, I am ecstatic to be here today all on my own so I hope you all enjoy what I have created.”

As Avery walked off stage, music started to play and the first model appeared. After a few more models, that’s when I saw her and I became extremely confused. I leaned over and asked May, “why is Avery modeling her own line?”

“Wait for it.” was all that she said. I didn’t know what she meant until it clicked in my head. It’s Darcy. That’s why she’s not out here with the rest of us. She’s modeling. When she reach the end of the runway and smiled that’s when my suspicion was confirmed. There was that signature dimple in the corner of her mouth. She looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a simple dress that came off of her shoulders. She definitely has changed for the girl I knew in high school but I’m not complaining she’s gorgeous. But again I’m confused, why is she modeling? She’s a teacher, isn’t she? Or was that another lie? Maybe that explains her clothing choices.

I didn’t ask any more questions, I just watched the show. The next time I saw Darcy she was wearing a short black dress that exposed her boobs which made me uncomfortable. I don’t want anyone to see any parts of Darcy. Hell it makes me queasy knowing that she’s sleeping with Ethan. I know that I couldn’t expect her to stay single and celibate forever but I would rather no guy ever see her naked or touch her other than me. I ruined everything in our relationship so I have no one to blame but myself. This must have been a fraction of the feeling that Darcy felt when she found out that I cheated on her. Suddenly I can’t breathe and I just want out of here. So I stood up and walked out of the hall that the fashion show was being held.

“Hey, you okay?” I heard Sofija ask from behind me.

I turned around and saw the concerned look on her face. I nodded with a sigh not knowing what to say. “I’m fine, it’s just hard seeing her like that.”

“She never told you did she?” she sighed. I could tell she was disappointed in Darcy.

“Hell, I never knew she was dating anyone.” I groaned. “Why didn’t the twins ever mention it to me? Tatyana doesn’t seem to like him much so I’m confused to why she never said something. My girl is not one to not say when she’s mad.”

“Look,” she paused. She looked like she was trying to figure out say to me. “I love Darcy with all my heart. I didn’t give birth to her but no matter what she is my daughter. With that said I don’t agree with her regarding the way she’s gone about things with you and the twins. I would never tell her how to parent her kids, but her not telling you about Ethan was wrong on so many levels. And her telling the family and the kids not to mention Ethan to you.”

That pissed me off on so many levels. Why would she hide this guy from me? I don’t care if she dates. I didn’t expect her to sit around and be single for the rest of her life just because we didn’t work out. “Well I know now. I just wish she would talk to me. I miss her. She was my best friend and I hate not being able to talk to her. I get it, I messed us up badly. But does that she can’t ever forgive me?”

“I wish I knew the answer to that.” she rubbed my arm. “For what it’s worth, we were all rooting for you.”

“Thanks.” I smiled. With that we returned inside just in time to see the final look which was modeled by Darcy and she took my breath away. If it’s the last thing I do, I will win that girl back. I may be insanely pissed at her she is the love of my life.
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Well I got my first review on this story so decided to updated. We don't see who Darcy went to see and we won't for a couple of chapters. Who do you think she went to see? And what do you think about the way Darcy has handled things? Jack seems to be a great dad so why is she being such a brat and hiding things from him? And making the kids stay quiet about it. Hopefully she comes to her senses and starts being civil with Jack.